Bruce Dawe Essays

  • Homecoming by Bruce Dawe

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    Homecoming by Bruce Dawe The poem 'Homecoming' originates from Bruce Dawe. Its journey depicts the aspects of war and its devastations upon human individuals. Using mainly the Vietnam War as a demonstration for its destructions. Within this poem Bruce Dawe dramatizes the homecoming of Australian veterans' bodies from Vietnam. This is clearly an anti-war poem, reproducing the sentiments of those who opposed the time when this war occurred. The poem starts of in what seems to be a monotone

  • Bruce Dawe - Americanized

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    Bruce Dawe is strongly opposed to consumerism, as shown through his poem, Americanized. The poem is written in a predominantly bitter and ironic tone. The title itself is ironic. Bruce Dawe is Australian and has spelled the title using American spelling rather than Australian spelling, with the ‘s’ being replaced by a ‘z’. Stanza one is set in the morning at breakfast time. It involves the mother and her child. Instead of the usual loving mother, we see a cold mother and one that is doubtful of her

  • Bruce Dawes Poetry

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    Discuss 2 of Dawe's poems which illustrates his belief that ordinary things in life are a good subject for poetry.Bruce Dawe poems illustrate his version of "ordinary". The poems I have studied of his work have been about life and how people deal with everyday living. Such poems as Drifters and Homosuburbiensis are good examples of how Dawe captures the meaning of "ordinary". Drifters is about a family who move from place to place, as the father needs to move by the demand of his job. The young children

  • Bruce Dawe

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    Bruce Dawe Bruce Dawe is a prominent Australian poet born in 1930, in Geelong. His experiences as a laborer, postman, gardener, and in particular his 9 years as a sergeant in the Royal Australian Air Force, have enabled him to recollect and articulate his memories into a renowned compendium, Sometimes Gladness, which has been described as “perhaps the most successful book of verse by a contemporary Australian poet”. His anthology contains a variety of poems. The three I will be discussing

  • Analysis Of Enter Without So Much As Knocking By Donuce Dawe

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    Donald Bruce Dawe (AO) was a one of the most influential Australian poets of all time whom challenged readers with his strong moralistic messages throughout his work. During Dawe’s childhood, he moved throughout Melbourne while his father sought employment. He worked as a postman, lecturer, teacher, and was enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force, all as well as being a successful writer and poet. His life experiences are prevalent in his writing, where his moralistic and powerful views encourage

  • Bruce Dawe's Homecoming

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    Bruce Dawe's Homecoming Bruce Dawe writes of his experiences in the Vietnam War in the poem "Homecoming". By using many different language techniques he conveys his sadness and sympathy for the loss of the lives of the young soldiers. Repeated use of the pronoun "they're", hints at the impersonal relationship between the bodies and their handlers. Repetition of the suffix "-ing" in "bringing", "zipping", "picking", "tagging", and "giving", describing the actions of the body processors

  • Bruce Dawe Essay

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    universally accepted and Bruce Dawes powerful poems ‘Weapons Training’ and ‘Homecoming’ reveal this. Dawe creates an Australian insight to the training and consequences of the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War was a long conflict Beginning in 1954 and ending in 1975. More than 3 million people were killed in the tragic War. Dawes ‘Weapons Training’ demonstrates the guidance of an abusive Sergeant whilst ‘Homecoming’ illustrates the shocking consequences and impact of war. Bruce Dawes powerful war poems, paired

  • Homecoming By Bruce Dawe

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    write poems about war. The severe poem Homecoming by Bruce Dawe and the empathetic ‘The Falling leaves by Margaret Postgate Cole are both written from the perspective of someone who is not on the battlefield. They utilise a variety of imagery and literary features to further emphasize the deeper significance of war while conveying the message that war is wasting young soldiers lives and brings much suffering and grief to family and friends. Dawe and Cole have similar perspectives of death and delve

  • Homecoming Bruce Dawe

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    that will analyze is the dehumanization of soldiers and the futility of war; it is proven that when soldiers go to war they are not remembered as normal people but only a statistic on a page. The poem that will be analyzed is ‘Homecoming’ By Bruce Dawe. Bruce Dawe is an anti-war poet who has written several poems that relates to war and shows his true viewpoint

  • Analysis of the Poem Enter without So Much As Knocking by ruce Dawe

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    Much As Knocking’ by an ex-Vietnam veteran Bruce Dawe was published in 1959 and can be found in his Sometimes Gladness: Collected Poems 1954-1992. ‘Enter Without So Much As Knocking’ shows how consumerism has a negative effect on society. The poem portrays the life of a typical man who is living in the suburbs. It begins with the birth of a child. As the baby begins to observe the world he has been brought into, he sees instructions, signs and expectation. Dawe stresses the point of the first thing that

