Calorimeter Essays

  • Bomb Calorimetry

    740 Words  | 2 Pages

    A bomb calorimeter is more accurate in the readings of the sample, because it has a much more isolated area for testing and constant volume when testing. These are much more expensive than coffee cup, much more heavier, but give the best measure possible, thus they are used in universities. Because of its structure being layered with thick metal sheets, it's used for combustible substances. The coffee cup calorimeter is much cheaper and lighter than a bomb calorimeter, but gives off a

  • Freezing Point Depression Lab

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    First, a calorimeter was constructed with three standard styrofoam cups. One cup was stacked within the second for insulation, while the third cup was cut in half to be used as a lid. The lid was made to increase accuracy when recording the temperature. The temperature probe hooked up to Logger Pro software poked a hole in the top of the calorimeter by applied force with the end of the probe through the Styrofoam. Meanwhile, 40mL

  • Calorimeter Essay

    720 Words  | 2 Pages

    A calorimeter is used to measure the quantity of thermal energy gained or lost in a chemical change. For this experiment, a “coffee cup” calorimeter (a Styrofoam cup with lids and a thermometer) was used, under constant volume and atmospheric pressure. However, this calorimeter does not retain all the heat as it is not the most optimal choice for a calorimeter, but for this experiment, it is assumed that there is no loss of heat. In relation to heat, one method is

  • Calorimeter Temperature Reaction

    1548 Words  | 4 Pages

    reactions. A calorimeter is a metal container that is insulated for the purpose of conservation during a chemical process. In the calorimeter, a stirring rod and a thermometer place to keep track of the heat changes occurring during the experiment. Calorimetry was used in the experiments to measure the absorbed heat in a chemical process. This method of calorimetric measurement is good for conserving heat due to the energy transference from the liquid placed in the calorimeter to the calorimeter itself

  • Lab Report Testing Reactions with a Calorimeter

    2560 Words  | 6 Pages

    Lab Report Testing Reactions with a Calorimeter A team was sent to the chemical manufacturing division of a small chemical company to help the technicians with experiments. Since the notes written by the technicians were inaccurate and unfinished, all of the experiments they had preformed needed to redone and documented correctly. The head of the company gave the new team the task of trying to figure out why some chemical reactions caused the reaction vessel to get cold and others caused the

  • Investigating The Specific Heat Capacity Of Brass Using Calorimetry

    2371 Words  | 5 Pages

    boiling water for a while in order to assure that the metal’s temperature was the same as of the water. • We then placed the brass weight into the calorimeter and took a series of readings of the temperature of the water inside in order to find the maximum temperature reached. • We found the value of heat added to the cold water and the inner cup of the calorimeter by using our measurements and inserting it into the equation Q=mc∆T. • We found the value of heat taken from the brass weight also, using the

  • Lab Experiment: Calorimetry And Specific Heat

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    on top of the two Styrofoam cups, place a thermometer through the small hole in the cardboard cover. This creates a calorimeter. Take the calorimeter and place it into a small beaker to prevent it from falling over. 10. Measure and record the temperature of the water in the Styrofoam cup. Leave cardboard cover on until the heated metal is ready to be transferred into the calorimeter. 11. After the water, has been boiling for 10 minutes, and the temperature inside the test tube has been stable for

  • Calorimetry Lab

    989 Words  | 2 Pages

    and hydrochloric acid in the calorimeter. To determine the enthalpy change of the chemical reaction, a calorimeter was placed onto the workbench. A balance was place on the workbench. The calorimeter was placed onto the balance and weighed to be 18.600 grams. A thermometer was attached to the calorimeter. The initial temperature recorded is 21.5 C. 50 mL of 1M of Hydrochloric Acid was placed into the calorimeter. 0.150 grams of magnesium was added into the calorimeter. A chemical reaction had occurred

  • Medical Hot and Cold Packs Experiment

    2003 Words  | 5 Pages

    After the calorimeter constant is found we can move on to part two of the experiment, where we will test each of the four salts in the calorimeter to find out if the salt will be used for a hot or cold pack. Our goal is to first determine the q_dissolution and then to find the heat of dissolution. A -〖∆H〗_dissolution will be an exothermic reaction which indicates that the salt would go in a hot pack. While a 〖∆H〗_dissolution will be an endothermic which indicates that the salt would go in an ice

  • Comparing the Enthalpy Changes of Combustion of Different Alcohols

    3684 Words  | 8 Pages

    Experiment To carry out the experiment, I will fill my calorimeter with 75g of water. It is important that this is accurate, as it is needed to find the enthalpy change. The calorimeter will be held up by a clamp, connected by a boss to a clamp stand so that heat can be applied without having to hold the calorimeter up myself. The calorimeter always needs to be the same distance away from the heatproof mat at the bottom. The calorimeter is made of copper and is a good conductor which means

