British Essays

  • british punk

    839 Words  | 2 Pages

    two versions of punk, the original American and its British descendent, were very different. British punk was aggressive and angry. It demanded immediate change and had no interest in working for the solution. The Sex Pistols typified British Punk with such songs as "Anarchy In The UK," which did not give a thought to anarchy's effect. American punk seemed lazy by comparison. It was sarcastic where the English version was more violent; the British pushed one step further, thus gaining more recognition

  • British Castles

    2407 Words  | 5 Pages

    BRITISH CASTLES Great Britain’s castles exemplify artistic characteristics and were essential elements in the lives of kings, lords, nobles, and chieftains. The word castle means a building or group of buildings usually intended as a residence of a king, lord, noble, or chieftain. There are many different types of castles, and the features about them are simply amazing. Warfare was also an important issue involving castles. They had to have some means of protection. The castles reached their

  • British Airways PLC British Airways

    1536 Words  | 4 Pages

    British Airways PLC British Airways British Airway’s PLC is the largest international airline in the world. It is based at Heathrow airport in London, the busiest international airport in the world, and has a global flight net-work through such partners as USAir in the United States, Qantas in Australia, and TAT European airlines in France. Via its own operational and those of its alliance partners, British Airways serves 95 million passengers a year, using 441 airports in 86 countries and

  • British Chartism

    584 Words  | 2 Pages

    The outcome of the social revolutions of 1830-1833 left Europe in a general sense of discontent. Governments were doing their best to limit democratic movements by restricting voting privileges to the wealthier middle classes. Limited voting power kept the Whig party “safe'; from radical pressure in Britain. These absurd manipulations of the electorate and parliament encouraged democrats and radicals (middle classes) from all over Europe to protest and eventually uprise. One of the best, most

  • British Entrepreneurs and the decline of the British economy

    3597 Words  | 8 Pages

    British Entrepreneurs and the decline of the British economy Was the British entrepreneur the most important single reason for the relative decline of the British economy in the late nineteenth century? Despite a continued growth of production and wealth in absolute terms, the economy of "the first industrial nation" began to decelerate after 1870, in comparison with that of her closest competitors. This so called "decline" was caused by a number of factors not merely one as the question

  • British Racial Prejudice

    8202 Words  | 17 Pages

    Racial Prejudice in British Immigration Policy Introduction The purpose of this paper is that to highlight what I see as racist, unjust and inhumane elements in Britain’s immigration system and the culture of secrecy surrounds it. The permanent residents (who has indefinite leave to remain), central to this discussion not the illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers. Also immigration’s treatments of people coming over to Britain for a range of other reasons and with papers and visas they expect

  • British Imperialism

    1511 Words  | 4 Pages

    British Imperialism In many respects, the Boer War resembles the struggle toward globalization a century later that Friedman describes in The Lexus and the Olive Tree. The British, with their more advanced industry and technology, attempted to pull the Boer Republics away from the Olive tree and into the new global economy, golden straightjacket and all. The British Empire had much at stake in the conflict, and eventually achieved its main goals. It protected its holding at Cape Town, which

  • British Cuisine

    1589 Words  | 4 Pages

    day.' To be perfectly honest, most British food was considered by many people as terrible. It included overcooked vegetables, boring sandwiches and greasy sausages. It was definitely not an enjoyable experience. However, these are now only stereotypes. Things have changed a lot and food has become very important in British culture. Not only TV cooks are more famous than writers, but also their recipes and books are well-known across the Europe. The New British cuisine' is changing the fish and chips'

  • British Poetry

    4054 Words  | 9 Pages

    Knowledge of contemporary British poetry is of great importance when it comes to understanding the reigning trends of England. The 1970s saw a fair amount of polemic concerning the discontinuities of the national "traditions," most of it concerned with poetry, all of it vulnerable to a blunt totalizing which demonstrated the triumphant ability of "nation" to organize literary study and judgment--as it does still, perhaps more than ever. It remains the case twenty years later that there is a strong

  • The British Cultures: The History Of The British Empire

    1235 Words  | 3 Pages

    claiming that; regardless of the various forms and locations around the world that captivity took place it still hold a special place in the history of the British Empire between 1600 and 1850. In order to truly understand the impact the British Empire had on the world and vice versa. One must explore the cultural interactions between the British colonists with the foreign lands they were forcing themselves upon. As the author puts very simply, the cultural interaction of taking captives in this era

