Business Plan Essays

  • The business plan

    2353 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Business Plan 1. Introduction This portfolio work will enable me to learn how to set up a business. And we have to do many things to set it up. And I want to set a tuck shop in the boarding house which is near the school and what I have to do is get the tuck shop started. I also have to write a business plan for it to make sure that I know what is I doing. A business plan will also allow me to minimize risks of failure; failure can be very costly to a business. I set it up because

  • business plan

    1176 Words  | 3 Pages

    The purpose of this business plan is to support a request for a 75,000 five-year bank loan to purchase equipment and inventory as part of the financing for a start-up sole proprietorship, Fast ‘n Fresh Premiun Ice Cream Parlor. The business will be owned by Daniel W. Beese and will be located in leased space at 858 Success Ave in the new Riverside Faire shopping center, Jacksonville, FL 32211. The owner will provide a minimum of 75,00 in initial equity. The business will serve healthy and

  • business plan

    2152 Words  | 5 Pages

    we are here to take the pressure of the client so they can spend more leisure time with family. We listen to their needs and work with them to create the event of their dreams. Our client’s wishes become our commands. We are confident that this business venture will be a success and we estimate that our 1.3 Keys to Success The keys to our success are as follows: 1. Service our clients' needs promptly and efficiently. 2. Maintain excellent working relationships with vendors such as musicians, hair

  • Business Plan

    2038 Words  | 5 Pages

    Business Plan Executive Summary Target Things is a mobile training and safety instruction company; it will utilize the DART Targeting System, a computerized range system incorporating the latest in technology and graphics. It is a 3-D range, which can be used for archery or other weapons type training. This convenient, compact and very affordable Dart digital shooting system comes in three portable cases that can be easily transported in a mid-sized vehicle. One case holds the electronic

  • Business Plan for a Nightclub

    1447 Words  | 3 Pages

    Business Plan for a Nightclub LEVEL 3 plans to be a chain of upscale nightclubs centering around the middle Georgia areas. It is demographically targeted to middle aged adult’s ages ranging from 25 and up. LEVEL 3 aims at providing quality entertainment, food and refreshments along with a welcoming environment that will give our customers a unique and entertaining experience. Company Overview This company evolved through a partnership on January 19th 2005. LEVEL 3 is located in Perry, Georgia

  • Business Plan - Nursery

    16579 Words  | 34 Pages

    PEOPLE I intend to employ on 3 to 4 employees along with my self and cater for approximately 12-20 kids once the business has established itself then I may decide to expand and cater for more children. THE PRODUCT I have selected a nursery because there is high demand in the UK as well that there is a reasonable amount of profit, which can be made if the business is planned out correctly. One of the main reasons why demand is so high is that more women then ever before are going to

  • Swot Analysis Of A Business Plan

    1087 Words  | 3 Pages

    he chooses to open up further stores. The following is a SWOT analysis of his current and future businesses. Any business will only be good as its current leader. Mr. Joseph Smith has shown himself to be a tremendous leader. Not only was he able to turn a profit on a restaurant his first year, but he is well educated as he has a MBA from Anytown University. He shows his business knowledge by picking locations around Anytown that have high traffic but do not have competition from other sports

  • Business Plan for a Car Wash

    3426 Words  | 7 Pages

    1.0 BUSINESS PROFILE 1.1 Business Description Modern people are very busy and they often neglect to clean their cars, and sometimes the limited living space also is the problem for the people who want to clean their car but they do not have space to clean their car, especially in Taiwan. Therefore, the car wash shops are increasing quickly, and people are happy to send their cars there. In Taiwan, hand-washing cars is more popular, because the customers think using hands to wash is softer. It

  • Internet Cafe Business Plan

    5124 Words  | 11 Pages

    Internet Cafe Business Plan 1.0 Executive Summary JavaNet, unlike a typical cafe, will provide a unique forum for communication and entertainment through the medium of the Internet. JavaNet is the answer to an increasing demand. The public wants: (1) access to the methods of communication and volumes of information now available on the Internet, and (2) access at a cost they can afford and in such a way that they aren't socially, economically, or politically isolated. JavaNet's goal is to

  • Business Plan for New Airline

    1661 Words  | 4 Pages

    Business Plan for New Airline HausAir Mission Statement HausAir fixed base operation will provide the highest quality of flight instruction and comfortable charter services to the public; without compromising an ounce of safety, at a price lower than the competition. Human Resources/ Management Functions Breakdown of initial staff to begin at HausAir. (1) Manager/Owner Jason Bushouse (1) Assistant Manager Jeff Doyle (5) Receptionist/Clerical Jason Henderson (Full Time) Julie Vanek (Full

