Canadian Society Essays

  • Drugs: A Major Problem In Canadian Society

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    Drugs: A Major Problem In Canadian Society A major problem that exists within Canadian society is the abuse of mind- altering substances. Such narcotics cause not only health problems, but also violent and potentially criminal acts. A mind-altering narcotic can be defined as both the legal and illegal type. The four main categories of drugs are: narcotics, CNS depressants, CNS stimulants, and hallucinogens. Most of these drugs are highly addictive and are usually obtained by prescription or are

  • Implications of Racism in Canadian Society: R.D.S. v. The Queen

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    Implications of Racism in Canadian Society: R.D.S. v. The Queen "The courtroom is no place to find the truth." This quotation is taken from a Hollywood film, but has a tendency to ring true in legal disputes in Canada involving minority groups. Racism as a component in the Canadian societal context has prevented the realization of truth and justice throughout history. For instance, Donald Marshall Jr. endured a wrongful conviction as a result of racism in the criminal justice system. While

  • Fundamental Freedoms That Violate My Rights In Canadian Society

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    ‘’That violates my rights!’’ In Canadian society, this statement is often considered when individual citizens feel that they have been wronged in some way. Perhaps after a crime has been committed or when someone feels personally violated. In some cases, this is true. As Canadians we all have rights and freedoms granted to us because of a document that was enacted in 1982, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; it grants Canadian citizens individual rights, but to what extend? We have Fundamental

  • The Issues of Neglected Children

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    scarcely more tolerant. “With the ratio of one divorce in four marriages moving towards one in three, we have been forced to look beyond those unexamined assumptions to asses realistically the changing role and changing needs of the family in Canadian society” ( Canadian Council 28). For women, and their children, divorce can often put severe economic hardships on them. Another part of family breakdown can occur when the absence of a male presence or male support to single mother families. “In the years

  • Pierre Trudeau

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    Pierre Trudeau Pierre Trudeau, former Prime Minister of Canada, was once described as "A French Canadian proud of his identity and culture, yet a biting critic of French-Canadian society, determined to destroy its mythology and illusions". He has also been identified as "A staunch, upholder of provincial autonomy holding the justice portfolio in the federal government". Such cumulative appraisal and observation made by past fellow bureaucrat provides high testimonial for the ex-Democratic

  • The History of Kingston Penitentiary

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    Ontario in Ontario, Canada. It has served as the main symbol of punishment in Canadian society. Penitentiary Houses were first created in Great Britain in 1779. It was on June 1, 1835 that Kingston Penitentiary formerly known as the Provincial Penitentiary admitted its first six inmates. It represented a new world of confinement that removed the convict from his community and regimented his life. It introduced society to a new notion of punishment and reform. (Curtis et al, 1985) People expect

  • Canadian Hockey's Effect On Canadian Society

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    Canadian hockey is an important component to Canadian identity and way of life and if hockey had a less prominent place in Canadian society, this would change Canadians in many ways. Hockey impacts Canadians at all levels including youth hockey, minor hockey and professional hockey in the NHL. As hockey is one of Canada’s national sports, it demonstrates how valued the sport is in Canada. Hockey to Canadians is not just a sport, but is also a means of community and unity. It is also one of the most

  • Sexism In Canadian Society

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    regarding sexism but we still have a long way to go. In many situations, society has been one of the reasons for justice regarding equality. An example of this would be in 2003, when Prime Minister Jean Chrétien announced legislation to make same-sex marriages legal and said "There is an evolution in society" (CBC News Canada, 2015). However, we have also been faced with times where society brought us disadvantages. In the Canadian society, we still encounter many forms of sexism. The representation of women

  • Tim Hortons Case

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    Tim Horton's is a typical Canadian coffee shop. By observing and interpreting this setting, we can understand Canadian culture as it's expressed in that setting. Understanding this small part of Canadian culture can then be applied, in a broader way, to the culture of Canadian society. A certain language that is special to customers of Tim Horton's serves a purpose that most are not aware of, big business is changing and confusing our traditional culture with a new culture that is run and concerned

  • Promoting Diversity in Canadian Police Recruiting

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    Promoting Diversity in Canadian Police Recruiting The process of police recruiting has undergone several radical changes in recent times due to the increasing political pressures on police to adequately reflect the diversity of Canadian society. These changes are the attempts to correct past wrongs of previous recruiting practices, which have led to the dominance of a white male presence in the police forces. During the 1970’s, the recruitment of white males became so systematic that recruiting


