Barker Essays

  • Travis Barker is an Admirable Person

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    Why Travis Barker is an Admirable Person One of the people that I admire is Travis Barker. Travis Barker is a drummer in the band blink-182. Although he may be famous, he acts like a normal guy you see every day. Most people think of someone who is famous as being egotistical, stuck up and think they are better than everyone else in the world. Travis basically proves all of those opinions wrong and makes you realize that although some famous people may be that way, not everyone is. Travis is

  • Regeneration by Pat Barker

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    return for another reason, returning to the fighting soldiers, for the fighting soldiers, ready to die. ----------------------------------- "You want perception; you go to a novelist not a psychiatrist." ~Sassoon. Works Cited Regeneration by Pat Barker

  • Examine and compare the ways in which Pat Barker in Regeneration and

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    Examine and compare the ways in which Pat Barker in Regeneration and Wilfred Owen in his poetry explore the nature of life in the trenches. Pat Barker and Wilfred Owen are both successful writers in delivering an insight into trench life from the perspective of a soldier, although in different ways. Owen, being a soldier himself, has had first hand experience of trench life and describes the pity of war, in that war is a waste of young, innocent lives, and the bitterness of the soldiers

  • Sex and Dominance in The Ghost Road

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    wanker's paradise," a statement with far-reaching implications concerning aggression and eroticism (Barker 177).  The novel concludes a successful trilogy, beginning with Regeneration (1991) and The Eye in the Door (1993).  Winner of the prestigious Booker Prize Award in 1995, The Ghost Road delves into many standard Booker motifs, such as war, the British class system, memory, and childhood, but Barker revitalizes these worn subjects.  With prostitutes, lecherous priests, and the naked body, she intersects

  • An Interview With an American Slave

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    This is the account of an ex-slave by the name of William Barker who now resides in Bethany, AL. He is approximately 95 years old and lives in a little shack with a plot of land. He has worked for some local townsfolk doing some grounds keeping and gardening since he was freed when he was 20. But for the most part, Barker keeps to himself. He has no wife and no children. He is only 5 foot 4 and may weigh about 145 lbs. As a slave he worked as a gardner, and later learned to cook, but soon thereafter

  • History of Paintball

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    are also plenty of different types of products used to play the game. It is the one of the only sports that I am interested in and I hope that someday it could become a more popular sport. The first known paintball gun or “marker” was made by John Barker in 1982. At the time he had a job designing air guns for Daisy Inc. The gun that he made was a single shot pump gun; he called it the “splatmatic”. Daisy did not want to market his gun so he started a small company with some of his friends and called

  • The Standard for Insanity

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    mental disease and the definition of sanity should be raised. At the very start of the book, Rivers and Bryce are discussing the case of Siegfreid Sassoon, a dissenting officer of the British army. As they discuss his diagnosis of "neurasthenia," Barker is laying the groundwork for one of Regeneration's many themes: no one is completely qualified to judge the sane from the insane, for insanity finds its way into us all. The ambiguity surrounding the definition and treatment of neurasthenia offers

  • Courage in Pat Barker's Regeneration

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    applauded by the government and public opinion, and one that was misunderstood by Sassoon's society. It takes personal conviction exhibited through courageous acts to live with yourself in the face of a worldview at odds with your own. Works Cited Barker, Pat. Regeneration. New York: Plume, 1993. Brew, Steve. "Gallantry Medals Awarded to 41 Squadron Pilots." World War One. 2003. Veterans Affairs of Canada. 20 Apr. 2004 <>. Chapman, Mike. "Victoria Cross Facts

  • Pat Barker's Regeneration

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    focuses on the troubled soldiers' mental status during World War One. Barker introduces the feelings soldiers had about the war and military's involvement with the war effort. While Regeneration mainly looks at the male perspective, Barker includes a small but important female presence. While Second Lieutenant Billy Prior breaks away from Craiglockhart War Hospital for an evening, he finds women at a cafe in the Edinburgh district (Barker 86). He comes to the understanding that the women are munitions

  • Pat Barker's Regeneration

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    Pat Barker's Regeneration In her novel Regeneration, Pat Barker uses character development to emphasize the various themes in the novel. Pat Barker includes Robert Graves, a well known poet and writer, as a secondary character in a fictional setting. We are first introduced to Robert Graves on page five, where he meets with a very good friend Siegfried Sassoon in the lounge of the Exchange Hotel. During their conversation, they express, through their actions and language, a deep love for one