  • Sample Nigthclub Business Plan

    868 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sample Nightclub Business Plan ( BackgroundSummary The generation of today has a lot of focus on leisure and off-time. They are looking for ways to escape their everyday lives and let loose. Whether that is dancing to new age music, having a few cocktails, or dining out with reasonably priced food. A nightclub can provide all these accommodations, and is the perfect venue to open up is done with some thoughtful planning. There are some important elements to consider. Location is

  • Student Cafeteria Business Plan

    1726 Words  | 4 Pages

    Executive Summary I recommend that we decrease the average service times for all food stations as well as reduce the minimum service time for the interactive cooking station and increase the inter-arrival time. We can implement this by offering specials a half hour to an hour before the rush period begins, have enough precooked meals available to accommodate the rush and precook the ingredients for the interactive station. We can also have the manager step in as the second cashier whenever a certain

  • Business Plan for Ward's Event Photography

    3606 Words  | 8 Pages

    Business Plan for Ward's Event Photography 1. 0.0 Table of Contents 0.0: Table of Contents 1.0: Executive Summary 2.0: Company Overview Market Opportunity Explanation Legal Form of the Business Company Location History Growth and Financial Objectives Manager Information 3.0: Market Analysis Summary Analysis of the Industry Target Market/Customer Profile Competition 4.0: Service Offering Summary Uniqueness Description Competitive Comparison 5.0: Marketing Plan Customer

  • Business Plan for Import Export Company

    4554 Words  | 10 Pages

    Business Plan for Import Export Company This business plan details the launch of a start-up company known as the Import Export Company (IEC). The company functions as a ‘middleman’ in purchasing housewares from manufacturers in China and reselling the products to retail buyers in the US and Canada. The Import Export Company is primarily an independent import/export business. The products we import from China are resold to retail buyers in the US; in addition, we export the products from China

  • Gcse Business Plan

    701 Words  | 2 Pages

    GCSE Business Studies - Starting a Business - Business Plan - Sporting Glory Business Plan a) Name: Sporting Glory b) Address: High Street, Sutton, Surrey. c) Limited Company/Partnership/Sole Trader: Sole Trader - Will go public (PLC) if business is successful. d) What does your business do? The business will sell quality affordable sports clothes and equipment through a retail store. e) Date you started trading: The business will start trading early 2003

  • Business Plan for Battery-Less-Hearing Aid

    3693 Words  | 8 Pages

    Business Plan for Battery-Less-Hearing Aid Hard of Hearing patients need something that will suit there financial goals in the long run, be less of a hassle to worry about and enhance their hearing all at the same time. We propose in creating a Battery-Less-Hearing Aid and believe that it is the best option to go because Hard of Hearing patients will never have to worry about recharging batteries or buying new ones all the time like you do with our current hearing aids that are available in today’s

  • Professional Business Plan

    503 Words  | 2 Pages

    When you first start up a business and you are looking to get funding of any kind, you will need to have a well written business plan in order to get anywhere and if you are not confident in writing one yourself a great alternative is a professional business plan service. Even if you are a talented and well versed writer, unless your occupation is as a current or former business plan writer, than you are probably better served seeking help. Perhaps you doubt this sentiment and feel as though you

  • Salvador sausage business plan

    4597 Words  | 10 Pages

    working capital. • This business plan leads the way. It renews our vision and strategic focus on the quality and value we put in our products and the market segment originally targeted. Our vision has been broadened by the success we have found in the marketplace, to the extent of adding new products and current plans on additional items and services. It has given us a step-by-step plan to meet and exceed our goals for increased sales, gross margin, and profitability. • This plan includes this summary

  • Importance Of Business Plan

    1337 Words  | 3 Pages

    definition of a business plan? Why do we need a business plan? What are the objectives of the business plan. And what kinds of business plans ? . Many questions need answers. We tried to cover it in this report through our research. First What is the business Plan? A business plan is a written statement that describes and analyzes your business and provides detailed projections about its future. The business plan also covers the financial aspects of starting or expanding your business - how much money

  • Comparison Of Business Plan

    755 Words  | 2 Pages

    Business Plan 1: 1. Read “Quality Training” (COMPARE AND CONTRAST OF BUSINESS PLAN) A business plan is a document used by managers to communicate a business idea, and obtain approval or financial support that will allow the idea to be implemented. 2. Comparison of business plan “Quality Training”. A. Executive summary: - Executive summary is a format of a business plan as a whole, which can attract the customers by their company profile and goals. The first paragraph is the introduction of the