Bryozoa Essays

  • Essay On Horseshoe Crabs

    708 Words  | 2 Pages

    You probably think horseshoe crabs are crustaceans, but you’d be wrong. They actually aren’t crabs at all, and there’s more about the horseshoe crab that you wouldn’t believe. This weird-looking marine animal survived two mass extinctions and lived in the Ordovician Period. To begin with, the horseshoe crab, one the world’s oldest living creatures, are quite active. This fascinating crab has ten small walking legs under a strong, sturdy exoskeleton, a long spine in the abdomen, and a long pointy

  • Lophophore Research Paper

    717 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction: The Lophophore is a characteristic feeding organ possessed by four major groups of animals: the Brachiopod, Bryozoan, Entoprocts, and Phoronida, which collectively constituted the Lophophorata. [1] All Lophophore are found in aquatic organisms The Lophophore can most easily be described as a ring of tentacles, but is often horseshoe-shaped or coiled. Why do we call the tentacles a Lophophore? Because the tentacles have several distinctive characteristics that differentiate them from

  • Hydrocarbons Essay

    923 Words  | 2 Pages

    Two properties are required for fluid movement of Reservoir rocks and Source rocks: permeability and porosity. It consist voids or pores, ability to contain fluid (known as porosity) and the pores are interconnected (permeability) in order to allow flow to occur. Hydrocarbons can be termed as reservoir fluid. The volume of hydrocarbons stored in a reservoir depends upon the porosity of the reservoir rock. The rate and volume at which hydrocarbons are withdrawn depends upon the permeability of the

  • Effects Of Plastics On Marine Life

    1008 Words  | 3 Pages

    Why are plastics harmful to marine life? Plastics are part of marine debris, which are defined “as any persistent manufactured or processed solid material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and coastal environment” (Gall, 2015). Glass, metal, paper and plastic are the waste materials that are found the most inn the marine environment (Gall, 2015). They are starting to be recognised as a global problem (Gall, 2015), due to the fact more and more plastics are being produced, and consequently