Assay Essays

  • Mtt Assay Lab Report

    1348 Words  | 3 Pages

    MTT assay was used to analyze cell viability of MCF 10A, MCF 7 and MDB-MB 231 cell lines in control and 10mM inorganic phosphate treated groups. MTT assay is a colorimetric assay for evaluating cell metabolic activity. MTT (3-[4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) is a yellow aqueous tetrazolium dye. In living cells with active mitochondria, the mitochondrial enzymes such as succinate dehydrogenase (NADPH dependent oxidoreductase enzyme) reduce this dye to formazan, a purple-colored

  • Abbott Architect ci4100

    996 Words  | 2 Pages

    Abbott Architect ci4100 is an automated diagnostic analyzer that integrates i1000SR immunoassay and clinical c4000 chemistry testing on one platform. This improves the performance and efficiency in the lab. This Architect Analyzer has a maximum throughput of up to 800 chemistry and 100 immunoassay tests per hour. An on- board reagent capacity of 55 chemistry, and 25 immunoassay kits. Load capacity of up to 180 samples that can be continuously loaded and unloaded during the testing process with

  • Protein Assay Lab Report

    602 Words  | 2 Pages

    the amount of protein that is presented when Tough Guy protein powder is diluted in water by adding Bio-Rad assay (measuring the concentration of protein within a known and unknown samples). Measurement of color change will be needed by placing the solution into a spectrophotometer at 595 nm. Thus, determining its results. In preparing for the quantitative test for the Bio-Rad protein assay, a spectrophotometer was switched on. Ten test tubes were used and that the known and unknown protein samples

  • Biology: Separation of Proteins

    1150 Words  | 3 Pages

    previously extracted protein by measuring the absorbance of the unknown amount and determining its concentration by overlaying it against a standard curve of the absorbance of known concentrations of the protein. We used the dye agent Bradford Protein Assay to get an absorbance of 0.078, 0.143, 0.393, 0.473, and 0.527 at the protein’s respective concentrations of 0.28, 0.56, 0.84, 1.12, and 1.40 mg/mL. When a best-fit line was applied to the standard curve, and the absorbance of our unknown concentration

  • ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) assay and other methods for the evaluation of antioxidants

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    present in a sample, some distinctive but easy assays have been established. This paper will give a short overview of the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance cacpacity) assay and compare it with other antioxidant assays. Besides that, the paper introduces some preliminary results on antioxidant activity of the plant Apocynum venetum conducted by the author. Fig. 1 on cover page from [9] Table of Contents 1. Introduction     2 2. The ORAC assay – a brief introduction     4 3. Biochemical

  • Rare Symptoms of Aracetamol Overdose

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    overdoes being done in the ICU was eradicated after a detail study. The levels of the paracetamol were assessed with the help of Roche Modular PPE using the acetaminophen assay kit K8001, K8002,6 which is famous for its good intra and interessay accuracy. It is a well known fact the increased level of lipids can obstruct with this assay. For this situation, the patient’s lipid profile was in normal range. The gastric emptying might have taken place because of the simultaneous ingestion of amitriptyline

  • Apoptosis Essay

    1261 Words  | 3 Pages

    programmed cell death in the last years, more and more assays and commercial kits are emerging to prove apoptosis. However, their detectability and reliability have been often discussed. Here we introduce rapid and simple method for evaluating apoptosis in cancer researches and genotoxicities. METHODS: NIH-3T3 cell line were used in this study, after treatment with apoptotic agent, DNA was extracted by simple protocol. Then DNA ladder and flow cytometry assays were done for detection of apoptosis in NIH-3T3

  • Horseradish Peroxidase Lab Report

    1394 Words  | 3 Pages

    Discussion Data from Table 1. confirms the theory that as the concentration of glucose increases so will the absorbance of the solution when examined with the glucose oxidase/horseradish peroxidase assay. Glucose within the context of this assay is determined by the amount of ferricyanide, determined by absornace, which is produced in a one to one ratio.1 Furthermore when examining the glucose standards, a linear calibration curve was able to be produced (shown as Figure 1). Noted the R2 value of

  • Histadine Decarboxylase Enzyme

    549 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sleep is regulated by the Superchiasmatic Nucleus (SCN). The SCN coordinates the bodies sleeping habits based on external environments. However, there are subsidiary regulating factors that also help the SCN regulate sleep. One of these factors is called the Histadine Decarboxylase enzyme (HDC). HDC regulates the release of Histamine a biochemical used to induce vigilance and prevent sleep. [1] Levels of sleep consistencies can be measured by the amount of Rapid-Eye Movement (REM) phases entered

  • Reverse Transcriptase PCR (RT PCR)