  • Product Strategy of the British Airways

    2943 Words  | 6 Pages

    the British Airways 1.1 Introduction to product strategy Product is the most important component in an organization. Without a product there is no place, no price, no promotion, and no business. Product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or a need. It is the core ingredient of the marketing mix and is everything favorable and unfavorable, tangible and intangible received in the exchange of an idea, service or good (Kotler 11th edition, 2003). British Airways

  • British Imperialism: The Fall Of The British Empire

    865 Words  | 2 Pages

    The glorious British Empire, at its height the most powerful régime in the world. Just a small island off the western coast of Europe, Britain grew to the span across the entire globe, effectively creating am Empire where the sun never set. Colonization, industrialization and a sense of nationalistic destiny drove the once expansive Empire. We still see effects of British imperialism today, which our global economy, as well as national tensions that germinated as a result of decolonization. Moreover

  • British Empire

    2896 Words  | 6 Pages

    THE BRITISH EMPIRE The British Empire was the largest empire in history and for a time was the foremost global power. It was a product of the European age of discovery, which began with the maritime explorations of the 15th century, that sparked the era of the European colonial empires. By 1921, the British Empire held sway over a population of about 458 million people, approximately one-quarter of the world's population. It covered about 36.6 million km² (14.2 million square miles), about a quarter

  • Folklore and British Cultural Studies

    3099 Words  | 7 Pages

    Folklore and British Cultural Studies As an American folklorist studying postcolonial literature in a cultural studies centre in England, I felt a bit colonized myself when, upon browsing in Fred Inglis' Cultural Studies, I read about "the large vacant spaces now being staked out by cultural studies" (181). It reminded me of the nineteenth-century maps of Africa, made by Europeans, that depicted the continent as an unfilled void, even though it teemed with people, cultures and boundaries. So

  • British Imperialism

    863 Words  | 2 Pages

    entities which would continue to benefit and trade with Britain. While its Asian territories were to be ruled by a British governor along with treaties with quasi-autonomous regional states. Britain’s experience in India led to realization that further annexation would prove unmanageable and costly to maintain. With India acting as a centre for trade and regional security, the British only intervened to protect important trading settlements like the strait settlements, indirect economic dependency

  • british and french health care

    1476 Words  | 3 Pages

    their weaknesses but I would still much rather have our own health care system. I hope these facts about the different systems will help you better understand them. Bibliography Cowell, Alan (2001, September 1) Health Care Gap Has British Looking Abroad The New York      Times Klein, Rudolf. 1995 The New Politics of the National Health Service, 3rd ed. New York:      Longman. Wilsford, David. 1991 Doctors and the State: The Politics of Health Care in France and the      United States

  • Realism in British Soap Opera

    2693 Words  | 6 Pages

    Realism in British Soap Opera Using a media text as a key example, evaluate selected techniques of fictional production which contribute to a sense of realism consistent with genre or format used. Many have defined the term realism but these definitions by Watt and Williams can be easily applied to my choice of media text, which is the British soap opera. Fiske writes that Watt and Williams “….tend to define it by its content. Watt traces its origins to the rise of the novel in the seventeenth

  • British TV Drama

    1228 Words  | 3 Pages

    British TV Drama To what extent has British television drama contributed to a public discourse on major political and social issues, both in the recent past and during the 1960s. Please draw on specific examples in presenting your argument. In this essay I will discuss how political and social issues have been raised in British television drama and also how they relate to public discourse in Britain. I will discuss TV dramas such as Our Friends in the North, Talking to a Stranger, Cathy Come

  • British Imperialism

    1588 Words  | 4 Pages

    The British colonization of India caused and still continues to cause great controversy among historians and can be considered as one of the most polarizing topics in history. Throughout the period of imperialism, Britain possessed the largest empire in the world and other countries viewed Britain as the most successful and powerful imperialist country. They colonized countries in order to improve their own political and economic situation as well as those of the colonies. This type of symbiotic

  • The British Empire

    1272 Words  | 3 Pages

    The British Empire ultimately had beneficial effects for its people; they did so through military, and economic aspects. Many advancements and benefits of these aspects led to a stronger empire and better lifestyle of its people. The main reason these advancements occurred was because the British Empire, and the most of the other European countries, were much more technologically advanced. While they enjoyed many years of advancements and developments, they still underwent periods of upheaval and