Barbara Tuchman Essays

  • Barbara Tuchman

    1111 Words  | 3 Pages

    Barbara Tuchman 1912-1989 On a cold winter morning on January 30th in 1912 a baby girl was born to the proud parents of Maurice and Alma Wertheim. Her name was Barbara. She would someday come to be known as Barbara Tuchman, narrative historian and writer. Barbara was born into a comfortable home in New York, New York. She had a middle class up bringing and both her mother and father came from distinguished families. They also were probably well off because of her fathers great success in business

  • Barbara Tuchman: Inspirational Historian

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    Barbara Tuchman: Inspirational Historian Barbara Tuchman was known for being one of the best American writers and historians of her time. Born in to a very wealthy and prestige family, her interest in history was adopted through her lifestyle. Her father was not only a banker, philanthropist, and publisher but was also the president of the American Jewish Committee from 1941 to 1943. Her uncle, Henry Morgenthau Jr., served as the Secretary of Treasury under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. While

  • The Guns of August

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    The Guns of August Barbara Tuchman's Pulitzer prize-winning book about the start of World War I is a fascinating and detailed work that delivers the thoughts and actions of the belligerents and their previously mysterious leaders to life on every page. This military history of the first month of the war is written in a way as to keep the reader interested because of the great detail. The author also manages to write about the events in such a manor as the reader sees them as they happened.

  • The Truth in History

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    they do and what they know. By doing so Carr gives the reader an opportunity to question much of the history that we are exposed to and taught. The historian Barbara Tuchman says that the most common question asked of historians by the public is whether history serves a purpose and whether we can learn from the lessons of history (Tuchman 608). Carr approaches the subject of history from an educated and clear standpoint. He makes the reader think about all the history that has been read while

  • Summary Of The Plague Barbara Tuchman

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    1347 to 1352 ( Staff). Tuchman describes the journey of the pestilence and how it affects each country and their individual cities. Tuchman also specifically gives the death tolls of major cities and different groups that were affected. She demonstrates how the plague that struck Europe and other parts of the world resulted in filth, fear and chaos. This essay discusses and reports various personal accounts to the disaster of the Black Death. Tuchman clearly defines what forms the plague

  • Why Do People Want To Be Rich

    779 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Proper society did not think about MAKING money, only about spending it.”, said Barbara W. Tuchman. Nowadays people want more that they have. They forget how much things they have, and how many money they spend. Most people are the same when they see other people having something good looking, and in that moment they want to have it also. Consumption for status effects people by getting the feeling that somebody is better, you want to be rich, and obsessed about expensive things. Consumption for

  • The March Of Folly Barbara Tuchman

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    Barbara Tuchman is an awarded story teller who certainly never disappointed her readers when she put pen onto the paper. The March of Folly is her finest book, and a piece that even those who do not like history can find enjoyable. She begins by asserting that, unlike science, government institutions have made very little progress over the last four millennia. She goes further to give these four reasons to support her claim; tyranny, over ambition, incompetence, and folly. Thus, in the book, she

  • The Proud Tower Barbara Tuchman

    1326 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Proud Tower, by Barbara Tuchman is a series of essays written to provide, as the cover puts it “A portrait of the World before the War, 1890-1914.” Each of the eight chapters is an essay and a story in and of itself, without reference to, or contingency toward the reading of any other chapter. Each essay focuses on a specific topic, setting a frame of reference for, and highlighting details of, a diverse range of political and societal realities of the fifteen years leading up to the Great War

  • A Summary of Barbara W. Tuchman's The Guns of August

    2805 Words  | 6 Pages

    A Summary of Barbara W. Tuchman's The Guns of August “The Guns of August” was written by Barbara W. Tuchman in 1962. The book details the causes of the first World war and describes the first month of the war. The book clearly illustrates how a local war became an entire European struggle by a call to war against Russia. Soon after the war became a world issue. Summary of the Book Plans The Beginning (Chapters 1-5) The book begins at the funeral procession of King Edward VII of England

  • Idealism and Realism in Bernard Shaw’s Major Barbara

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    Idealism and Realism in Bernard Shaw’s Major Barbara Submerged in their own ideas about idealism and realism, Barbara and her father Undershaft are at odds with one another in Major Barbara. In this Bernard Shaw play, minor characters are important in exemplifying these conflicting values. The moral perplexities of capitalism and charity are explored through the words and actions of Undershaft’s family, his future sons-in-law, and the common folks at the Shelter. Thriving in the British upper

  • Barbara Anderson's First Fieldwork

    663 Words  | 2 Pages

    Barbara Anderson's First Fieldwork Précis: “First Fieldwork” 1. Where did Barbara Anderson’s fieldwork take place and what was the goal of her research? Barbara Anderson’s fieldwork took place in the fishing village of Taarnby, Denmark on the island of Amager in the Oresund in the 50’s. The goal of her research was to publish the unseen side of fieldwork. She wanted to share the personal and professional sides of fieldwork with the reader. She went to the island to help her husband study

