Borders Investigation Essays

  • Math Borders Investigation

    1602 Words  | 4 Pages

    Math Borders Investigation Figure below shows a dark cross-shape that has been surrounded by white squares to create a bigger cross-shape; The bigger cross-shape consists of 25 small squares in total. ------------------------------------------------------------- The next cross-shape is always made by surrounding the previous cross-shape with small squares. Part 1- Investigate to see how many squares would be needed to make any cross-shape built in this way. Part 2- Extend

  • Border Security and Transatlantic Counter-Terrorism Measures

    3075 Words  | 7 Pages

    Border Security and Transatlantic Counter-Terrorism Measures ABSTRACT: The United States and the European Union share common values, economic interests, and security challenges. The expansion of the European Union into the countries which were under the Soviet sphere of influence continues to complicate the internal border security of the European Union. Given the liberalization of trade within the EU and in turn into the US, the port and border security of each trading partner is connected

  • We Must Educate the Children of Illegal Immigrants

    727 Words  | 2 Pages

    deflected from their children because of the linguistic and social problems that many of the newcomers face. And finally, they worry that even more illegal immigrants will cross our borders because of the lure of free education. This last worry is probably unfounded. It is unlikely that many parents are crossing the borders solely to educate their children. More likely, they are in desperate need of work, economic opportunity, and possibly political asylum. As Charles Wheeler of the National Immigration

  • Cultural Diversity and the Impossibility of a True Melting Pot

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    ning with its Declaration of Independence, the United States distinguished itself from other modern nation-states by establishing a country of men who were different but equal. Yet, despite the unifying images America projects within and beyond its borders, the idea behind E Pluribus Unum does not resound as one might assume it would. E Pluribus Unum was originally intended to be both a representation of the union of the thirteen colonies and an expression of the United States as a country formed

  • Devil's Highway is Dangerous Stretch in Arizona

    820 Words  | 2 Pages

    illegally enter the United States. While attempting to cross this strip of land immigrants face discomfort from the elements on top of a fear being detected and apprehended by boarder control. Many Immigrants will do anything to avoid being discovered by border control. In their efforts to avoid being apprehend immigrants may run away from not only law enforcement, but also those traveling with them, including those leading them across the unfamiliar desert. These immigrants find themselves lost and alone

  • The Coming Anarchy, by Robert D. Kaplan

    1210 Words  | 3 Pages

    Robert D. Kaplan’s article “The Coming Anarchy," is best summarized by the following quote, which identifies the different factors that he evaluates throughout his article, “To understand the events of the next fifty years, then, one must understand environmental scarcity, cultural and racial clash, geographic destiny, and the transformation of war.” (Kaplan, 1994) This is the framework that he uses to make his supporting arguments and thus this summary will be broken down into these four main parts

  • Costs And Contributions: The Wave From South Of The Border

    1003 Words  | 3 Pages

    Costs and Contributions: The Wave From South of The Border Every year, hundreds of millions of people enter the US via land ports of entry, and the INS each year apprehends over 1.3 million aliens at or near the border. Over 90 percent of those apprehended near the border are Mexicans, and some who enter the US legally and illegally are carrying drugs into the US. This influx of illegal immigrants from south of the border has created quite a stir in many places. Is this good that people are coming

  • Globalization: Promoting Stability and Prosperity

    2662 Words  | 6 Pages

    through trade and financial flows. The term sometimes also refers to the movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology) across international borders. The definition reflects technological advances that have made it easier and quicker to complete international transaction through trade and financial flows. It refers to an extension beyond national borders of the same market forces that have operated for centuries at all levels of human economic activity from the smallest village markets, urban industries

  • Analysis Of The Film Frozen River

    2605 Words  | 6 Pages

    struggles that two single mothers face. Both these women live in upstate New York near Quebec. Lila Littlewolf a young single Native-American mother lives in the Mohawk reservation between the Canadian and American border. Although it is difficult for her to distinguish between the two borders, this also presents an enticing opportunity to become involved in the business of human trafficking. Ray Eddy an older white single mother finds herself coincidentally crossing paths with Lila while searching for

  • Virtual Communities, Open Communication, and the End of Nationalism

    1233 Words  | 3 Pages

    People have boundaries that are constructed by them to keep unwanted intruders from penetrating. Similarly, countries have the same type of boundaries and borders, both serve as checkpoints and to identify what is trying to penetrate their borders. If we would be willing to create a stronger sense of tolerance and equality, rather than such a strong sense of nationalistic views that tend to separate people, using the technology of the 21st century, then we can actually harness the power, and break

