Athame Essays

  • At Shame Knife History

    812 Words  | 2 Pages

    The term ‘athame’ is used by Pagans to refer to a traditionally black-handled knife. This knife is used in ritual and practice dealing directly with energy. This knife is not used for cutting material items. According to Gerald Gardner, the athame is one of the most important tools that a witch uses. The term, athame, is a corruption derivation of the Latin word artavus, which means ‘quill knife.’ One interesting etymology is told by John de Garlande, which he describes the word artavus as being

  • Wicca Vs Paganism

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    Most use the athame and chalice to symbolically show the union between the two and leave it at that. With any form of magick, this is just as powerful as doing the physical action. The purpose of the Great Rite was to promote fertility. This usually took place sometime

  • The Great Rite

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    It is the celebration of life that is done symbolically using a chalice and Athame. It is part of the Beltane rituals. Symbolic version creation in the union of the maiden Goddess with her loving God. Beltane is a celebration of sexuality, purification and fertility. The planting of crops is finished, and many crops have grown to seedlings. Bees are very active pollinating flowers, and many creatures are in the height of their mating season. I would not use this in my practice this is not something

  • Casting a Circle

    625 Words  | 2 Pages

    comfortable, do whatever you feel is the best way to do it. Now, pick a quarter or cardinal point at which to start. I usually pick North because it is what I've always been taught, but some Celtic traditions start with East, I've heard. Point your athame, wand, finger, or whatever you use towards the ground and see the energy flowing out. Begin to walk clockwise (Towards your right) and walk the circumference of the circle. While you're doing this, be sure to imagine a circle forming. Don't see it

  • Essay On Wicca

    1196 Words  | 3 Pages

    One of the most famous times was the vurning times. "The Burning Times" was a time between ____ and ___ when Witches were persecuted violently throughout Europe. The phrase first appeared in the writings of witches in the twentieth century. Historians normally refer to the Burning Times as "The great European Witch hunt" ______________________________________________________________ In the 1990s and 2000s, Wicca began to become recognized as a religion in popular culture. Aspects of Wicca were

  • Misunderstoid Rituals: The Great Rite

    1450 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Great Rite The Great Rite, also seen as the Sacred Marriage(hieros gamos), is a highly controversial and misunderstood ritual practiced by modern day Pagans, mainly of the Wiccan tradition. The Great Rite is most commonly performed on Beltane, the third of the Celtic spring fertility festivals. While the Great Rite can be traced back to the teachings of Gerald Gardener, it holds it’s origins in ancient history, in a time when sex was to be celebrated rather than suppressed. During these times

  • Beltane The Great Rite

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    belief, the Great Rite is intended to be the passing of the divine nature of the God and Goddess within the human participants and of a spiritual joining. It some traditions, it can be a physical sexual union or performed symbolically by lowering the Athame or Wand into an awaiting

  • City Of Fallen Angels Character Analysis Essay

    668 Words  | 2 Pages

    Character Analysis The main character in the City Of Fallen Angels story is Clary Morgenstern written by Cassandra Clare. She is a shadow hunter which means she hunts demons ,or any supernatural creature that breaks the law. Other characters are Alec, Jace, Isabelle that are shadowhunters like her. Also there is Simon her vampire best friend. There's also her mom and luke who is a werewolf and. lastly there is Sebastion her evil brother.They live in New York City. There is a problem. Jace starts

  • The Pentacle: The Greek Phenomenon

    773 Words  | 2 Pages

    representation of ritual and is use for both protection and to evoke the spirits. When the pentacle is part of the altar tile itself, it then, as a whole piece, represents the element Earth. It is one of the elemental tools on the altar, the others being the athame, the chalice and the wand. The pentacle on the altar tile is a symbol of faith. Other symbols could be used, but this is the most popular. The altar tile can also be a location to place sacred items during a cleansing, consecration or

  • Cassandra Clare Research Paper

    2064 Words  | 5 Pages

    Recognized as Cassandra Clare, Judith Rumelt was born on July 27, 1973 the daughter of writer Richard Rumelt and Elizabeth Rumelt a business school professor. Clare spend her childhood moving place to place in England, France and Switzerland where eventually found an interest in books. During high school in Los Angeles writing began to attract Clare from a novel named “The Beautiful Cassandra” by Jane Austen. Clare began her career as a reporter after majoring in English in an entertainment magazine

  • Wicca: A Religion or Just Hocus Pocus?

