Bassanio Essays

  • Merchant of Venice Essay: Antonio's Love for Bassanio

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    Antonio's Love for Bassanio in The Merchant of Venice Antonio feels closer to Bassanio than any other character in The Merchant of Venice. Our first clue to this is in the first scene when, in conversation with Antonio, Solanio says, "Here comes Bassanio, your most noble kinsman, / Gratiano, and Lorenzo. Fare ye well: / We leave you now with better company" (i. i. 57-59). Once Antonio is alone with Bassanio, the conversation becomes more intimate, and Antonio offers an indebted Bassanio "My purse, my

  • Essay on Death and Love in The Merchant of Venice

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    Everyone loves a martyr. He's that guy who not only suffered but died for his cause, his passion, his love. Bassanio may not be the most worthy cause to die for, but in Act IV of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, Antonio is resigned to do so. In his final words before Shylock is set to extract his pound of flesh, Antonio has abandoned efforts to prevent his punishment and assures Bassanio that the deed must be done for the benefit of all. Despite the grisly and morbid nature of the procedure, Antonio

  • How The Characters In The Merc

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    Shylock is not merciful to Antonio and that he is hateful towards the Christians, has resulted in him losing his possessions. Bassanio not only helps Antonio, but is also wise and being wed to Portia is his reward. Antonio gives money to Bassanio and is willing to die for his friend and his reward is his life. The particular actions and decisions made by Shylock, Antonio and Bassanio causes them to reap the benefits or misfortunes of their behavior. Shylock is one of the more evil characters, who shows

  • Poetic Verse and Rhyme in The Merchant of Venice

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    The Merchant of Venice, indicating the story of the merchant. Antonio's best friend, Bassanio, is an impecunious romantic who borrows money on Antonio's credit to court the woman he loves. Since Bassanio is in a perpetual state of indebtedness he requires money to appear affluent enough to marry Portia, the beautiful maiden from Belmont. The central antagonist is Shylock, a Jewish money lender who gives Bassanio the desired funds on Antonio's credit, but on one unusual condition. Instead of his usual

  • The Doomed Antonio of The Merchant of Venice

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    of Venice (Shylock, Portia and Bassanio) are so intriguing and so vocal, that the central figure, the merchant Antonio, is often largely ignored. This neglect is perfectly appropriate to the play's theme and the protagonist's struggle, for Antonio is an outsider. The play's theme is marriage and Antonio is both a stranger to the world of marriage, for he has no desire to partake of it, and he is an enemy to marriage, for it steals his one true love, Bassanio. The play's opening line

  • Merchant of Venice: The Effects of Cross-Dressing

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    that no barriers lie between the sexes when he refers to Jessica as a "gentle" (II vi 51). He puns on the word, which can mean a refined lady or a gentleman, implying that the two can be indistinguishable. In the final scene when Portia questions Bassanio about his ring, he declares, "No woman had it, but a civil doctor"(V i210). He suggests that the two could not represent the same person. As he continues to speak, he reinforces gender differences; he describes Portia as "sweet" and "good" then refers

  • Merchant of Venice Overview

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    and he cannot explain why. His friend Bassanio is in desperate need of money to court Portia, wealthy women of Belmont, so Bassanio asks Antonio for a loan. However, Antonio cannot give Bassanio the loan because he has just invested all of his money into a number of ships that are still at sea. Antonio advises Bassanio to go and meet with Shylock, a Jew who is a moneylender. Bassanio takes Antonio’s advice and the both of them go to meet with him. When Bassanio and Antonio meet with Shylock, Shylock

  • Merchant of Venice Essay: The Depression of Antonio

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    and sadness). The play revolves around Bassanio's love for Portia.  Bassanio needs money to play the suitor to Portia in "style".  His friend who loves him, Antonio, agrees to give him the money, but, because all of his money is invested in his merchant ships he must take a loan from the greedy Jew Shylock.  Shylock loans him the money in exchange for a pound of his flesh if he does not pay the loan back on time.  Bassanio wins Portia's hand, but, before they are joined together, Portia will disguise

  • Merchant Of Venice Character Diary - Shylock

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    Today Bassanio came up to me asking for my moneys. Later on I told him that I would lend him the moneys without any interest. I was very cautious in the repeating of his demands. Antonio is naive risking his life hoping the ships will return. I am clever because I am using this opportunity to get revenge. I made Bassanio nervous when I called Antonio a good man and they both probably knew the meaning. I'll show Antonio when his ships fail to return. Lancelot is getting on my nerves again. He is snail-slow

  • The Merchant Of Venice

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    The Merchant Of Venice Act 1 In the fist act, Antonio is introduced as the Merchant of Venice. A friend of him, Bassanio, desperately needs money because all of his money is on his ships and he wants to go to Belmont to visit the woman of his dreams, Portia. Therefore he goes to Antonio to ask if he is willing to go to Shylock and ask him if he can have 3000 ducats. Antonio agrees and goes to Shylock and explains that he has to pay it back within 3 months. If he doesn't do this, he may cut one

