Animal Consciousness Essays

  • Animal Consciousness

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    my position about animal consciousness, I might define fist what consciousness or awareness meant for me. Consciousness rather than merely mean the state of not being asleep it is the basic ability of an organism to perceive and consequently respond to selected features of their environment. However, as we might notice throughout the semester, there are two senses of consciousness that causes controversy when applied to animals: phenomenal consciousness, and self-consciousness. The phenomenal consciousness

  • Argumentative Essay On Animal Consciousness

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    been substantial debate over whether or not animals experience consciousness and to what extent they are sentient. Exploring the merits of this discussion involves studying different animal species varying in anatomical, physiological, and behavioral characteristics. Many observational and experimental studies on various different types of animals have reached similar conclusions about animal consciousness and sentience; they generally posit that animals live some type of a subjective experience.

  • Absence of Evidence, or Evidence of Absence; A paper on Animal Consciousness

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    A paper on Animal Consciousness Consciousness is a difficult term to grasp; so much so, that many scientists will not even attempt to define the term, much less search for it’s evidence. Most however, do agree that consciousness must include certain aspects; specifically cognition, self-awareness, memory, and abstract thought. Lesley J. Rogers describes consciousness as, “related to awareness, intelligence, and complex cognition, as well as language. Consciousness may be manifested

  • Pros And Cons Of Animal Self-Consciousness

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    scientific discoveries that suggest animals are conscious, we can no longer rely on the distinctions given by philosophers which draw a line between man and beast. I am aiming to prove that it is implausible to deny that animals are self-conscious, if we consider humans to be so. With reference to descartes, kant, and bentham specifically. We will discuss why animals should not be abused because they are likely to be just as self-conscious as humans. Are animals self-conscious? Are they aware of themselves

  • Animal Consciousness: Reflections through Poetic Interpretations

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    The thoughts of animals has always been a fascination for man. Since the beginning humans have researched animals with a simple curiosity of how they think and to what extent do they think. Though animals are often painted as simpletons with no comprehensive thought but rather acting on raw instinct. However, the authors of Hawk Roosting and Golden Retrieval, Ted Hughes and Mark Doty, present two very different outlooks on life through an animal. One a bird and one a dog, but each characterized through

  • How Does Human Consciousnessness Differ From Animal Consciousness?

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    How does human consciousness differ from animal consciousness? This was the topic given to my group in the first presentation we gave. Well, while looking at the topic for the first time, the image of my pet at my home flashed on my mind. I won’t use “it” to refer my pet. He is one of us! The way he is with all of us, loving, cute, understanding, showing intelligent responses that always surprises us and makes us happy. Yes! He does understand our language (Telugu), he shows his interests/likes through

  • Death And The Afterlife Essay

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    holistic dualism (Death and the Afterlife, 129). This viewpoint attempts to blend modern scientific and traditional theological beliefs into one comprehensive view of the human soul. In this view, he defines the soul as “the subject of personal consciousness (or personal identity),” the home of one’s mind and will (Death and the Afterlife, 129). In short, a person’s entire being, minus the physical aspects, is housed in this immaterial soul. However, the soul cannot exist on its own– it is limited

  • An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke

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    to tell the difference between things, however similar, that exist at the same time. (Essay II.xxvii.1) Bodies have the same identity as long as there is no addition or subtraction of any particles of matter. (Essay II.xxvii.3) Organisms such as animals, can be identified through the continued existence of the same life with changing particles of matter that are organized to meet the needs of that life. (Essay II.xxvii.5) Locke thinks this is where identity of man also resides, he states, “… identity

  • Personal Definition Of Consciousness

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    Conscious For Now Consciousness is a concept that is socially constructed to define a real, yet abstract phenomenon. The point of defining consciousness, in Combs words, is to take an metaphysical idea, something that can not be understood directly in itself, and turn it into an object for humans to understand from a concrete perspective. For the purpose of this paper, the type of consciousness that will mostly be discussed can be described as having consciousness, an adverb that is understood

  • Critique on Thomas Nagel's What it is like to be a bat?