  • Anzaldúa’s Genre Borderlands

    517 Words  | 2 Pages

    writes of a Utopic frame of mind, the borderlands created in and lived in by the new mestiza. She describes the preexisting natures of the Anglos, Mexicanos, and Chicanos as seen around the southwest U.S. / Mexican border, indicative of the nations at large. She also probes the borders of language, sexuality, psychology and spirituality. Anzaldúa presents this information in various identifiable ways including the autobiography, historical/informative essay, and poetry. What is unique to Anzaldúa

  • The Habsburg Monarchy

    2987 Words  | 6 Pages

    position in the empire, in which their nobility and relative autonomy was sustained. I will split this answer up into two sections; the Cisleithanian (Austrian) and the Hungarian parts of the empire. Both dealt with the nationalities within their borders differently and consequently were faced with varied political parties representing the demands of their group. The Habsburg Monarchy ruled over a nations of poor, more backward countries of Europe; and in an age where small countries tend to get absorbed

  • Borders and Dreams by Chris Carger

    1755 Words  | 4 Pages

    Borders and Dreams by Chris Carger In the book Borders and Dreams, Chris Carger shows the readers the hardships of Alejandro, a Spanish-American boy with very little educational background. In her case study of both Alejandro and his family she shows how the limitations of Alejandro, his parents, and an overpopulated school system can make succeeding in an American school nearly impossible. In this paper I will look at all the obstacles that Alejandro faced both before and during his education

  • Borders

    1042 Words  | 3 Pages

    Borders are concepts which encompass and exclude. They exist everywhere. Some are literal visible physical lines whereas others go beyond sight and exist in terms of characteristics such as monetary wealth, or even humanity. Over time these boundaries are redefined and in turn change the flow of daily life for the individuals they effect. In many cases it is the powerful governments which are in control of the pen which outline these symbolic and physical lines. However as history can prove even

  • A Case for Open Borders

    1838 Words  | 4 Pages

    A Case for Open Borders In his address to a joint session of Congress on January 8, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson declared freedom of the seas in times of peace and war. Looking back, it seems ridiculous to think that anyone could challenge the right of individuals to navigate the oceans freely. However, fast-forward to the twenty-first century and we can see an analogous debate over the issue of immigration rights, with territorial borders being the main topic of discussion. The system of

  • Levinas on the Border(s)

    3874 Words  | 8 Pages

    Levinas on the Border(s) ABSTRACT: This essay explores my own situation of teaching philosophy in a more or less traditional undergraduate setting but in a way that is especially relevant to the theme of this Congress, namely, the theme of "philosophy educating humanity." In my case, I teach philosophy but from a perspective that is non-traditional and which undercuts the standard questions originating from and orienting around a "philosophia perennia." Specifically, I teach philosophy of religion

  • The Borderlands: 1880 - 1940

    1596 Words  | 4 Pages

    rest of the world. In the past the region's economy was based on ranching and farming. As the region became more urbanized the economy changed. The economy did not change equally between the United States and Mexico, the United States' side of the border boomed while Mexico's side did not. The cities that did prosper in region were based on the actions of the United States. Actions that affected the cities in Mexico were Prohibition and the Great depression. Events in the United States were not the

  • Crossing Borders

    519 Words  | 2 Pages

    Crossing Borders The beat-up Arab minivan slowed tentatively under the scrutinizing gaze of the Israeli soldier on duty. The routine was simple. About halfway between Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem and Ramallah, the West Bank commercial center, the driver, blaring Arabic music on his radio, maneuvered around the dusty slabs of concrete that composed the Beit Haninah Checkpoint. He waited for a once-over by the Hebrew-speaking 18-year-old and permission to continue. Checkpoints-usually just small

  • Affirmative Action Is the Wrong Action

    1703 Words  | 4 Pages

    with those issues. Minorities have suffered at the hands of the white male majority for centuries as the social activities of the old war were brought to the new colonies, only to ferment and continue to affect the lives of all who lived within her borders. There is no doubting that this continued discrimination is a problem; however, the question arises with how to deal with it. Legislation has been passed to remedy the situation, yet has been seemingly ineffective. Affirmative action has caused problems

  • Life on the Border

    1312 Words  | 3 Pages

    Life on the Border I used to be a person who was hung up on material possessions. I was always wanting more, never satisfied with what I had. Whenever I would go to the mall, I would want everything that I saw. If I had money I would always spend it. I was constantly buying things that I didn’t need or only used once. I felt like I was unfortunate because I didn’t have a new outfit every week, and I couldn’t get a new pair of shoes every time I walked out the door, but that all changed the summer