Bony fish Essays

  • Bony Fish Research Paper

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    (Sharpe 2001) Bony fish scales are composed of dermal elements that potentially contains dentine and enamel protein, but do not contain keratin (Sharpe 2001). There are a few different types of scales Osteichthyes may have such as cosmoid, ganoid, cycloid and ctenoid also known as elasmoid. Both the cosmoid and the ganoid scales are more common on ancient fish, and are larger in size, used for protective measures, and are multilayered. The Teleost fish scales include the scales of modern fish that being

  • Essay On Oarfish

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    The Giant Oarfish Cool Facts: The giant oarfish has a number of characteristics which makes it unusual. One fact is that it is the longest bony fish alive today- up to 36 feet long (11 meters). A second fact is that, since it sometimes floats on the surface of the ocean when it is sick or dying, it may be the source of the idea of sea monsters. A third fact is the entire taxonomic family to which the oarfish belongs consists of only four living species. Taxonomic Information: The scientific

  • Evolution Of Fish Research Paper

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    Fish is a common name given to a selected group of vertebrates. The origin of fish has many different viewpoints. The only thing we are sure of is that prokaryotes were here on earth first. This leads us to the hypothesis that all organisms are more elaborate versions of each other and prokaryotic organisms. Fish are known to be the stepping stone for all tetrapods (all vertebrates that walk on land) and are also considered the first known vertebrates. Fish are ever-changing creatures over the past

  • Animal Adaptation Essay

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    surrounding is the immediate habitat that affects the animal which includes water, land, air and other living things. Animals have developed adaptations over time. Animals’ adaptation matches with the way they are living. Different groups of animals such as fish, reptiles, birds, mammals and amphibians have their own general adaptation mechanisms. Skin covering is a good example of animal adaptation. The skin covering for various animals have evolved over time. The paper discusses the various forms of the

  • humuhumu

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    Of course there are many beautiful and dynamic fish that reside in the waters of Hawaii, but none are as captivating as the Humuhumumunukunukuapua'a (Rhinecanthus rectangulus ). This reef trigger-fish is the official state fish of Hawaii because of its abundance in the shallow waters of the coast. Humuhumumunukunukuapua'a means “nose like a pig” because of the shape of its nose due to the formation of its teeth and because it makes a “snorting” sound when abruptly taken from the water and when

  • Persuasive Essay On Shark Water

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    rhinoceros horns. If the price drops, the amount of sharks killed annually will fall with it. Doing this will also help return ecosystems back to the way they were before the top predators had been hunted out of the area. This will aid in managing fish populations as well, especially those not fished commercially such as jacks and

  • Decline In Sharks

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    Larger and less resilient species of sharks known as carcharhinids are often caught by industrial fisheries looking to fish tuna and swordfish. A large percentage of their population has declined over time and many of their species have either disappeared or have gone extinct. The loss of the carcharhinids have actually seemed to improve the population of more prolific

  • Lake Sturgeon Research Paper

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    their natural habitat. These fish often live on the bottom of the lake and often coast the shoreline. This particular type of fish tries to avoid salt water because they can get eaten by larger fish like sharks. This fish is typically solid dark brown in color with a bright white belly. The Lake Sturgeon was once apart of the major northern lakes like the Great Lakes, Hudson Bay, and the Mississippi River.¨ They also have been found in 19-20 different States. These fish are sometimes referred to as

  • Sailfish Essay

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    A sailfish is an incredibly amazing fish. They have a very sleek shape and because of that they are very fast. They make their home in the Atlantic Ocean and are generally found along the warmer coastal waters. Sailfish eat a wide variety of foods that include octopus, squid, shrimp, bony fish ,baby crab , mackerels, tuna, jack, halfbeak, needlefish, and many other types of fish that travel in schools.The sailfish has a very cool scientific name. It is called Istiophorus Platypterus. A sailfish

  • Fish Persuasive Speech

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    The impressive mola mola is a bony fish known as the world’s heaviest fish species, weighing up to 2,200 pounds. Often called the ocean sunfish, this species appears to be flattened, and can reach extensive lengths with use of its dorsal and ventral fins. They mainly dine on jellyfish, and a lot of them. Number Eight: A Barreleye Fish This particular fish is most frightening because of its horror movie-like

