Cameroonian Students’ Complaint Letters and Job Applications Formal letter writing such as students’ complaint letters and job applications constitutes a genre of its own. Taking genre analysis to be the study of how language is used in a particular context, this category of non-literary genre falls within a growing body of written texts exhibiting much of what may be considered Cameroonian peculiarities in English usage. The idea that genres would relate to specific socio-cultural contexts within
Day in and day out we hear about high school and college students wanting to pursue a sorority and/or a fraternity based on the stereotypes these organizations uphold, well I chose to differ. I told myself if I ever decided to become a member of a sorority it would be based solely on their ethical standards, history, and values they are founded upon. Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated consists of ladies of distinction and exemplary character who excel in scholarship, leadership, and service, which
Hana Wasel 1503/3 Orchid Avenue Surfers Paradise, QLD 4217 Ph.041133813 4th September 2015 Jo Adsett 30 Mary Street Brisbane Qld 4000 Dear Ms.Jo Adsett, I would like to express my strong interest in the permanent position as a speech-language pathologist as advertised on the DETE website. I believe that my qualifications, skills, experience, and personal attitude put me in a perfect position to fulfil the role you have advertised. My qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts (Education) and a
1.I am writing this letter in response to my actions on or about 7 Oct 2017 to on or about 10 Oct 2017. I am very remorseful and sorry for my conduct during said dates. I am better than the person that sent those inappropriate texts messages. I am extremely disappointed with myself, for my actions and for letting my unit down. The actions of that day do not reflect the character traits and professionalism of the person I am not type of Noncommissioned Officer I am. I know what right is and I let
Dear Mu Pi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated: My interest in joining Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. is to join a sisterhood that not only gives back to the community but also focuses on enriching and motivating young girls and women. As a former member of the Ivy Rose Club, the Chi Upsilon Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. mentorship group for high school girls, I learned that the purpose of the sorority is to develop high moral and academic standards within underserved
To whomever it may concern, I received a letter in the mail this evening informing me I have been selected to attend WYSE this year and I was extremely honored. I actually ran inside my house and jumped onto my mother begging to be allowed to attend. She started reading, only to pause midway through one page, “It’s going to cost me $2000 dollars, Dee, and we don’t have that kind of money.” I cannot begin to explain to you the amount of disappointment I was feeling. I have this amazing opportunity
Saudi lawyer. Therefore, I unwaveringly pursue the opportunity to become one of your aspiring graduate students, for the challenging program you provide is very appealing to the vision of whom I hope to become, and so I thank you for considering my application.
To, The General Manager, Accounts Department, , United States of America Respected Sir, Subject: Post of Senior Auditor I am writing in response to your advertisement, to present my credentials for the job available for senior auditor, as this is the field in which I feel I am extremely well qualified. As far as my academic record is concerned, I am a talented auditor and have accomplished many awards throughout my academic career. I have excellent communication and research skills and I am acquainted
Please accept this letter of application and supporting material for your advertised position at the Historical World History Museum in Washington, D.C. For too long, history has ignored my impact on the world and the importance of my people, the mighty Qin. Over 2,000 years ago, I built an empire and unified China, founding the great nation that still exists today. Being placed in this museum will ensure that my enormous legacy lives on and my people will get the respect they deserve. Growing
Database and Spreadsheet as Applications of Productivity Software Throughout the course of a person’s life, he or she will probably use a computer, which maybe for school, work, or personal reasons. These tasks could become tedious and long. But, there is certain software that has been developed to ease the difficulties of getting these things done. Productivity software can help to make people’s activities more effective as well as efficient. Three widely used applications are word processing, database
Is The Second Sex Beauvoir's Application of Sartrean Existentialism? ABSTRACT: Simone de Beauvoir's 1949 feminist masterpiece, The Second Sex, has traditionally been read as an application of Sartrean existentialism to the problem of women. Critics have claimed a Sartrean origin for Beauvoir's central theses: that under patriarchy woman is the Other, and that 'one is not born a woman, but becomes one.' An analysis of Beauvoir's recently discovered 1927 diary, written while she was a philosophy
Receiving this invitation, I realize that the National Honor Society is an honor to be in itself. I believe that I am fully able to become a useful member of the National Honor Society due to the fact that I am hard working, reliable and honest, and I possess all the aspects required by this organization, such as scholarship, service, leadership, and character. As a student, I strive for excellence in my classes and dedicate in performing well in all my schoolwork and school activities. I always
I am determinant young woman with a BS degree in Physics from King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, on a quest to obtain a MS Physics degree and gain the knowledge, skills and expertise I needs to establish my career as an instructor and researcher within the field at one of Saudi Arabia’s universities. Furthermore, I aspire to continue my studies in the near future and earn a PhD degree in Physics, and armed with a Master’s degree from (name of University) I believe I will be fully equipped to do
I am a young Saudi with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I seek admission to (name of university) to attend the MPA program as a means to achieve my goals. Such goals are to attain the advanced knowledge and skills that will assist me to initiate my career as a highly educated public administrator at a Saudi public organization. If I am successful in such a quest, I will work hard to utilize the knowledge I will gain through
changed, adapted, suppressed and exemplified. In "A Formal Application" the ironic theory of applying death as a way of life is portrayed through a man’s act of killing a bird. The poem flows through the practice, planning and execution of a common bird. The climax of the poem comes when he refers to his act of violence as an "Audubon Crucifix". Through various examples in history he validates this unnecessary crucifix. "A Formal Application" rejoins the human race by immortalizing the importance of
Abstract An argument is fallacious when it contains one or more logical fallacies. A logical fallacy is an argument that contains a mistake in reasoning (2002). When using critical thinking to make decisions, an individual or group needs to be aware of logical fallacies and how they relate to decision-making. Logical fallacies can be used to manipulate a situation and if a person or group does not recognize logical fallacies, the person or group can be manipulated during the decision-making process
Fallacy Summary and Application Fallacy as defined by the web site (2006) is "A false notion a statement or an argument based on a false or invalid inference, incorrectness of reasoning or belief; erroneousness or the quality of being deceptive." Fallacies are everywhere; in the workplace, in the media, and even at home. Fallacies can contain both relevant information and insufficient evidence. In the workplace today, it is important to be able to identify fallacies or the business
The Application of Utopia in Brave New World Aldous Huxley's Brave New World illustrates the loss of morality when established standards are replaced by amoral criteria. In his novel, Huxley criticizes the practical applications of Utopia in actual society. Huxley's depiction of love, science, and religion support the ineffectiveness of implementing Utopia in everyday life. In Brave New World, Huxley shows contempt for the human emotion of love. The people that make
Applications of Symbolic Interactionism Theory George Herbert Mead begins his discussion of symbolic interactionism (talking with others) by defining three core principles that deal with meaning, language, and thought. The theory states that meaning is the construction of social reality. Humans act toward people or things on the basis of the meanings they assign to those people or things. The second principle of symbolic interactionism is language, which is the source of meaning. Meaning
Potential Environmental Impacts of Utilization of ConocoPhillips Fuel Efficient High Performance (FEHP) Lubricant Applications in the Automotive Industry In some shape or form, nearly all aspects of American life contribute to unnecessary exploitation of natural resources. The automobile is a staple of American life and culture, and perhaps best exemplifies Americans’ dependence on gross quantities of raw materials. On any given day, over 235 million vehicles travel 11 billion miles on U