    748 Words  | 2 Pages

    quantification of their mRNAs represents the only technique sensitive enough to measure their expression reliably in vivo, low copy number targets of interest for which alternative assays either do not exist or lack the required sensitivity, (Huggett et al., 2005a) RNA cannot serve as a template for PCR, the first step in an RT-PCR assay is the reverse transcription of the RNA template into complimentary DNA and followed by its exponential amplification in a PCR reaction. Usually, this involves the use of dedicated

  • Acid Phosphatase Lab

    1988 Words  | 4 Pages

    This assay was used to measure the concentration of protein in a solution. Use it to determine the concentration of our saved supernatants 1-6. The total amount of protein is determined and so is the phosphatase activity. By combining the Bradford reagent with

  • A Rare Disease, Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

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    with PNH, it is necessary to establish an assay able to detect and diagnose PNH. Flow cytometery provides the best methodology for detection of PNH clones and it is both more sensitive and specific than current assays used such as Ham and Sucrose Hemolysis test. In addition, PNH tests are mail out, therefore, there exists potential revenue and cost savings if Baylor Scott and White is able to perform the assay in-house. A multiparameter flow cytometric assay will be modified that will be capable of

  • Amplifying Phage Lab Report

    602 Words  | 2 Pages

    sample. The first soil sample was collected from Pine Oak Forest, since the first round of the experiment not successful, a second soil sample was collected from Kennidy Rauchbach’s front lawn. The second soil sample has brought many successful plaque assays and it was able to be to kill the host bacteria, which was, Anthrobacter sp. Anthrobacter sp. is another name from bacterium, this bacterium usually lives in soil, which is why we collected a soil sample. The goal of this lab is to understand bacteriophages

  • Animal Testing and In Vitro Testing as a Replacement

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    question the usefulness of such testing. Typically, the information received from toxicity tests on animals cannot adequately predict the effects that new drugs and products will have on humans. Thus, the recent progression of in vitro and in silico assays has benefited not only lab rodents, but researchers alike. Animal models have been the standard for safety testing since the early twentieth century, when rats, mice, and dogs were (and still are) used in both biomedical and cosmetic research. During

  • Tay Sachs Disease Case Study

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    Testing was originally accomplished in the 1970s by measuring the activity of HexA in a serum or white blood cells. There are multiple methods used when testing and screening for TSD. Those methods include carrier testing, prenatal testing, enzyme assay testing and mutation analysis testing. There are also symptoms exhibited by patients

  • Methods Of Linearity And Concentration

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    Concentration will be later translated into the correct percentage of that analyte in the sample The linearity can be achieved by transforming from for example log, square root or reciprocal values of the AUC in order to be correlated to the correct assay percentage. The principle is to have a model (in other words equation) that can be applied over the desired range The recommended Linearity Range to be covered is 80% – 120%, in practice however, the covered range is usually 50% - 150%, this is needed

  • Lactate Dehydrogenase Lab Report

    1406 Words  | 3 Pages

    extract, purify and characterize the kinetic behavior of lactate dehydrogenase from rabbit muscle. Ammonium sulfate suspension, Affi-Gel Blue chromatography and dialysis techniques are used to purify the enzyme. The enzyme assay is used study about the activity while Lowry assay is used to determine the protein concentration and purification efficiency. The LDH purification factor is 14 fold while the recovery of the protein is 59% based on Lowry standard curve. An unknown inhibitor behavior also

  • Antioxidant Potency in Apples during Long Term Storage

    1167 Words  | 3 Pages

    Antioxidant Potency in Apples during Long Term Storage Introduction Apples are known to have many beneficial agents that may help prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases (5). This is due to an important component in an apple called antioxidants. Antioxidants stabilize free radicals from damaging our healthy cells, protecting our DNA, and other genetic material. Antioxidants are not only present in apples but in foods such as; spices and herbs, certain beverages, legumes

  • Protein, The Creation Of Topoisomerase

    967 Words  | 2 Pages

    it makes way for the trc promoter and topoisomerase I is produced. Topoisomerase I is extracted out the cell and compared to uninduced cells to verify the mechanisms that read and express the topA gene within pTrc99A. Lowry assay, polymerase chain reaction, absorption assays, and gel electrophoresis are implemented to view the fragments found in recombinant cells that encode topA gene and produce active topoisomerase I. Introduction Topoisomerase I is an enzyme that uses its unique structure to

  • Ponceau Stain Essay

    1263 Words  | 3 Pages

    The UV illumination after purification is faint and completely muted and the Bradford Assay absorbance readings were inconsistent in terms of pattern but still exceptionally small, which might contribute to the inability to get a precise reading. If the experiment was relaunched, samples with this small amount of EGFP protein should at first