  • Comparison Between Piano Concert By Barbara Wieman And Sacramento Cham

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    Comparison Between Piano Concert by Barbara Wieman and Sacramento Chamber Orchestra On Feb 20,1997, I attended a piano concert that was performed by Barbara Wieman. The performance was held at the American River College Music Department choir room. The choir room holds about 100 people and every seat was taken and students were seated on the floor. The audience was dressed casual as everyone was students trying to do their concert papers. Barbara Weiman was also dressed casual but nice

  • Critique of Barbara Huttman’s A Crime of Compassion

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    Critique of Barbara Huttman’s “A Crime of Compassion” Barbara Huttman’s “A Crime of Compassion” has many warrants yet the thesis is not qualified. This is a story that explains the struggles of being a nurse and having to make split-second decisions, whether they are right or wrong. Barbara was a nurse who was taking care of a cancer patient named Mac. Mac had wasted away to a 60-pound skeleton (95). When he walked into the hospital, he was a macho police officer who believed he could single-handedly

  • Account of the Travels, Sufferings and Persecutions of Barbara Blaugdone

    639 Words  | 2 Pages

    Account of the Travels, Sufferings and Persecutions of Barbara Blaugdone The title of Barbara Blaugdone’s memoir is An Account of the Travels, Sufferings and Persecutions of Barbara Blaugdone, with “travels” highlighted by its enormous size. Indeed, when reading the book the reader is perhaps most struck by Blaugdone’s excessive, nearly constant travel habits. It may even be argued that at its heart the book is a travel narrative and not a memoir or even a religious account. She traipses about

  • Symbols and Symbolism - A Comparison of Nicknames in A Doll's House and Major Barbara

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    Symbolism of Nicknames in A Doll's House and Major Barbara The use of nicknames in literature is an important tool in which the author can provide insight into the attitudes of the characters toward each other and to provide illumination as to the nature of specific characters. Two such pieces of literature in which these attitudes and illumination can be evidenced are A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and Major Barbara by Bernard Shaw. The attitudes of the characters in A Doll's House, more

  • Comparing Characters in Major Barbara and Pygmalion

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    Comparing Characters in Major Barbara and Pygmalion Andrew Undershaft and Alfred Doolittle, two characters from Bernard Shaw's plays Major Barbara and Pygmalion, have a similar nature but strikingly different views of morality and poverty. Undershaft is an "unashamed" capitalist, and nothing clouds his view of his business plans. Doolittle is a man who would much rather have a life of poverty than be troubled with the responsibility of being well-off. Although their perspectives differ, they

  • The Use of Irony in Barbara L. Greenberg's The Faithful Wife

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    The Use of Irony in Barbara L. Greenberg's The Faithful Wife "The Faithful Wife" by Barbara L. Greenberg is a fascinating, satirical account of what the speaker would do if she were unfaithful to her husband. Upon the first reading of this poem, I thought the woman in this poem was saying that her husband was irreplaceable and because of that she would never be unfaithful. Also I thought that if she did betray him, she would choose someone totally different from him, which somehow wouldn't dishonor

  • Beyond Orgasmatron by Keesling, Barbara

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    Beyond Orgasmatron “...We’re walking around with a complete health care system inside our own body.” Keesling does a pretty good job of emphasizing the this idea throughout the entire article. I must admit that from personal experience I do indeed agree with Keesling in that sex is great for the mind and body, as well as the fact that it could even be used as therapy for menstrual problems. She also makes a point of stating that “ also creates an emotional and physical bond that is essential

  • Hypocritical Christianity Exposed in Bernard Shaw's Major Barbara

    618 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hypocritical Christianity Exposed in Bernard Shaw's Major Barbara Bernard Shaw reveals in his plays a type of religious standard that is not unlike Christianity but with what most people see as a stereotypical view of hypocritical Christianity. Shaw's concept of Crosstianity , as he calls it, shows a religion in which the church preaches what the rich and powerful tell it, scoundrels are treated as equals, and punishment is concerned with prosecution rather than salvation. "Poetic justice" rules

  • Barbara Stoller Miller's Bhagavad Gita

    804 Words  | 2 Pages

    Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita This modern day translation of the Bhagavad Gita, written by Barbara Stoller Miller, focused briefly on Krishna’s Counsel in Time of War. It was a fairly short yet in depth description of Hindu beliefs and the conflicts that humans encounter when deciding which path to follow. The translation is in poetic form, and is divided between eighteen teachings, or chapters if you will. Each teaching focuses on one discipline of the mind, revealed through the Hindi god Krishna