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    as to why the physicalist view may never be able to solve the mind-body problem. In ?What is it like to be a bat??, Nagel attempts to distinguish between objective and subjective conscious experience. He begins his paper by explaining how ?consciousness is what makes the mind-body problem intractable? (p. 534) and why reductionists must use this in order to come to a true conclusion about the mind. He uses the ?what is it like to be a bat? example to support this argument because he wants to

  • Christof Koch and the Theory of Consciousness

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    Consciousness was first described and introduced by Sigmund Freud and Friedrich Nietzsche (Crick & Koch, 2001). It has been described as a realm of the mind that controls human behaviour. However consciousness is not accessible to conscious introspection, self-examination or a source of knowledge. On the contrary, Christof Koch, a neuroscientist collaborator of Francis Crick, describes unconsciousness as any neuronal activity that does not give rise to conscious sensation, thought or memory (Crick

  • Essay About Consciousness

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    Perhaps one of the strangest mysteries of the universe is the question of how we became cognizant creatures. Being conscious is one of the bare-bone requirements of being alive, and yet, we still don't understand how it all came to be. Consciousness is the ability to think about your surroundings, be aware of yourself, and be awake. It's considered to be the essence of existence, particularly by Descartes, who so famously said, "I think, therefore, I am." It's hard to imagine that, at one point

  • Thomas Nagel Analysis

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    The essay of Thomas Nagel was based on the importance of consciousness as well as the subjective character of experience. Nagel makes some very good points in his essay, What it is like to be a bat? Explaining that we experience everything as subjective and not objective. Having analyzed the essay from Nagel, I have decided that he does have a sound argument which states that every organism that experiences consciousness will experience it in its own way. Nagel also talks about the mind-body problem

  • Personal Identity Essay

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    Essay Concerning Human Understanding has been said to be one of the first modern conceptualizations of consciousness as the repeated self-identification of oneself. Through this identification, moral responsibility could be attributed to the subject and punishment and guilt could be justified, as critics such as Nietzsche would point out. According to Locke, personal identity "depends on consciousness, not on substance" nor on the soul. We are the same person to the extent that we are conscious of the

  • The Role of Richard Parker in Yann Martel’s Life of Pi

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    Richard Parker played a greater role in keeping Pi alive in comparison to his beliefs in his religions. During the period in which Pi was stranded on the lifeboat, Richard Parker kept Pi aware, helped Pi make the right decisions, and was Pi’s sub-consciousness. The projection of Richard Parker helps Pi to be aware of this current situation, which was him being stranded in the ocean on a lifeboat in comparison to his beliefs in his religions. His fear towards Richard Parker was one of the reasons of

  • Consciousness Essay

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    Consciousness is the subjective experience of an individual on the world and the mind, that is utterly private to oneself. The defining feature of this subject is the experience that comes along with it. Although some people might explain it as just being awake that is not necessarily true. The story of Belle Riskin being conscious while going through surgery has also occurred to me. Whenever they were removing my wisdom teeth I was conscious in the middle of it but not for long it was only a few

  • Consciousness In The Damned Thing

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    Reality and consciousness has been a philosophical debate for centuries. Reality is described as the state of things like they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined. It includes everything that is and has been beyond observable or comprehensible proof. Consciousness is difficult to define, it can be the state or quality of awareness, or being aware of externalities beyond yourself. They can be viewed as opposing ideas and can also be considered dependents, one requiring

  • The Bats, the Blind, and the Butterflies

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    reside in a physical container such as the brain? These questions all describe the “mind-body problem.” In the article, “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?” author Thomas Nagel provides his own view on the mind-body problem. He begins by stating that consciousness is the reason why the mind-body problem is so controversial and difficult to solve. The reductionist (i.e. materialist) believes that every human’s mental states are simply the results of the physical components and chemical reactions of the brain

  • David Hume's Biological Continuity Theory

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    because he believes that a person is surviving purely on animal functions. I don't agree with Olson, I think that the animal functions – metabolism, breathing, circulating blood etc. are necessary in every human person to survive. It does not make sense for him to say that biological continuity is what makes a person the same person over

  • Manifestation Of Consciousness

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    Consciousness being fundamental to our Existence as all creation emerges out of it and merges back to it. It is the eternal Cyclic of creation-sustenance–merge (sristi-sthiti-laya) triplet. It relates to Experiences that we commonly associate with ourselves such as thoughts, feelings, images, dreams, body. Derived from a Latin word “conscious” means con- together and Scio- to Know. Consciousness which is synonymous with awareness exceeds our organs, sense, brain and even our ordinary thoughts, it