    1060 Words  | 3 Pages

    How Is Wicca a religion and not all just Hocus Pocus? Although some refuse to acknowledge that Wicca is a religion, it is one because it meets what we generally accept to be the major characteristics of a religion. There are groups of people who believe it is a religion, there are those who do not. Wicca is thought to be from the old English Wicca meaning Wise One. The definition meaning a “religion influenced by pre-Christian beliefs and practices of western Europe that supports the existence of

  • History Of Voodoo Dolls In Haiti

    1166 Words  | 3 Pages

    Distinctive nations have diverse sorts of thoughtful enchantment that individuals utilize. One of those nations I will talk about in my paper is Haiti. Prominent known thoughtful enchantment would be the Voodoo Dolls in Haiti. Voodoo Dolls were dependably normally used to hurt other or for embarrassment. I will talk about the root of the Voodoo Dolls and how individuals would utilize this kind of enchantment. Voodoo Dolls are a prime factor in Haiti's enchantment culture and religion is as yet being

  • What´s Paganism?

    1462 Words  | 3 Pages

    Paganism is a broad group of indigenous and historical polytheistic religious traditions—primarily those of cultures known to the classical world. In a wider sense, Paganism has also been understood to include any non-Abrahamic, folk, ethnic religion. Modern ethnologists often avoid referring to non-classical and non-European, traditional and historical faiths as Pagan in favour of less ambiguous labels such as polytheism, shamanism, pantheism, and animism. [Wikipedia p.1] Paganism is the oldest

  • Witchcraft: Spells In The Real World

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    All throughout American history there have been numerous dark spots that have plagued us and our land. We’ve faced bombings, wars, terrorism and persecution of innocents. Most people can confirm that one of the original dark spots would have to be the witch trials of our past. Now we see these people who were slaughtered as innocents who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. But what is witchcraft. Is like Harry Potter with short incantations, potions and flying broomsticks, or is it demon worship

  • Beltane: The New Form Of Paganism

    1920 Words  | 4 Pages

    Before the time of Christianity, Paganism was the world’s primary religion. Paganism holds many branches of Polytheistic religions that were practiced all around the world. Polytheism is the belief in multiple gods and goddesses, each one having a specific element to rule over. In the time of the Celts, religion was a very important thing; they turned to it for whatever they needed and prayed to the god or goddess that could grant them what they wanted. The Celtic form of paganism was a nature based

  • Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

    2348 Words  | 5 Pages

    Abigail in Arthur Miller's The Crucible "The Crucible" is a play based upon the events that occurred in Salem circa 1690s. The witch trials were not just in America, but occurred in Europe too. Arthur Miller wrote this play, and also wrote the screenplay for the movie based on his play script. This has been produced in theatres countless times, as it is so dramatic, and appeals to audiences. We are introduced to the character of Abigail Williams in the very first scene. This shows that

  • Magin during the Pre-Neolithic and Neolithic Culture

    7979 Words  | 16 Pages

    I will be looking at magic in prehistoric Europe and the part it played in pre-Neolithic/Neolithic cultures. From this, I hope to reach an understanding of the part magic played in this time and how it progressed into later cultures. As there is no literary evidence for this time frame we must rely on the archaeological finds, in particular various phallic imagery, statuettes, cave art and monuments. These elements all point in one way or another towards an involvement with the religious beliefs