  • Imagination in Pat Barker's Regeneration

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    is through the imagination that we have the power to create and destroy. This theme holds true throughout Pat Barker's Regeneration and for the many characters in this novel who experience both the awful and inspired effects of the imagination. Pat Barker draws on many resources to support this claim, including the Book of Genesis, from which she cites the quotation "The imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth," spoken by the character David Burns on page 183 of this novel. Through this quotation

  • The Therapeutic Value of Charlie Chaplin

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    reference used within the novel. Barker refers to Chaplin on page 60 in the novel. When the wounded and dysfunctional soldiers watch a Charlie Chaplin film at the Craiglockhart War Hospital. During the war Charlie Chaplin films were therapeutic for the soldiers, and showing one of his films helps develop the theme of therapy that occurs throughout the novel. Even though Chaplin was unable to participate in the war, he helped boost the morale of the soldiers that were in it. Barker utilizes Chaplin as a cultural

  • Gary Barker Analysis

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    Sit back and think, about the day you was born. Was you really born a killer? If you grew up in a house full of violence you're going to be violent. Everyone knows that your parent/Guardian teaches you right from wrong if your parent teach you the right way you will have some type of knowledge of how to act. If they don't then of course you're going to grow up violent. So ill ask you again, was you really born violent. Some people say that its genetic others say its inherited others thinks its

  • Pat Barker's Regeneration

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    Ross, Wilfred Owen "was allying himself with the cult of Oscar Wilde: hero, mentor and martyr to an entire culture" (Hoarer 15). In some manner, the unraveling of this statement is what makes the references to Wilde so important in Barker's novel. Barker makes three references to Oscar Wilde on pages 54, 124, and 143. Each of the references to Wilde is in the context of friendships involving homosexual males. In Barker's Regeneration, Oscar Wilde is referenced to emphasize the theme that homosexuals

  • Religion in Pat Barker's Regeneration

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    job he should be doing. He is fighting with himself until on page 149, he is in a church where they are singing a very popular hymn, "God Moves in a Mysterious Way." At this point, Rivers is able to begin resolving his conflict. By using this hymn, Barker is able to emphasize one of the novel's theme: in times of war, reflection on religion not only brings peace to a country, but can bring peace within yourself. The author of the famous hymn "God Moves in a Mysterious Way" is William Cowper. He

  • Regeneration by Pat Barker

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    In the novel Regeneration by Pat Barker the author captures how the denaturing effect which engulfed British society in the World War I transformed established gender roles. The demands placed on both men and women during the war were severe and almost foreign. During this first “total war” there was a seemingly drastic shift in gender roles which created friction in relations between women who had entered the workforce and men returning from the battle field. As we explore how the roles of men

  • Generation by Pat Barker

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    is used in a variety of ways between both works to create the traumatic experience of WW1 . Barker used descriptive writing throughout the novel Regeneration for the readers to imagine the setting. However Journey’s End used setting differently. As it is a play, it uses a lot of techniques to engage the audience with its setting such as lighting, props and dialogue. "Regeneration" was written by Pat Barker in the 1980's, which has enabled her to gather a lot of information about the war. Pat's grandfather

  • Regeneration by Pat Barker

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    Regeneration by Pat Barker The war in 'Regeneration' is explored 'back home'. Rather than portraying the war in terms of fighting on the frontline in the battlefields of France, Barker demonstrates the effects on the soldiers 'back home', both physically and mentally. The soldiers are those who have been injured, shell-shocked, or had a breakdown and are being treated with the intention of sending those who are able, back to France or at least resuming some kind of war duties. The war

  • Regeneration by Pat Barker

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    and civilians alike were uncertain about the events leading up to this escalation of mass bloodshed. This uncertainty through Europe and the US, led to a myriad of recurring themes on and off the battlefields. The novel Regeneration, written by Pat Barker, discusses these experiences, and consequential themes in depth. In particular, one of these recurring motifs found in the novel that is incredibly interesting is that of Emasculation. It can be found throughout the novel through a variety of medium

  • Aborted Aspirations in Pat Barker's Regeneration

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    life-long repercussions. Regeneration poignantly points out that not all is fair in war, or life. Works Cited "Abortion: In Law, History & Religion." Childbirth By Choice Trust. May 1995. 26 April 2004. <> Barker, Pat. Regeneration. New York: Plume, 2003. Horden, Anthony. Legal Abortion: The English Experience. New York: Pergamon Press, 1971. "Marie Stopes." Spartacus. 7 December 2001. 26 April 2004. <http://www.spartacus>