Antikythera mechanism Essays

  • Antikythera mechanism

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    The Antikythera Mechanism is an ancient mechanical device designed to compute various astronomical calculations and is often referred to as the first analog computer. Originating from the second half of the 2nd century BC, a mechanical device of its complexity is not see again for over 1000 years, until 14th century clockwork. The mechanism was discovered when it was recovered from the Antikythera Shipwreck between Crete and the Greek mainland. The device was housed in a wooden box with bronze front

  • Making of the A-Bomb

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    The machine gun mechanized war. Artillery and gas mechanized war. They were the hardware of the war, the tools. But they were only proximately the mechanism of the slaughter. The ultimate mechanism was a method of organization-anachronistically speaking, a software package. "The basic lever," the writer Gil Elliot comments, "was the conscription law, which made vast numbers of men available for military service. The civil machinery which ensured the carrying out of this law, and the military organization

  • Content Teaching - Research Paper

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    find out how effective the current teaching-style of the teachers is. For that, the following statements were evaluated by the students (The numbers in parentheses display how much the surveyed students agreed with the statements  “Counting Mechanism” on page 3): -     “Teachers should base teaching more on contents” (5 points) -     “The way teachers teach is keeping the student’s attention” (1.5 points) -     “Teachers stay focused in the topic” (-1 point) -     “Teachers have a way of teaching

  • Einhard and Charlemagnes Palace School: A Mechanism for Wealth, Prestige, Power and Success

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    Einhard was a courtier in Charlemagne’s Frankish Kingdom. During Charlemagne’s rule/life (768-824), he dedicated a vast amount of time and energy into supporting the notions of classical learning. He went so far as to start a school comprised of many scholars within his palace. Their role was to educate the nobility, the priesthood and the people, as well as hold counsel with the king. This is where Einhard and Charlemagne first encountered each other. Einhard was a small but intelligent man who

  • Advertising essay

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    Advertising Advertising is a process and mechanism usually used by some people or some companies trying to sell us products, services and others using different ways of publishing to attract their own customer advertising is an important source of income In some developed countries such as United States, where the advertisers job is based on media (Newspapers, Television, magazines, radio) used to push people to drive thru their own The advertisers use media to get people to use their products

  • Consciousness

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    demands some sort of confirmed interpretation which supercedes any such common understanding. For our purposes the content of consciousness may be deemed those things of which one is aware and thus can report. Thinking, as well, and the higher-level mechanisms associated there in may also be components of this consciousness. While additionally an individuals' conception that the way in which she experiences the world comes from more than just the neuronal activity of her brain can be understood as a contribution

  • Stability and bioavailability of different erythromycin derivatives

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    pharmacodynamics and mechanism of action, but differ tremendously in their pharmacokinetics. This paper will give an introduction and a brief overview in the different stabilities and pharmacokinetics of the erythromycin salts and an introduction into new approaches in the field of macrolide antibiotics. Table of Contents 1. Introduction     2 2. Erythromycin – a brief chemical description     4 2.1 Crystal structure and hygroscopicity     7 2.2 Mechanism of action     8 3

  • How Various Mechanisms By Which Substances Cross The Cell Me

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    Homeostasis is essential to the cell’s survival. The cell membrane is responsible for homeostasis. The membrane has a selective permeability which means what moves in and out of the cell is regulated. Amino acids, sugars, oxygen, sodium, and potassium are examples of substances that enter the cell. Waste products and carbon dioxide are removed from the cell. All of these substances cross the membrane in a variety of ways. From diffusion and osmosis, to active transport the traffic through the

  • Magnetic Fields of Stationary Magnets

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    of a magnetic field (even across a complete vacuum). Frequently, electromagnetic fields are compared to the gravitational field. Goal two is to explore the similarities between the two types of fields to see if comparison throws any light on the mechanism of magnetic field generation. The term action-at-a-distance is often used to describe forces that travel through space and exert their effect without directly touching the objects acted upon. Newton's idea of instantaneous action-at-a-distance

  • Coral Bleaching: Potential Mechanisms and Observed Adaptations

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    Coral Bleaching: Potential Mechanisms and Observed Adaptations Coral reefs are the most biologically diverse marine ecosystems. Driving this diversity are cnidarian corals which are obligate mutualistic symbioses between coral animals and dinoflagellate algae of the genus symbiodinium. These algae are commonly called zooxanthellae. This symbiosis between heterotrophic hosts and photosynthetic symbionts allows coral to thrive in nutrient poor seas and deposit calcium carbonate to build reefs

