Burmese Days Essays

  • Burmese Days Analysis

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    Relationship Tension Between Westerners and The Burmese Over time, Westerners came in contact with the natives. In the book Burmese Days by George Orwell, the author tells the story of the Western dominance in Burma. During the early 20th Century, the British Westerners gained control of Burman civilizations. A group of about ten British individuals maintain control of over 2,000 natives. Each character has different reasons and methods for wanting control. The locals accepted European dominance

  • Book Report on George Orwell's Burmese Days

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    Book Report on George Orwell's Burmese Days The book “Burmese Days” was written by George Orwell and published first in 1934. Orwell took the inspiration for this first novel of his from the experiences he gained during his service as an imperial police officer in Burma in the late 1920s. There he was confronted with extreme forms of imperialism, causing racism and also chauvinism. These are also the main topics of the novel and although they are wrapped up in the story of a single man’s fate

  • Comparing the Unique Characters of 1984, Animal Farm and Burmese Days

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    The Unique Characters of 1984 and Animal Farm and Burmese Days George Orwell, an alias of Eric Arthur Blair, is know for the books 1984 and Animal Farm. In both of these, as well as in most of his others, he seems to delight in using vivid and wholly believable characters, easily believable because of their obvious and tragic faults. Another similarity seems to be the consistent use of irony, a stylistic choice which plays big in Burmese Days and in several other works. Also, Blair enjoyed placing

  • Burmese Days Imperialism

    556 Words  | 2 Pages

    George Orwell’s novel Burmese Days, originally published in 1934, is a fictional account of daily life and struggle few British citizens stationed at a remote British outpost on the fringes of a jungle in upper Burma. The novel brings to light many issues that were commonly encountered as result of British imperialism and the subjugation of indigenous populations. The issues that arise in the novel revolve around racial tension, gender inequality, and political manipulation for economic gain and

  • Biography: George Orwell

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    teacher at a small private school in Hayes, Middlesex. This position gave him the time to write his first book, Down and Out in Paris and London, published in 1933 and is the first time he uses the pen name George Orwell. This was an account of his days living the poor life in Europe. He becomes sick and is again hospitalized with pneumonia ... ... middle of paper ... ...ominence in the late 1940s as two brilliant satires warning of the brutalities of totalitarianism. These works, along with

  • A Passage to India and Burmese Days

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    Throughout the novel A Passage to India, by E.M. Forster, and Burmese Days, by George Orwell, the authors use race, culture, economics, and liberal humanism to discuss various colonial issues. These issues include controversies, power structures, injustices, and the idea of syncretism between the colonizers and the colonized. A Passage to India focuses largely on using culture and liberal humanism to explore issues of colonialism while Burmese Days mainly uses race and economics to explore these topics

  • Power of the Oppressed in George Orwell's Shooting an Elephant

    1977 Words  | 4 Pages

    tradition when he went to Burma to work for the Indian Imperial Police, yet "when he realized how much against their will the Burmese were ruled by the British, he felt increasingly ashamed of his role as an alien police officer" (Britannica). In his narrative, "Shooting An Elephant", George Orwell realizes that throughout his entire rule in Burma he is actually the victim of the Burmese, and it is their expectations of what he should do with his power that force him to do what they want. Looking back

  • Moral Issues and Decisions in George Orwell's Shooting an Elephant

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    a puppet to the will of the Burmese by abandoning his thoughts of moral righteousness. This conflicts with the moral issue of relying upon other's morals, rather than one's own conscience. During Orwell's time in India he is exposed to several unethical situations. As an imperial officer, Orwell is often harassed, "I was an obvious target and was baited whenever it seemed safe"(Orwell 521). Therefore, Orwell's initial feelings are fear and rage toward the Burmese. He displays his hate in wanting

  • Prospect of Democracy in Burma

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    the international community and the people of Burma expected the process to evolve to the next stage – substantive political negotiations. However, the whole process has stalled. Burma’s military remain in control. In justifying the hiatus, the Burmese military leaders engage in various forms of platitudinous rhetoric, carefully designed to obfuscate their totalitarian intent. The theme of this rhetoric is that the country is undergoing a transition toward a multi-party democracy. Burma’s influential

  • Geroge Orwell

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    the world would be to drive a bayonet into a Buddhist priest’s guts. Feelings like these are normal by-products of imperialism” (qtd. in Lewis 41). Obviously, imperialism had affected Orwell to the point where he developed animosity towards the Burmese. As a policeman doing “the dirty work of the Empire” (qtd. in Lewis 41), Orwell acquired a hatred for imperialism, a belief that is focused on dominion over other individuals. Orwell later moved on to Spain where he joined the Partido Obrero de

