Border Control Essays

  • Mexico Versus United States Government

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    other’s. This relationship that the two countries share directly affects that lives of millions of Mexican and United States citizens everyday. Recently these two countries have become even more unified than ever before. Tackling issues such as Border Control, Countering Narcotics, Dealing with multiple Law enforcement agencies, Human Rights laws, trade and development, etc. There are many issues that they are mutually interested in and must deal with. Yet, there are some vast differences in which

  • The United States Needs a Terrorism Czar

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    United States Needs a Terrorism Czar Introduction Drug trafficking activity and terrorism activity have much in common.  Both drugs and terrorism have strong national security and law enforcement components, they have military components, border control components, economic and trade components, medical components, and agricultural components.  Today there are some 50 federal agencies with some degree of counterdrug responsibilities and at least 12 federal agencies with important counterterrorism

  • International Law and Border Control

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    . ...e, Russia, China and the UK to control their borders due to the fact they can withstand any sanctions place upon them if they were to breach international law. However, to a great extent, international law does inhibit the ability of nation’s states that are not economically and politically sound to control their borders. Firstly, this is due to the fact that “weaker states”( those states not economically and politically strong) have to reduce border strictness in order to facilitate the

  • The Pros And Cons Of Border Control

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    have multiple sides to them that can be argued very well for both sides. This topic on border control, I believe, can be well argued for both sides because there is plenty of evidence and information that would help further that side’s argument. Now, in the context of which side furthers democracy the most, can be a different story. According to an article by Arash Abizadeh (2008), the regime of boundary control must be democratically justified to foreigners as well as to citizens, in political institutions

  • Devil's Highway is Dangerous Stretch in Arizona

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    spot for those trying to illegally enter the United States. While attempting to cross this strip of land immigrants face discomfort from the elements on top of a fear being detected and apprehended by boarder control. Many Immigrants will do anything to avoid being discovered by border control. In their efforts to avoid being apprehend immigrants may run away from not only law enforcement, but also those traveling with them, including those leading them across the unfamiliar desert. These immigrants

  • Border Security and Transatlantic Counter-Terrorism Measures

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    Border Security and Transatlantic Counter-Terrorism Measures ABSTRACT: The United States and the European Union share common values, economic interests, and security challenges. The expansion of the European Union into the countries which were under the Soviet sphere of influence continues to complicate the internal border security of the European Union. Given the liberalization of trade within the EU and in turn into the US, the port and border security of each trading partner is connected

  • Borders

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    Borders are concepts which encompass and exclude. They exist everywhere. Some are literal visible physical lines whereas others go beyond sight and exist in terms of characteristics such as monetary wealth, or even humanity. Over time these boundaries are redefined and in turn change the flow of daily life for the individuals they effect. In many cases it is the powerful governments which are in control of the pen which outline these symbolic and physical lines. However as history can prove even

  • The Coming Anarchy, by Robert D. Kaplan

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    Robert D. Kaplan’s article “The Coming Anarchy," is best summarized by the following quote, which identifies the different factors that he evaluates throughout his article, “To understand the events of the next fifty years, then, one must understand environmental scarcity, cultural and racial clash, geographic destiny, and the transformation of war.” (Kaplan, 1994) This is the framework that he uses to make his supporting arguments and thus this summary will be broken down into these four main parts

  • Essay On Globalization

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    in understanding politics”, if the state capacity and political ability to execute reforms fails to occur. But globalization incorporates also a process of interdependency among countries worldwide, through increasing volume and a variety of cross border transactions in goods and services, acceleration of communication, free international capital flow and widespread diffusion technology (Burnell et al. 2011:23). Suriname, a developing country, linked up and integrated within the globalized world

  • A Case for Open Borders

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    A Case for Open Borders In his address to a joint session of Congress on January 8, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson declared freedom of the seas in times of peace and war. Looking back, it seems ridiculous to think that anyone could challenge the right of individuals to navigate the oceans freely. However, fast-forward to the twenty-first century and we can see an analogous debate over the issue of immigration rights, with territorial borders being the main topic of discussion. The system of