  • Lab Report Calorimetry

    722 Words  | 2 Pages

    experiment is to utilize a calorimeter to observe the changes of thermodynamic quantities. For Part 1: Heat of a Neutralization Reaction, 50.0 mL of 2.0 M NaOH was added and mixed with 50.0 mL of 2.0 M HCl in a calorimeter to in order to calculate the heat of neutralization for a strong acid/strong base reaction. For Part 2: Specific Heat Capacity of a Metal, an unknown metal (either A, B, or E), was heated in boiling water, and the unknown metal was placed and mixed in a calorimeter with cold tap water

  • Investigating the Enthalpy Change of Combustion for Various Alcohols

    2609 Words  | 6 Pages

    capacity is the number of joules required to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1oC (1g of H2O raised by 1oC = 4.18 joules) The combustion of the alcohols is not exactly as shown in the equation because some carbon is deposited on the calorimeter base ie. [IMAGE]C2H5OH + O2 2C + 3H2O Additionally, some carbon monoxide is produced ie. [IMAGE]C2H5OH + 2O2 2CO + 3H2O Therefore the equation provided for the complete combustion is an over simplification. Prediction: When bonds

  • Enthalpy Of A Neutralization Reaction Lab Report

    518 Words  | 2 Pages

    Determining the Enthalpy of a Neutralization Reaction Materials • One pair of goggles • One apron • 175 mL of 1.00 mol/L HCl(aq) at room temperature • 175 mL of 1.00 mol/L NaOH(aq) at room temperature • One calorimeter with a stirring rod • One 100 mL graduated cylinder • Two 250 mL beakers • One thermometer • One roll of paper towel Procedure 1. Before starting the experiment, the procedure was written and approved by the teacher. 2. An observations table was made to record the initial volume

  • Calorimetry Lab

    646 Words  | 2 Pages

    the boiling water for approximately 10 minutes. 4. While allowing the water to boil, the mass of an empty calorimeter was measure on the analytical balance along with the mass of that same calorimeter filled with 40 mL of water. Once the mass of the calorimeter with 40 mL of water was weighed, the calorimeter was placed on a ring stand and the temperature of the water within the calorimeter was measured and recorded. 5.

  • Heat Of Reaction Lab Report

    1239 Words  | 3 Pages

    to break the ionic bonds between the ions in the lattice structure, and the energy released when the free ions form dipole attractive forces with the water molecules). Heats of solution are generally measured in an insulated container, called a calorimeter. The process of the dissolving solute either adds or subtracts heat from the solution. The amount of enthalpy change can be determined by using the equation, q=m•C•∆T, with the specific heat of the solution generally being the same as that of water

  • Calorimetry: Hess's Law

    682 Words  | 2 Pages

    to know what Calorimetry, exothermic, endothermic, Hess’s Law, and calorimeter are. Calorimetry is the measurement of the quantity of heat exchanged. Exothermic is a chemical reaction where heat is produced, while endothermic is a chemical reaction where heat is absorbed. Hess’s Law is the heat change in a chemical reaction which is the same regardless of the number of states in which the reaction is affected. Lastly a calorimeter is a device for measuring the amount of heat given out or taken in

  • Properties Of Matter Lab

    680 Words  | 2 Pages

    Energy Law to solve a problem. Materials List: These are all the materials you will need to repeat this lab Balance - It will be used to measure the mass of the metal samples Six Metal Samples - These are the samples we are testing Styrofoam Cup Calorimeter - This will be used to measure the amount of heat involved. Beaker - It will be used as a container for the water that is boiling Hot plate - It will be used to heat up the water to boil 4 Graduated Cylinder (10 mL, 25 mL, 50 mL, 100 mL) - These

  • Calorimetry: How to Count Your Food

    535 Words  | 2 Pages

    The calorimeter is a large round silver cylinder with a smaller cylinder inside. It has 3 holes around the bottom edge of the larger chamber. The smaller chamber is held at the top by a metal rod the goes through both chambers. Below the small chamber, there is a cork with a needle sticking straight up from it (that is where you place the food to be tested). The small chamber has a thermometer in it which measures the temperature of the water if you were to use it. The top of the small chamber

  • Algae as Renewable Energy Research Project

    1573 Words  | 4 Pages

    grown, the algae was placed into a bomb calorimeter to measure the amount of heat energy it produces. Since there wasn’t a high quantity of algae, it was mixed in with sunflower oil. Subsequently, the sunflower oil and canola oil were also tested in the bomb calorimeter to measure the amount of heat energy they generate. The algae produced - 56.2670 kJ/g compared to sunflower oil producing -36.5578 kJ/g and canola oil producing -3.4893 kJ/g in the bomb calorimeter. This result confirms that the algae

  • Using Hess’s Law to Calculate Heat of Formation of of Magnesium Oxide

    1061 Words  | 3 Pages

    require Hess’s Law to determine the heat of reaction for the final desired product. Calorimetry is the science that determines the changes in energy of a system by measuring the heat exchanged with the surroundings. It often requires the use of a calorimeter which is an instrument for measuring the amount of heat involved in a chemical reaction. In this experiment, the first two reactions are exothermic so the temperature of the solution and container will rise and some heat will be lost to the surroundings