Charmian London Essays

  • In Love Of Life And To Build A Fire

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    styles. Jack London writes stories about his experiences in the Yukon. London describes the bitter cold and how difficult it is to live in the Yukon. London used a vivid style, movement of literature, and thematic meaning. Jack London was born on January 12,1876 in San Francisco, California. He grew up in a working class his whole childhood. London rode trains, pirated oysters, shoveled coal, worked on a sealing ship on the Pacific Ocean, and found employment in a cannery. When London was about 22

  • Jack London

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    planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time" This quote is a great example of how London loved to adventure and was a colorful celebrity. He did not spend all his time writing, but instead loved to kick back and have fun. Jack London fought his way up out of the factories and waterfront drives of West Oakland to become the highest paid, most popular novelist and short story writer of his day. He wrote passionately

  • The Life of Jack London

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    The Life of Jack London John Griffith London, who is considered by many to be America’s finest author, was born January 12, 1876 in San Francisco, California to an unmarried mother of a wealthy background, Flora Wellman. His father is thought to have been William Chaney, a Journalist, lawyer and major figure in the development of American Astrology. Because Flora was ill, an ex-slave, Virginia Prentiss, who would remain a major maternal influence during the boy’s childhood, raised Jack through

  • Jack London

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    Jack London fought his way up out of the factories and waterfront dives of West Oakland to become the highest paid, most popular novelist and short story writer of his day. He wrote passionately and prolifically about the great questions of life and death, the struggle to survive with dignity and integrity, and he wove these elemental ideas into stories of high adventure based on his own firsthand experiences at sea, or in Alaska, or in the fields and factories of California. As a result, his writing

  • Jack London: A Biography

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    Jack London: A Biography John Griffith London, better known to us as Jack London, was born to Flora Wellman January 12, 1876, in San Francisco. (Ranch Album)  His father was presumably W.H. Chaney, who left Flora after finding out she was pregnant. (Stasz, 9)  Flora met and eventually married John London on September 7, 1876 bringing John's two other children, Ida and Eliza, into the family. (Ranch Album) Flora enlisted the help of a wet nurse and, with the help her and Eliza, Jack London

  • Original Writing

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    Original Writing A few minutes north of London, the dark-grey sky, rising above bbuildings ; tall and thin. One end of the city is filled with people, lights, clubs and pubs. The other side of the city is quite and dark. The fog seems to linger over the street, clutching the buildings, the

  • Jewish Population of Victorian England

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    1880 60000 (Naman 47) "In 1800, the overwhelming majority of London's Jews, rich and poor, were still living in the East End of London, in and around the city" (Black 63). Not until decades later would Jews move out of the East End and move outwards from London and form their own communities. East End was the complete opposite of West End London. Black describes " a great part of the East End in gloomily picturesque panorama. The angular meanness of the buildings is veiled [with] the

  • Women of the 18th Century Compared to Women of the 21st Century

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    The 19th century woman is very comparable to the 21st century woman. They each have their unique strengths and weakness. Who is better; weaker, stronger? Between women of the 19th century and the 21st century, they each have fashion styles, rights, and roles that show how their lives are alike and different. The women of the 19th century had a unique style, very little rights, and hard roles. The waistline was at the natural place. This made the clothes tighter. The skirt shaped to look like a bell

  • Bombing London, the London Blitz

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    anecdotes of the Blitz. The internet has provided access to many historical resources to students of different educational and economic backgrounds. One is able to uncover many facts of the universe using the internet. Although many accounts of the London Blitz are uncovered during one’s search, many of these anecdotes are clouded by the writer’s personal eyewitness bias. Many university websites, news websites, government websites, and educational resource websites provide information to counter

  • The Pros and Cons of Migration in London

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    migration in London. As the London Migration Observatory claim London has the largest number of migrants among all regions of the United Kingdom (UK). About 37% of the UK’s foreign-born population was in London (LMO, Dr.Rienzo and Dr.Vargas-Silva). Furthermore, According to the Benton-Smith statistic, London is the 5th International city in the world after New York, Toronto, Dubai and Los Angeles.That is why author choose this city. This research will analyze the impacts of migration to the London in the

  • Analysis of Global Cities

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    will comprise our analysis of the question, exploring the transformation of London’s ‘industrial, occupational, income and residential’ structures. We will then discuss our analyses, drawing a conclusion focussing on the extent to which we believe London has been transformed. Methodology The prevailing requirement of the question is to maintain a sensitivity towards the essence of both the social characterisation and structure of Shoreditch and Hoxton: this implies the need for a response based upon