  • We Must Educate the Children of Illegal Immigrants

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    deflected from their children because of the linguistic and social problems that many of the newcomers face. And finally, they worry that even more illegal immigrants will cross our borders because of the lure of free education. This last worry is probably unfounded. It is unlikely that many parents are crossing the borders solely to educate their children. More likely, they are in desperate need of work, economic opportunity, and possibly political asylum. As Charles Wheeler of the National Immigration

  • r

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    open borders because it is not moral, ethical or humane, it keeps people in their place, they do not use all of the resources, they help the economy and they should have no obstacles in their way. An open border helps the European Union not only helps the country, but everyone else in different ways, such as economic, bringing in immigrants, making everyone have ties to different people in the world, and with everyone feeling togetherness and more comfortable with other cultures. Open border is a

  • Cali Cartel vs. Tijuana Cartel

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    exorbitant riches but in their ruthless tactics. Because the group is conveniently located near the 2,000 mile border between the US and Mexico, they do not have to spend as much money or have as sophisticated distribution systems as The Cali Cartel does. This border consists largely of rugged terrain that is difficult to patrol. Mexican traffickers have mastered transportation methods over this border. What the Cali Cartel lacks in location for transportation, they make up in location for raw materials

  • Globalization: Promoting Stability and Prosperity

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    through trade and financial flows. The term sometimes also refers to the movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology) across international borders. The definition reflects technological advances that have made it easier and quicker to complete international transaction through trade and financial flows. It refers to an extension beyond national borders of the same market forces that have operated for centuries at all levels of human economic activity from the smallest village markets, urban industries

  • Kashmir

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    land, beautiful lakes, covered with thick green forests and produce verity of fruits. Area, 84471 sq.: miles; with boundaries with Pakistan, India, china and Afghanistan. Population, About 5 million consisting of 77% Muslim. Borders with Pakistan 902 miles and borders with India 307 miles. Brief History, The state of Kashmir came into existence in 1848 when Lord Lawrence the Governor General of British India sold the area to Gulab Singh a leader of Hindu dogra tribe for RS 7.5 million. Dogra

  • Immigration Problem In The United States

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    controversial. Many people have different answers to the immigration. Some say that we should close your borders to all outsiders, some say just specific countries, others want walls to cover our borders. The best solution is to have more regulations and better border control. That goes for both Mexico and Middle Eastern Countries which is the source of most of the problems. There needs to be better border checkpoints. The U.S needs to keep a better number on who's coming in and out. For the Middle Eastern

  • Jumping the Border

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    Jumping the Border Imagine this, living in a very small town, smaller than Kachina Village, with only one store where you could make and receive phone calls, there are no public phones, no residential phone lines, no electricity and no running water. The roads are not paved until you get to the main road where people travel the most. The next town is about thirty minutes away, and there is only one bus that comes to this small town once a week, so people can go shopping and do other things

  • The Habsburg Monarchy

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    position in the empire, in which their nobility and relative autonomy was sustained. I will split this answer up into two sections; the Cisleithanian (Austrian) and the Hungarian parts of the empire. Both dealt with the nationalities within their borders differently and consequently were faced with varied political parties representing the demands of their group. The Habsburg Monarchy ruled over a nations of poor, more backward countries of Europe; and in an age where small countries tend to get absorbed

  • Borders and Walls in Humanity

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    Borders and Walls in Humanity When a wall is encountered literally and physically, there are many different ways in which a person can react to the situation. One group of people would generally just find a way over or around the obstacle. While some other people might pursue a way directly through the wall. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but they both exist as outcomes to the same dilemma. The basic wall has been around with humans for as long as the discovery of masonry

  • Analysis of Bulgaria

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    existence, natural terrain features defined most boundaries after 1944, and no significant group of people suffered serious economic hardship because of border delineation. Postwar Bulgaria contained a large percentage of the ethnic Bulgarian people, although numerous migrations into and out of Bulgaria occurred at various times. None of the country's borders was officially disputed in 1991, although nationalist Bulgarians continued to claim that Bulgaria's share of Macedonia--which it shared with both