Anna Karenina Essays

  • Anna Karenina

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    most importantly, emotion can alter one’s perception of a person. Perception can also be influenced by how someone wants to appear and in fact, everyone consciously acts to present a certain image. This is especially true and perhaps mocked in Anna Karenina, where appearance and reality are related much like the sides of a die –– each side is independent of the others, and yet without each side the reality of the die is not complete. As multi-faced characters, Kitty and Levin present an interesting

  • Anna Karenina

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    clearly in the Leo Tolstoy’s novel, Anna Karenina. Infidelity is most evident in the marriage of Anna Karenina and Alexei Karenin and the marriage of Stephen Oblonsky (Stiva) and Darya Oblonskaya (Dolly). The two relationships undergo similar hardships since they both involve a partner that commits adultery. Anna is unfaithful to her husband Alexei, and Stiva is unfaithful to his wife Dolly. Despite the similarity of events, society reacts differently toward Anna committing adultery and Stiva committing

  • Anna Karenina

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    In Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy presents marriage in a realistic sense, marriage is not an easy institution; couples must work through the rough patches in order for it to be strong; he also presents passion as a force that can have a positive influence, but simultaneously presents passion as a factor that can have a corrupting power on a person’s life. These two couples, Levin and Kitty and Vronsky and Anna, are compared throughout the course of the novel. Levin and Kitty differ from Anna and Vronsky

  • Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

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    Leo Tolstoy, author of Anna Karenina, was born in 1828 in Yasnaya Polyana. He was born into a wealthy Russian family. Tolstoy’s mother passed away when he was two years old and his father was murdered when he was nine. Due to being orphaned at such a young age, Tolstoy was very familiar with the concept of death and he makes this evident throughout all of his great works. Specifically in Anna Karenina, he symbolizes the power of death and mortality through Anna. Tolstoy was unsatisfied with his education

  • Passion In Anna Karenina

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    in the relationship of the two main couples in Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. Through the psychology articles and Tolstoy’s specific diction in Anna Karenina, it is easy to see the power of passion in a relationship, even if it is revitalizing passion, will result in suffering and pain without the vital aspects of communication and understanding, which breeds a stable relationship for growing as a couple. The differences in the relationship between Anna and Vronsky and Levin and Kitty are more than

  • Tolstoy's Anna Karenina

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    Tolstoy's Anna Karenina By examining the character list, one immediately notices the value Tolstoy places on character. With one hundred and forty named characters and several other unnamed characters, Tolstoy places his central focus in Anna Karenina on the characters. He uses their actions and behavior to develop the plot and exemplify the major themes of the novel. In contrast to Flaubert's Madame Bovary, Tolstoy wishes to examine life as it really is. Both novels have relationships

  • Anna Karenina Themes

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    Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina is a novel established on the themes of love and marriage in a nineteenth century aristocratic Russian society where both major and minor characters play an important role in surfacing the main motifs that Tolstoy wishes to expose in the book. Fulfilment and satisfaction from love and life is one of the chief themes of the book that Tolstoy represented through his characters Anna Karenina and Konstantin Dmitrich Levin. Throughout the book both Anna and Levin experience

  • Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

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    Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy is a novel about love and marriage among the Russian aristocracy in the 1870s. Anna is young, beautiful woman married to a powerful government minister, Karenin. She falls in love with the elegant Count Vronsky and after becoming pregnant by him, leaves her husband Karenin and her son Seryozha to live with her lover. Despite the intervention of friends such as her brother Oblonsky, an adulterer himself, she is unable to obtain a divorce, and lives isolated from the society

  • Theme Of Free Will In Anna Karenina

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    The problem of free will is clearly woven into the narrative of the novel Anna Karenina. The author writes about man's free will as the pledge of his constant moral perfection. The moments of freedom that the characters are experiencing, although tiny, are very detailed. Tolstoy concentrates on the characters’ consciousness and the events around them at these moments of freedom and their complex connection of free impulses and needs. Thus, the psychological state of the novel's characters is inevitably

  • Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

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    the most dangerous of all, resulting in dismay. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy follows the lives of several families who live in 18th century Russia, each coming from different social groups and classes. The story begins with Anna’s brother Stiva Oblonsky, who is caught having an affair. As a result of this discovery, Anna must leave her family in St. Petersburg, and go to Moscow in attempt to mend her brother’s broken marriage. While in Moscow Anna meets Count Vronsky, an eligible young bachelor that

  • Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy

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    Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina shows the fall of a high societal woman as she gives up everything for love. She resists society’s expectation of women to submissively dismiss their passions and live for raising a family. Anna and her lover Vronsky attempt to create their own life, separate and independent from society, believing that their love alone will sustain each other. However, they tragically discover that isolation is not a life that they can endure. Vronsky’s love does not mature; he does not

  • Feminist Analysis of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

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    Anna Karenina is a novel by the prominent Russian author Leo Tolstoy. It was published in serial installments between 1873 and 1877. Tolstoy himself claimed that Anna Karenina was his first novel. Despite criticism that the novel was indeed two separate novels, there was much acclaim. Fellow Russian author Dostoevsky hailed it as “a flawless work of art” ( Despite the criticism that Anna Karenina is actually two novels, Tolstoy insisted that it is one novel. Although certain characters

  • Coming Full Circle in Anna Karenina

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    from society, or are cut off by it? This is the main question that Leo Tolstoy explores in Anna Karenina. Isolated from society, Anna is destroyed by a conflict of wills. The desire of the individual is forced to give way to society’s restrictions and requirements, represented in the image of the railroad. Those who do not conform to society will ultimately face death, a fate, that both Anna and Vronsky will not be able to outrun as a consequence of their illegitimate relationship

  • Leo Tolstoy’s Timeless Novel, Anna Karenina

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    new version of “Anna Karenina.” Director of the film, Joe Wright, adopts Leo Tolstoy’s novel with the identical name. Although, a novel “Anna Karenina” “has traveled to the big screen dozens of times, from a handful of silent films dating to the birth of cinema to a 1997 English language version starring French actress Sophie Marceau” (Siegel, 2012p. 2), nonetheless this tragic love story still remains relevant to the present day. What criteria makes the Tolstoy’s novel “Anna Karenina” so popular during

  • Judgment in Anna Karenina

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    The question of judgment and sympathies in Anna Karenina is one that seems to become more complicated each time I read the novel. The basic problem with locating the voice of judgment is that throughout the novel, there are places where we feel less than comfortable with the seemingly straightforward, at times even didactic presentation of Anna and Vronsky's fall into sin alongside Levin's constant moral struggle. As Anna's story unfolds in its episodic manner within the context of the rest

  • Anna Karenina by Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

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    One of literature’s most beloved works is Anna Karenina, written by the famous Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in 1877. Leo Tolstoy was a Russian author who wrote many epic-length novels as well as short stories in the genre of realistic fiction. As a writer, Tolstoy tends to focus on the major and minor details of everyday Russian events, and in the space of a single page can enlighten the reader of a character’s entire past and lifestyle. He is a master of close-ups: short segments in a novel that

  • Tolstoy's Perspective on Women's Rights as Depicted in Anna Karenina

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    "Vengeance is mine; I will repay," states the darkly foretelling epigraph of Leo Tolstoy's famous novel Anna Karenina. Throughout the work, the author seems torn between feminist and misogynist sympathies, leading one to wonder if the above quote is directed at the adulterous Anna--the only character in the novel who pays for her transgressions with her life. At first, Tolstoy seems to sympathize with Anna, contrasting her situation with that of her brother Stiva, who has also committed adultery but received

  • Dysfunctional Families in Revolutionary Road and Anna Karenina

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    it is rooted within the familial bonds that gradually break as a result of conflict, co-dependent adults, perhaps substance abuse, and oftentimes a struggle of conformity brought on by an external source. In the novels Revolutionary Road and Anna Karenina, Richard Yates and Leo Tolstoy depict familial dysfunction that can occur as a result of society’s overwhelming ability to alter perspective and act as a catalyst to mediocrity. The characters that choose to conform to society’s moral values end

  • Leo Tolsstoy, Anna Karenina By Leo Tolstoy

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    mind and, throughout his life, was skeptical of the practices of the Roman Catholic Church. He came to believe that the church was corrupt and abandoned organized religion entirely, instead developing his own set of beliefs. According to Tolstoy, Anna Karenina was derived from three separate occurrences. The first being in 1870, Tolstoy developed an idea for a story about a woman who commits adultery and abandons her husband for the other man, loosely based on the life of his sister. The second was a

  • Comparing Heroines in Anna Karenina and War and Peace

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    women in their works. The image of Anna Karenina, the main character of the novel, according to Tolstoy represents both a woman, who lost herself. She stepped away from her sacred duties of being a mother and a wife, but she does not have another choice. Tolstoy tries to justify the behavior of his heroine, but at the same time her tragical destiny appears to be unavoidable. Some very poetic motives of “War and Peace” develop in the character of Anna Karenina. In particular reflects the image of