  • Bruce Dawe Poem Analysis

    989 Words  | 2 Pages

    Australian poets Bruce Dawe and Gwen Harwood explore ideas and emotions in their poems through vivid and aural poetic techniques, the poets also use symbolism to allow the readers to relate to the text. In Dawes “Homecoming”, the poet explores the ideas in the text using language techniques such as irony, paradox and visual imagery to construct his attitude towards war and the effect. While in Gwen Harwood’s, “The violets”, she uses prevailing imagery and mood to emphasize fertility and growth. Contrastingly

  • Drifters by Bruce Dawe

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    Drifters by Bruce Dawe This poem is about a family that’s always on the move, with no place to settle down for long, hence the poem was titled ‘Drifters’ to describe this family. ‘Drifters’ looks at the members of this family response to frequently change and how it has affected them. This poem is told in third person narration in a conversational tone. This gives the feeling as if someone who knows this family is telling the responder the situation of this family. The use of phrases like

  • Up the Wall, by Bruce Dawe

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    discussing. These poets range from Oodgeroo Noonuccal Aboriginal and women’s rights activist to Banjo Patterson describing life in the bush. Bruce Dawe is also one of these poets. His insightful representation of the dreary, depressing life of many stay at home mothers in “Up the Wall” is a brilliant example of a poem strongly relevant to Australia. Bruce Dawe the common people’s poet has been influenced by a diverse range of experiences contributing to his wide range of subject matter. Dawe’s interests

  • Bruce Dawe Poem Analysis

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    This essay will explore how the poets Bruce Dawe, Gwen Harwood and Judith Wright use imagery, language and Tone to express their ideas and emotions. The poems which will be explored throughout this essay are Drifters, Suburban Sonnet and Woman to Man. First, the authors use imagery to express their ideas and emotions through their poems. Within Bruce Dawes poem Drifters, there are forms of imagery through the use of connotative words like "Green tomatoes", this suggests something premature, which

  • Homecoming And Guernica Bruce Dawe

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    “Homecoming”(1968), both by Bruce Dawe, as well as the artwork “Guernica”(1937) by Pablo Picasso. Dawes’s poems express political views that compete with the conventional political views that Australians had in his time, including being against consumerism and against involvement in the Vietnam War. In Guernica, Picasso utilises a range of visual techniques to display his political voice against the Spanish Civil War, and the atrocities of wars in general. Both Dawe and Picasso employ techniques

  • Similarities Between Wilfred Owen And Bruce Dawe

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    Wilfred Owen and Bruce Dawe both experienced war, however they were involved in two different conflicts. Owen was an English soldier and anti-war poet who died a hero in conflict one week before World War I ended. This demonstrates success for the country itself and the veterans being seen as heroes. Contrastingly, Dawe was a university educated anti-war poet from Australia who joined the air force during the Vietnam War. This was controversial for both soldiers and people from the country being

  • Sons and Lovers as Bildungsroman

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    states the Oedipus complex as: “the struggle of a man to emancipate himself from his maternal allegiance and to transfer his affections to a woman who stands outside the family circle” (277). Paul’s compromising situations with Miram Leivers and Clara Dawes, as well as the death of his ... ... middle of paper ... ...293-294. Kuttner, Aldred Booth. “Sons and Lovers’: A Freudian Appreciation.” The Psychoanalytic Review. 3 (1916): 295-317. Rpt. In TCLC, Ed. Dennis Poupard. Vol. 16. Detroit: Gale,

  • Life-cycle

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    and “resurgent lions”, Dawe effectively illustrates Victorian popular culture in the poem “Life-cycle”. Generally speaking, the subject matter is associated with Victorian lifestyle, notwithstanding the prevalent reference specifically to AFL football. Humour and good intentions counterbalance sentiments of condescending ridicule. Dawe flippantly suggests that “the tides of life will be the tides of the home-team’s fortunes”. Whilst some may be inclined to assume that Dawe is merely mocking a preoccupied

  • The Knife

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    a horror story before at some point, but a story from Alfred Hitchcock is different because at the end he leaves the reader thinking what has happened. In "The Knife" he uses Plot, Setting, and Conflict to do just this. Edward Dawes and Herbert Smithers are just two friends having a drink with each other, but one of them has a knife that was found in a nearby sewer drain. Herbert is cleaning it widly as if he was possesed. Then a red ruby appears on the knife when

  • Mean Spirit

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    John Hale is a tall, lanky white rancher and oilman. He is trusted by the Indians, and seems to be a generous and helpful person. Watona was a small Indian town that prospered due to the rich rivers of oil flowing beneath it. As part of the Dawes Act, each Indian was allowed to choose an allotment of land not already claimed by white Americans. Although the 160 acres of land per Indian seemed generous, the land was barren and dry. The government did not know, however, that black oil seeped