  • Six Marine Biology Films

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    creature pulse to deliver oxygen to their bodies, an example could be the coral polyps. As the movie shows, the ocean has acquired a population of immense diversity. The biggest of all fish is the whale shark (50 feet long).Sharks evolved 400 million years ago. But, the fish that dominates the sea today is the Bony fish. They have bone, swim bladder and paired fins. They can swim as fast as 70 miles per hour. In addition, 10 million years ago mammals invaded the sea and became streamlined. Dolphins

  • Caviar

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    Caviar Settlers of America discovered sturgeon to be the most prolific fish of the North American continent. In the beginning of 19th century, the United States was the major producer of caviar in the world and produced 90% of the world's caviar. The American caviar industry got started when Henry Schacht, a German immigrant, opened a business catching sturgeon on the Delaware River. He treated his caviar with German salt and exported a great deal of it to Europe. At around the same time, sturgeon

  • Fish Circulatory System Essay

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    A fish heart is one of the simplest vertebrate hearts. The circulatory system is a single circulation, with a two-chambered heart. The blood from the fish’s atrium is pumped into the ventricle. Blood is pumped to the gills from the ventricle where gas exchange occurs in the gill filaments. This is called gills circulation. The carbon dioxide is removed while the oxygen is taken in. This re-oxygenated blood is then transport to the rest of the body’s tissues and organs to get rid of carbon dioxide

  • Jaws Persuasive Essay

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    A mighty fish swims through the ocean, its powerful fins propelling it effortlessly through the currents. Schools of fish dash to avoid the jaws of their formidable ruler. Suddenly, the shark is ripped from its watery kingdom. The harsh sunlight burns its toothed skin as it is slammed carelessly onto the rusted floor of an old dingy boat. Men with knives run to the fish, holding it down. One man lifts his knife and lacerates the shark’s fins one by one, blood spattering his hands tosses the fins

  • The Stingrays

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    Diet Stingrays eat a variety of foods. Although Stingrays are relatively large creatures, they feed on tiny marine animals such as crustaceans. Specific species include crabs, clams, oysters, snails, worms and some species of fish. The Common Stingray primarily prey during the nighttime rather in the day and because they are in the order of Myliobatiformes, they strictly feed on meat (Carnivores). When hunting, they hunt within the upper water column meaning they eat in areas above the sea floor

  • Coral Catshark Research Paper

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    There are nearly 400 different types of sharks that have been identified to this day, yet there are still new sharks being recognized every day. Atelomycterus marmoratus, also known as the coral catshark, is a member of the scyliorhinidae family, which is the largest shark family. The coral catshark belongs to the animalia kingdom, chondrichthyes class, elasmobranchii subclass, and the A. marmoratus species. Another common name for the coral catshark is the marbled catshark, which came from the original

  • Animal Migration Essay

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    original location over time whereas animals with a shorter life span tend to continue on to new locations over time. At least one organism within each of the five vertebrate classes has been documented to participate in migration. Later, the migration of fish (specifically the salmon) and birds will be discussed more in depth but first a basic knowledge of migration and what all that in tails needs to be apparen t. There are many ways to track the migration of animals and tracking methods have been improved

  • Evolution Of Sharks Essay

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    regarding sharks and shark species has come a development of taste for the shark and the scarce resources it provides. Shark populations are disappearing faster than ever before, and studies about sharks have come along just as these cartilaginous fish fade from the face of the planet. Shark populations are crashing due to many reasons. For one, sharks have oftentimes been depicted as bloodthirsty predators that prey on humans. This has caused them to assume the role of the unwanted predator, similar

  • Common Caiman Research Paper

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    marsh in search of food and mates. Native to an area starting in northern South America and ranging to northern Central America, this reptile has begun moving into territories further and further north. This crocodilian can be identified by a curved bony ridge near the front of the snout and banding of darker color over the species’ back, which its American counterparts lack. As of now the Caiman is too susceptible to cold weather to continue moving north into central North America, and has been stunted

  • Swell Shark Characteristics

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    class are as follows: cartilaginous skeleton, ampullae of lorenzini, dermal denticles, and pectoral fins (Natalia Riusech and Diego Arias, Natural History of Vertebrates). A cartilaginous skeleton, the defining feature of Chondrichtyhes, allows the fish to swim more efficiently due to the elastic nature of cartilage. However, all of the Chondrichthians must swim or else they sink due to the lack of a swim bladder (Classes Found in the Phylum Chordata). Some species within the class Chondrichthyes