Canadian Forces Air Command Essays


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    challenges of the 21st Century ... Air and space weapons pose a potential and growing threat to our continent. NORAD has developed concepts to meet the security challenges of the 21st Century. Achieving these concepts will provide NORAD the capabilities required to protect our homelands against aerospace threats in 2010 and beyond. PRECISION TRACKING is required to detect and track any air or space threat to North America from its origin -- in space, in the air, from land or sea -- because NORAD

  • Canadian Peacekeeping Missions

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    In the early years of Canada before Confederation Canada had been defended by the British Army, and some units known as the Canadian Militia. After a few years new units were created to defend Canada such as the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, the Royal Canadian Dragoons. These troops participated in many missions to protect Canada, one of them would be the North West Rebellion for Confederation in 1885 in which Canada fought against Saskatchewan to bring peace, and secure the province. In this battle

  • The Dramatic History of Canada's First Submarines: CC1 and CC2

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    The Precarious Canadian West Coast during the Great War Canada's West coast was largely unprotected before the Great War. Although Japan, an ally of the British Empire, was tasked to protect the northern Pacific, the stationed Royal Navy -- and later the Royal Canadian Navy -- units at Esquimalt (RCN's only West Coast Base) in BC units was virtually nonexistent. The aged cruiser HMCS Rainbow lay at the harbour, and the two nearest sloops were the Shearwater and Algerine. It was known at the time

  • Pursuing My Passion in The Air Force

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    The Army recruiter was persistent and he was calling every day. He told me my life would not have any meaning in the civilian world and I would die regretting my choice. Later, because of this incident, I would eventually decide to join the Air Force (AF). It all started when I approached the recruiter requesting information about going into the engineering or medical field. We discussed bioengineering and he would guarantee the position if I signed immediately. When I arrived at his office

  • Essay On Congressional Hearing

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    Environment on Wednesday, March 8, 2007 at 2:30 PM in Room SR-222, Russell Senate Office Building. The hearing was conducted by the subcommittee on strategic forces which is one of subcommittees within Senate Armed Services Committee. They discussed and examined the global nuclear weapons environment. It was a first former hearing of the strategic forces subcommittee for this year. The hearing room was very smaller than I expected, but it looked very classical and patriotic. There were large flags on

  • Pros And Cons Of Air Force

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    POSITION PAPER ON THE AIR FORCE DISBANDING INTO A SEPARATE AIR FORCE AND SPACE FORCE 1. This Position Paper is on the idea that the Air Force should disband into a separate Air Force and Space Force. This paper will go over three things; the pros and cons of doing this, and it will back up the notion that it is a good idea after all to disband into separate entities. 2. Space is a big place, it is constantly expanding, probes sent into space haven’t even reached the edge of the solar system

  • Billy Bishop

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    other solider has done before or since. This great Canadian Air Force Ace became one of the legendary figures in 20th century air warfare. With his daring and dramatic dogfights in France, he achieved a record of 72 kills in his many encounters. His role on the ground during the Second World War training pilots changed and inspired a whole new generation of fighter pilots. This man is known as Billy Bishop, the legendary and great Canadian hero who captured and won the respect of his enemies

  • Air Force Special Operations

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    Air Force Special Operations The United States of America is a powerful and well known force throughout the world. It has become a superpower of nations in just about three hundred years, being one of the newest nations in existence today. Its military reaches out into several countries in the globe and holds a presence as a peacekeeper and wielder of democracy. Of the US military’s five branches, the Air Force is the ruler of the skies, keeping control of the earth’s aerospace. Without the Air

  • The Battle of Britain and Sir Winston Churchill

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    daunting task of repelling the massive offensive by the dreaded German air corps, the Luftwaffe. In the year 1940 Adolf Hitler ordered an offensive in coordination with an attempted invasion of the isle of Britain. The only way Hitler was going to accomplish this great feat was the assert the power of his Air Force. In November of 1940 after months of constant bombardment of the English coastal cities, the Royal Air Force of Britain was ordered to begin attack on Germany. This rather inexperienced

  • Essay On How 9/11 Changed Canada

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    crash. Then imagine us Canadians getting the news those four planes crashed, but these are not just four random crashes; one hits the pentagon and two destroy the twin towers and one just misses its target the pentagon. Now just imagine how this would change Canada. 9/11 changed Canada significantly because of certain measures taken. These measure were mostly changes in security like sending troops to Afghanistan, increase in border security, border fees, the creation of Command Canada and Anti-Terror