  • George Orwell's Shooting an Elephant - A Moral Dilemma

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    British imperialism, he hates Burmese natives, and he hates his job. He is completely alone with his thoughts since he cannot share his idea that "imperialism was an evil thing" with his countrymen. Orwell sees the British rule as "an unbreakable tyranny, as something clamped down. . . upon the will of prostate peoples" because he observes firsthand the cruel imprisonments and whippings that the British use to enforce their control. Nor can he talk to the Burmese because of the "utter silence

  • The Pride of Baghdad, The Lady and The Tramp, and The Persepolis

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    I am writing the analysis of three comics, which are, The Pride of Baghdad, The Lady and The Tramp, and The Persepolis. When I read The Pride of Baghdad and The Persepolis, I think that it is very fasctinating story. In my opinion, when I read The Pride of Bagdad, it reminds about the Iraq War. In addition, it also tells me on how terrible the war can be. Why comic becomes famous? Comic is sequential art or text. According to the Wikipedia, The Pride of Bahgdad is the graphic novel written by Brian

  • Peace and Peacemaking

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    not discuss the Tibetan situation at great lengths in his book Ethic for a New Millennium, because it is a general book that outlines some guidelines of how to live life. Suu Kyi, on the other end of the spectrum, dedicates much of her book to the Burmese National League for Democracy and its responses to SLORC. The Dalai Lama, when dealing with the Chinese or general public, emphasizes the loving nature of all people, that true freedom comes only from our struggle for inner peace, that our actions

  • George Orwell's Shooting an Elephant

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    because of their race, ethnicity, or heritage. In this case, Orwell was pictured as a leader because he was British and he worked for the British Empire. Readers are able to relate to the fact that he does not want to be humiliated in front of the Burmese. He declares, ?Every white man'...

  • George Orwell's 1984, Animal Farm, and Burmese Days

    2457 Words  | 5 Pages

    Political corruption and dissatisfaction affected many people in the early twentieth century; especially the prolific writer George Orwell. George Orwell’s works 1984, Animal Farm, and Burmese Days, through their ubiquitous uses of stunning imagery, extreme totalitarianism, and raw diction, warn of the dangers of ambitious figures, corrupt governmental control, and the recurrence of vicious tyrannies while reflecting impressionable events in his life. Born on June 25, 1903 to parents Richard Walmesley

  • Burma Genocide

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    After a day of work or school, most continue on their way home. Instead of getting in a car, they walk. Walking into their house, they go for a snack, there is no food there. In fact, they don’t have a house at all. This is a life for people living though the Burma Conflict. Most people do not have anything to go home to, which is what makes this interesting. Many think that it is just another place with homeless people, but it is much more than that. Myanmar (Burma) is located west of China and

  • Can I Pet a Burmese Python

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    The Burmese python is becoming a very popular pet for people today. So many people going to their local pet store and buying one of these animals as a pet without knowing the possible dangers that come along with owning one of these great snakes. “The Burmese python, one of the largest types of snake in the world, is an increasingly popular household pet.” writes (Herszenhorn 8). Just keeping this animal in a cage often times is not enough. The Burmese python can get as large as “18 feet, 8 inches”

  • Burmese Python Essay

    523 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Burmese pythons are native to Southeast Asia. They can grow to the length of twenty three feet or longer. They can also grow to be two hundred pounds. They can grow to have the girth of a telephone pole. When they are young they spend most of their time in trees. As they grow they become too heavy to climb so they spend most of their time on the ground. The Burmese pythons are also great swimmers and can stay underwater for 30 minutes before coming up for air. The Burmese pythons are one

  • Essay On Burmese Pythons

    759 Words  | 2 Pages

    Common Name: Burmese Python Scientific Name: Python Molurus Bivittatus I. Introduction One of the five largest species of snakes in the world is now finding a home in the Florida Everglades. The Burmese python has a dark colored eye-catching patterned skin and is known for its calm and relaxed temperament. Because of the attractiveness of their skin pattern and docile nature, it is one of the large snakes of choice among reptile owners. Unfortunately, these snakes can reach huge lengths and weigh

  • Understanding Burmese

    980 Words  | 2 Pages

    If you are doing business in Myanmar, what is more valuable than speaking Burmese? Understanding chinlone. What is Chinlone? Chinlone is the most quintessential of all Burmese national sports. It is similar to hacky-sack, but with hundreds of years of development that have incorporate traditional dance and Buddhist philosophy into its playing style. Playing it well is an art, but the basic rules are simple: 1. Do not control the ball with your hands, and 2. Try to keep the ball aloft while