  • Gender Inequalities in Victorian England: Robert Browning’s Porphyria’s Lover

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    It was a tale of two lovers uniting in the night to express their affection and devotion. So how exactly did this tale of love, end in cruel, cold-blooded murder? Good evening and welcome to Poetry Break Down, I’m your host Mary Doe. Tonight, we will delve into the fascinating world of classic Victorian literature. Under the microscope is canonized poet, the late Robert Browning. Browning’s poetry was a reflection of his life and times living in Victorian England. Later on this evening we will analyze

  • Are Illegal Police Quotas Still Affecting American Citizens?

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    Are Illegal Police Quotas Still Affecting American Citizens? Just this past summer, one of my good friends was driving through Harrisonburg on his way home from work, when he noticed the one thing all drivers dread, flashing blue lights closing in on him fast. While pulling to the side of the road, he realized there was not one, but two police cars behind him. He knew he had only been going five miles per hour over the speed limit, so he was worried as to why two police cars had just pulled

  • Similarities Between the Worlds of The Matrix and Sheri S. Tepper's Novel, Beauty

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    Similarities Between the Worlds of The Matrix and Sheri S. Tepper's Novel, Beauty Similarities Between the Worlds of The Matrix and Beauty In the novel, Beauty, by Sheri S. Tepper, the main character Beauty travels through time and visits many futuristic worlds similar to those in the film The Matrix. The novel Beauty is a novel from the science fiction genre and is the story of Beauty's life. Throughout her life she experiences many abnormal places and travels. The novels different lands and

  • Self-Made Misery in Blake’s London

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    Self-Made Misery in Blake’s London The poet William Blake paints a picture of the dirty, miserable streets of London in his poem, "London". He describes the wretched people at the bottom of the society, the chimney-sweeps, soldiers, and harlots. These people cry out from their pain and the injustices done to them. The entire poem centers around the wails of these people and what they have become due to wrongs done to them by the rest of society, primarily institutions such as the church and

  • King Lear and Madness in the Renaissance

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    Hundred Years of Psychiatry 1535-1860: a History Presented in Selected English Texts. London: Oxford UP, 1963. 5. Johnson, Samuel. "Preface." Johnson on Shakespeare. Ed. R. W. Desai. New Delhi: Orient, 1985. 6. Shakespeare, William. "King Lear." William Shakespeare: the Tragedies, the Poems. Ed. John D. Wilson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986. 7. Skultans, Vieda. English Madness: Ideas on Insanity, 1580-1890. London: Routledge, 1979. 8. Wilson, J. Dover. What Happens in Hamlet. Cambridge: Cambridge

  • William Shakespeare and the Feminist Manifesto

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    Shakespeare and the Feminist Manifesto "Unruly women," "outlaws," "the female Wild," "the Other": these are some of the provocative terms used by feminist scholars in recent years to refer to Shakespeare's heroines. They have helped us to take a fresh look at these characters while we are reevaluating the position of women within our own society. But are Shakespeare's women really unruly? It would be anachronistic to believe that he created rebellious feminists in an age that had never heard the

  • William Blake, the Jonah of London

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    William Blake, the Jonah of London missing works cited Through the streets and alleyways of Nineveh the prophet Jonah trudged. At every marketplace and city gate he joyously roared his tidings of evil, “forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned!” Two and a half millennia after the great fish vomited Jonah back onto dry land, William Blake faithfully follows that path of bilge and seaweed, bile and gall, into the fraternity of prophets and oracles. Just as Jonah was reluctant to prophesy

  • Globalisation: Friend Or Foe

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    Dramatic Changes have taken place in Sydney’s cultural and economic landscapes during the past two decades. These changing landscapes have been linked in both political discourse and the popular press to Sydney’s emerging role as a ‘global city’. Evidence supporting this theory has come from some academic analyses of globalisation in the 1990s. Global cities are identified by their role as command centers for organising the global economy. Such cities have been characterised by their openness to

  • In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present

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    In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present two very different. In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present two very different and contrasting views of the same city. William Wordsworth view of London is positive and optimistic. William Blake on the other hand presents a very negative dismal picture of the city. William Wordsworth was born in 1770 and has always had a love of nature. He studied at Cambridge University, which later