  • Canada and the Cold War

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    safety for Canada from the potential aggression of the Soviet Union. Canada’s armed forces were the most engaged, and active responsive armed forces within NATO. Canada’s priority in NATO was to ensure that all allies remain modern and are able to face the threats during the time period. Canada was not just a member of NATO only, but it was also part of NORAD. NORAD is the North American Aerospace Defence Command. It is a USA-Can... ... middle of paper ... ...y in many ways; this includes being

  • Korea and the Canadian Navy - The role of the Canadian Navy

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    The Royal Canadian Navy with over a century of service under its belt has always answered its call to duty. In particular on the 30th of July 1950 [1],[5], the Royal Canadian Navy received its orders to deploy part of its fleet to Japan to assist their allies in an arising conflict in Korea. The previous month, on the 24th of June 1950, the heightened tensions in the Korean peninsula boiled over and the tiny boarder town of Ongijin was shelled heavily as the early dawn light broke the horizon [1]

  • The Cold War: Canada's Role In Canadian Peacekeeping

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    role immediately progressed into the peacekeeping country that it is known as today through their commitment in the, Pearson and the Suez Crisis, Bosnia and Rwanda and the Cuban Missile Crisis. At the point when the Suez Crisis emerged in 1956, Canadians enthusiastically grabbed the open door for UN peacekeeping. The UN round up included when Britain and France co-worked with Israel in an ambush on Egypt. Canada needed to limit the mischief done toward the Western cooperation by the French hostility

  • The Korean War: A Turning Point in Canadian History

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    a world power but under th... ... middle of paper ... ...ociation of Canada Inc. http:// (15 Nov. 2010) “Canadians in Korea, 1950 – 1953.” Veterans Affairs Canada. 20 October 2008. Canada. (21 Nov. 2010) “Chronology of the Canadian Advance in Korea.” Veterans Affairs Canada. 15 June 2008. Canada. sub.cfm?source=history/KoreaWar/chronology (23 Nov. 2010)

  • The Liberation of Holland

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    situation. The Netherlands were in dire straits, and needed help. We were that help. Realizing what needed to be done, the high command acted. The Canadians were the driving force for the liberation of the dutch people, through food drops, peace talks, and fighting smart. To begin, food drops were perhaps the most important part of the liberation. The Canadian forces realized that a vast amount of dutch people were starving, and that they had to do something. They realized that they might be

  • The Dieppe Raid

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    The Dieppe Raid  At dawn of 19th August 1942, six thousand and one hundred Allied soldiers, of whom roughly five thousand were Canadians, landed at the French port of Dieppe in their first major test of the defence of the German-held coastline of Europe since Dunkirk. A combination of over-rigid planning, inadequate communication; lack of supporting firepower; and in the final hour before the raid, absolute bad luck inflicted on the Allies made the Dieppe raid one of their worst defeats

  • Captain Robert Semrau: A Question of Ethics

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    On October 19, 2008, Captain Robert Semrau of the 3rd Battalion of the Royal Canadian Regiment shot and killed an unarmed, gravely wounded Taliban insurgent in Helmand province, Afghanistan. At the time of the shooting Capt. Semrau was employed as commander of Operational Mentor Liaison Team call sign 72A composed of four soldiers divided into two firing teams. The team had been conducting a clearing operation in conjunction with the Afgan National Army whom the team had been mentoring when the forward

  • The Devil's Brigade: The First Special Service

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    otherwise called the Devil’s Brigade or the Black Devils’ Brigade. The special unit among the United States forces was formed in the course of the World War II. Initially, the plan was to incorporate Canada and Norway in establishing a special elite force that would help in the activities of the war. However, Norwegian forces withdrew leading to collaboration between the United States Forces and Canada . The conception of the idea to establish a special elite unit in the Army and the subsequent implementation

  • British Women In Ww2 Essay

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    did the British Women’s Auxiliary Air Force assist the Allies’ war efforts during the Second World War? This question is important because in World War 1 British women were active in the war effort but to a limited extent, acting as nurses on the battle field and working in munitions factories, but resumed their traditional roles in society after the war. In World War 2 women were more active in the military through auxiliary groups, such as Women’s Auxiliary Force (WAAF) and it is important to understand

  • The Day Canada Became a Nation

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    the turning point of a stalemate on the Western Front of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. It was “the Canadians willingness to forgo nationalism in the interests of efficiency and effectiveness that marked a new” (Dickson 40) transition of the ending of war. Through the second battle of Ypres, the Battle of Aras, and observing the previous bloodbath at the Battle of The Somme, the Canadian Expeditionary Force (C.E.F) perfected their defense tactics and techniques to fight in the evolutionary battle that