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    Canada, but it was not easy to afford. When Medicare was introduced, Canadians were thrilled to know that their tax dollars were going to benefit them in the future. The introduction of Medicare made it easier for Canadians to afford healthcare. Medicare helped define Canada as an equal country, with equal rights, services and respect for every Canadian citizen. Medicare helped less wealthy Canadians afford proper healthcare. Canadian citizens who had suffered from illness because they could not afford

  • Multiculturalism In Canada

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    Is multiculturalism a disruptive or an integrative force in Canadian society? In terms of education, multiculturalism is becoming increasingly disruptive in Canadian society. It seems that there is a new issue in the media focus regarding education on a weekly basis. It's becoming increasingly apparent that most, if not all issues in recent years stem from the debate of whether to centralize or decentralize our current system of education. Proponents of centralization argue that a standard national

  • For the love of our parents

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    statistics are, believe it or not, understated due to lack of research. Elderly Canadians will always be a component of our society, and due to new medical breakthroughs they will be an increasing sector of the population. More specific laws, stricter enforcement of existing laws, and strategies for increased research and awareness need to be implemented in order to combat the increasing problem of elderly abuse in Canadian society. One major problem with the few existing laws is that they are not specific

  • Pros And Cons Of A Canadian Society

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    Canadians are brought up to think that society is only as man has envisioned it. That Canadian society is a product of man, a masterpiece of his endeavours, an illustration of his innate ability, motivation and effort, which would give him not only the right, but also the obligation to change and reform society as he seems fit (Brym, Robert J, p. 502, 2005). Why, could one not say that to have this any other way would simply be a mockery of man's reason and exploits? We are taught that Canada, alongside

  • Benefits Of Multiculturalism In Canadian Society

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    Summative Essay: Rapid Writing Is Multiculturalism Beneficial for Canadian Society? Today in Canada it is not uncommon to see people of various races, ethnic backgrounds or cultural groups living within a mutual society; commonly known as multiculturalism. Multiculturalism refers to the presence of, or support for the presence of several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society. As the topic becomes more more popular due to news events and social media debates, multiculturalism gets

  • Discipline In Canadian Pediatric Society

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    Discipline Name Institution   Discipline Discipline is a skill used to impart knowledge or to teach. There is a controversy between disciplining and punishing children based on ways involved and limits used. Canadian Pediatric Society recommends taking an anticipatory approach to discipline (Nieman & Shea, 2004, para 4). Parents should be asking questions based on the techniques that can be used at home to teach children. Control is recommended for children because it assists in changing behaviors

  • The Impact Of Climate On Canadian Society

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    What is the impact of climate on Canadian society? As a society, we have structured our day-to-day lives around historical and current climate conditions. We are accustomed to a normal range of conditions and may be sensitive to extremes that fall outside of this range. Climate change could affect our society through impacts on a number of different social, cultural, and natural resources. For example, climate change could

  • The Perpetuation of Racism in Canada by the Mainstream News Media

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    officially adopt a multicultural policy. However, while the Canadian government has developed a broad-based multicultural mandate that includes a national human rights code and increased penalties for hate-motivated crimes, and most Canadians oppose overt forms of discrimination and hate, racism continues to exist in Canadian society, albeit in a subtle fashion. Many theorists lay blame for the perpetuation of racism in Canadian society on the mainstream news media, arguing that racist preconceptions

  • Canadian Cancer Society Swot Analysis

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    Governance Structure The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization which has a national office and various offices in the provinces throughout Canada. The national and provincial offices are accountable to a volunteer board of directors; their responsibilities include governance, leadership, public accountability, establishing the society’s nation-wide, and provincial priorities, and acting as a national trustee on behalf of Canadians. There are four levels of the governance

  • Canadian Immigration: A Constructive Element in Society

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    Canadian Immigration In recent years, Canada has become the most preferred country for immigration. Besides first nations, everyone or their ancestors have immigrated to Canada sometime during Canada’s history. “About 250,000 new permanent residents arrive to Canada yearly” [Knowles, Valerie]. Among all the G-8 countries, Canada has the highest immigration rate. Canada is a country constructed by immigrants, playing an elemental role in Canadian society. Immigration has a significant impact on