  • Essay on Antonio in The Merchant Of Venice

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    how I caught it. Found it, or came by it, What stuff 'tis made of, whereof it is born, I am to learn:"1 Along with Shylock, both men seem bitter and have difficulty  in expressing their emotions. On many occasions friends, such as  Salerio and Bassanio have questioned his sadness, trying to find an  explanation for their great unhappiness with themselves and with the  world. - Salerio: "But tell not me: I know Antonio Is sad to think upon his merchandise.2 Antonio: "Believe me, no: I thank

  • Points Against And In Favour F

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    merciful’ she is not saying that this is what the law says he must be, but that he should do this because it is the only thing he can do morally. The mercy theme runs all the way through the scene and many opportunities were offered by the Duke, Bassanio and Portia for Shylock to take the moral course of action, but he constantly refuses saying he should get what he deserves not by moral justice but by the law. Shylock does have the right to the forfeit of his bond and it is Antonio’s fault

  • Merchant Of Venice - Antonio And Shylock

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    William Shakespeare shows how two tradesmen can have completely different lives when others view them differently in the play The Merchant of Venice. In the play, Bassanio, Antonio’s friend, needs money to pursue his love. They seek a loan from Shylock, a Jewish moneylender in Antonio’s name. The contract is for three times the value of the bond in three months or else Shylock cuts off a pound of flesh from Antonio. While all this is happening, there are love plots going on. One of which is for Shylock’s

  • Unresolved Issues in The Merchant of Venice

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    left unresolved for the thoughtful reader. As the action begins Antonio, a wealthy merchant who deals in overseas trade, is sitting on a bench preening. The character of Antonio is clearly written as full of affection and devotion towards Bassanio. Bassanio wishes to borrow money to woo Portia, a woman of beauty and means who is constrained by her dead father's demand that she marry the man who solves the riddle and chooses the right metal casket. Antonio is having a cash flow problem, with his

  • Merchant of Venice Essay: Triumph of Good over Evil

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    merciful’ she is not saying that this is what the law says he must be, but that he should do this because it is the only thing he can do morally.  The mercy theme runs all the way through the scene and many opportunities were offered by the Duke, Bassanio and Portia for Shylock to take the moral course of action, but he constantly refuses saying he should get what he deserves not by moral justice but by the law. Shylock does have the right to the forfeit of his bond and it is Antonio’s fault that

  • Merchant Of Venice

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    of many events that have happened: Bassanio's ship setting off and Gratiano going with him; Shylock's reaction to Jessica and his ducats being gone; a Venetian ship that is wrecked in the English Channel; and also the parting between Antonio and Bassanio. Here, through the conversation of Solanio and Salerio the audience is told what has happened. Thus they have only one way to obtain the information. They all have the same thoughts about what has happened since they did not see the scenes and were

  • Merchant of Venice Essay: The Character of Portia

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    of her Bassanio. Whi... ... middle of paper ... ...tely frees Antonio (and perhaps even Bassanio) and at the same time obliterates Shylock. Therefore, Portia is a character whom Shakespeare means to be highly admired. She possesses qualities that make her the adoration of some and the envy of others. She is highly skilled at whatever task she undertakes; yet she retains an aura of compassion and a strong sense of commitment. She puts herself on the line for the sake of her Bassanio. On the

  • Anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice

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    Shylock rather than continue working for a Jew. He then presents the argument, "I am a Jew if I serve the Jew any longer" (2.2.104) to his father. Before accepting the new job, Antonio discusses the matter with his father and reminds himself that Bassanio is much poorer than Shylock, but that he would much rather work for a Christian than a Jew. Lorenzo harshly insults Shylock when he tells Jessica that if her father ever makes it to heaven, it is only because Jessica converted to Christianity and

  • Manipulative Portia in Merchant of Venice

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    must be proof that this woman is not to be trusted! First of all, let's evaluate the scene where Portia and Bassanio are before the caskets where Bassanio must make his choice.  The dialogue directly preceeding the finding of the casket is basic lover's speech, but wait!  Listen carefully to what Portia says: "If you do love me, you will find me out" (III ii 41).  Portia leads Bassanio to believe that the choice he makes in the caskets is his own.  She leads the reader to believe that Bassanio's

  • The Importance of the Letter in Merchant of Venice

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    One of the most interesting passages in The Merchant of Venice is Antonio's letter to Bassanio (III.iii.314-320). A letter is such an awkward feature to represent on the stage, that the fact of a letter being read aloud in the course of a play is significant. And indeed, this letter captures many of the main features of the play's conflicts. Antonio does not waste any time in communicating bad news, "my ships have all miscarried"(314) he writes, meaning he is broke, but he does not want to press