  • The Panopticon

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    described. This new form is termed a, "discipline-mechanism" by Foucault.(209) This mechanism is not limited in practice to prisons, its widespread use can form a disciplinary society through its employment in the minute institutions of society. Its deployment will create a disciplinary society where power is not accumulated but is made functional and useful in maintaining societal discipline. However, before singing the praises of this new mechanism, it would be beneficial to analyze the pre-existing

  • Essay On Evolution

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    Essay on Evolution There are many mechanisms that lead to evolutionary change. One of the most important mechanism in evolution is natural selection which is the differential success in the reproduction of different phenotypes resulting from the interaction of organisms with their environment. Natural selection occurs when a environment makes a individual adapt to that certain environment by variations that arise by mutation and genetic recombination. Also it favors certain traits in a individual

  • Evolution is Not Just a Theory

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    Evolution is Not Just a Theory Evolution is a fact in that scientists know beyond reasonable doubt that it happened. The exact mechanism of evolution -- that is, exactly how it happened -- is still a theory. Evolution is both a fact and a theory. Mainstream scientists consider it a fact that evolution occurred; how it occurred is still considered a theory. Stephen J. Gould describes this difference best: "In the American vernacular, 'theory' often means 'imperfect fact' -- part of

  • The Workings and Effectiveness of the Price Mechanism

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    Effectiveness of the Price Mechanism Introduction In this essay I am going to analyse the workings and effectiveness of the price mechanism as a means of allocating and reallocating scarce resources. I am going to do this by comparing the free market economy with its alternatives and by looking at how government intervention allows the price mechanism to carry on working. I am also going to look at the role that we, as consumers, play in the workings of the price mechanism. Definition & Workings

  • Mechanisms and Processes of the Internet

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    Mechanisms and Processes of the Internet Electronic commerce can be defined as the conduct of commerce in goods and services, with the assistance of telecommunications and telecommunications-based tools. Here, the term telecommunications can mean any existing telecommunication networks such as Public Switched Telephone Network, Integrated Services Digital Network, or even Wireless Networks. However the major and the most important telecommunication network of E-commerce is the Internet. The

  • Kinship As A Mechanism For Social Integrating

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    Kinship as a Mechanism for Social Integrating It is often demonstrated in many anthropological studies that kinship acts as an important means for social integrating in a given society. But is it a fair generalization to say that kinship always functions as a mechanism for social integration? Kinship refers to the relationships established through marriage or descent groups that has been proven in some societies to lead to social integrating, or the process of interaction with other

  • The Physics of a Toilet

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    odors coming back through the pipes. Thomas Crapper then came along in the 1800's and polished up all of the inner workings of the toilet, leading to what is still used today in our toilets. There are three fundamental mechanisms of the toilet. Without one of these mechanisms working correctly, ... ... middle of paper ... ...oriolis effect of our wonderful water closets!! Works Cited How Stuff Works. 23 Apr. 2003. HSW Media Network A Convex Company. 24 Apr. 2003 <http://home.howstuffworks

  • Escape Mechanisms in The Glass Menagerie

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    Escape Mechanisms in The Glass Menagerie In Tennessee Williams’ play, The Glass Menagerie, all four members of the Wingfield family have chosen to hide from reality. Amanda tries to relive her past through Laura, and denies anything she does not want to accept. Laura is terrified of the real world, and choses to hide behind her limp, her glass menagerie and the victrola. Tom hides from his reality by going to the movies, writing poetry, and getting drunk. Mr Wingfield hides from his reality

  • The Defense Mechanism

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    Defense mechanism, in psychoanalysis, any of a variety of unconscious personality reactions which the ego uses to protect the conscious mind from threatening feelings and perceptions. Sigmund Freud first used defense as a psychoanalytic term (1894), but he did not break the notion into categories, viewing it as a singular phenomenon of repression. His daughter, Anna Freud, expanded on his theories in the 1930s, distinguishing some of the major defense mechanisms recognized today. Primary defense

  • Coping Mechanisms in Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried

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    soldiers were not exposed to the traditional coping mechanisms of our American society, as illustrated in Tim Obrien's The Things They Carried. These men were forced to discover and invent new ways to deal with the pressures of war, using only their resources while in the Vietnamese jungle. It was not possible for any soldier to carry many items or burdens with them, but if something was a necessity, a way was found to carry it, and coping mechanisms were a necessity to survive the war. Anti-depressants