Andrei Tarkovsky Essays

  • Solaris Themes

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    Solaris directed by Andrei Tarkovsky is an important artifact of Russian culture, poetry, and art. The significance of poetry and art is deep rooted and reflective of Russia’s special place in the world. Depth and meaning come from where the uniqueness of Russian culture coincides with the messages Tarkovsky communicates through the film. More so than other films, Solaris deals with the existential questions of the period in a context that has remained relevant to this day. Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris

  • Tarkovsky's Cinema

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    about historical realism or exposing the everyday as it really is. Cinema is unavoidably an especially paranoid representation of experience. Sculpture hewn in time resembles everyday events no more than wood sculpture does stumps. What makes Tarkovsky interesting might be gotten at in terms of doors and windows. Dalle Vacche[1] approaches the array of moments and differences in the style: Tarkovsky’s refusal to attach these faces to a situation, to a decision, or to an exchange of looks with

  • The Mirror of Time and Memory.

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    life’s flying needle leads me on Through the world like a thread. Arseniy Tarkovsky The films of Andrey Arsen’evitch Tarkovsky fall into the separate genre of cinematic creations: they are more than drama or psychological thriller, more than philosophical cinema. Although Tarkovsky’s work has been deeply influenced with such prominent film directors as Kurosawa, Bunuel or Antonioni, the poetry of his father, Arseniy Tarkovsky, Boris Pasternak and many other Russian poets and writers, his films manage

  • The Trinity In Andrei Rublev's Art

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    Christianity has influenced not only Andrei Rublev’s life, but also his artwork, the Trinity was his signature interpretation of the Old Testament (Lenhoff 690). This painting shows Abraham and his communication with God. In this painting, there are three angels shown to visit Abraham at what is known as the Oak of Mamre in the Bible. These angels are believed to represent the Trinity or the three “parts” of God: the Father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. Abraham is shown in this painting to

  • Andrei Chikatilo Biography

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    Rostov”, Andrei Chikatilo’s last words were, “Don’t blow my brains out! The Japanese want to buy them!” (“Butcher” 3). He was well known because of the crazy and unusual ways that he did his killings. He is one of the most well-known and notorious serial killer in Russia. Throughout his lifetime, he had a very awkward marriage, a short military career, a teaching career, and the rest of his life was full of crime and killings. Andrei Chikatilo was a crazy and insane serial killer. Andrei Chikatilo

  • Derek Jeter: Icons In The Nineteenth Century

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    When asked, every person could point out an item, place, or person that they have personally connected with due to values or memories that said thing represents. These icons may gain widespread attention due to their influence or prevalence in society. However, our tribute to certain icons is not a new practice. A major dilemma of the eighth century Catholic Church revolved around icons and whether they should be allowed and in what form. From this time stemmed our inclination to revel in the

  • Analysis Of Red Of Roadside Picnic And The Attributed 'Stalker'

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    The unfulfillment of wishes and dreams or yet-to-be fulfilled promise surrounding the zone both torment Red of Roadside Picnic and the attributed ‘Stalker” in the later film adaptation directed by the auteur, Andrei Tarkovsky. However, it is the respective protagonists’ emotional integrity that most significantly contributes to their fall and devastating descent into madness. In this essay, I will use a psychoanalytical lens to highlight the above thesis. Accordingly, I will compare and provide evidence

  • What Is The Moral Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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    Movies of the 70’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, (Milos Forman) A madhouse is still better than the jail, thinks at least of the burnt-down dolly Patrick McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) when he pleads in court for insanity and gets himself into a mental hospital. But far from it, a malicious station nurse is leading a brutal and inhumane regime. The helpless patients vegetate in fear and despair, if any of them should have difficulty adapting, he is mercilessly put to rest with painful electric shocks

  • Analysis Of The Film 'Ivan's Childhood'

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    Ivan’s Childhood (Иваново детство), released in 1962, marked the debut of great film director Andrei Tarkovsky. In his book, Sculpting in Time, Tarkovsky describes his experience of creating Ivan’s Childhood as a sort of “qualifying examination.” He viewed the process as an opportunity to determine whether or not he might find success as a director, one that might allow him an unfettered opportunity to explore his own aesthetic ideals. Ivan’s Childhood is a war film, but breaks from the conventional

  • Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker

    1114 Words  | 3 Pages

    Stalker by Andrei Tarkovsky is one of the most enigmatic movies in the history of cinematography. This masterpiece has been fascinated those viewers who appreciate professionalism and unusual qualities of the film, but also those souls who are always looking for some deeper answers. What make this movie is so extraordinary and different from others? It cannot be just one thing, indeed it is a totality of the experience. Not only the winning combination of interesting plot, haunting images, genuine

  • Revolutionizing Cinematic Experience: Kubrick's Obsession with Sci-Fi

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    In 1962 MGM (Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Films) released “How The West Was Won”, projected in a movie theater with three panels that needed to be projected by three different movie projectors at the same time. In a time where the classic western genre was about to be extinct. This ambitious project filmed by three different directors ended in a huge success, and it made investors believe that the movie industry could compete with the TV. Kubrick was obsessed, around the 1950’s, with Sci-Fi hits one after

  • Solaris: Comparing Lem And The 1972 Film

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    In both the novel, Solaris by Stanislaw Lem, and the 1972 film of the same name, directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, colour is used as a tool to convey the mood and meaning in the story being told, as well as giving us insight into the relationships of characters, particularly between the protagonist, Kris Kelvin and his deceased wife’s replicas. In the novel, there is an emphasis on two colours, red and blue. By focusing on only two colors, it emphasizes that there is divide between these two, and therefore

  • Metaphors In Film

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    answer the questions: How do directors create metaphors in film to communicate with their audiences? And what are the messages in the metaphors directors impose on their audience? How is the method of conveying a metaphor different or the same in: Andrei Tarkovsky's The Mirror, Jean-Pierre Jeunet's Amelie, and Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver? If one assumes that CMT is true in that all communicating is a form of metaphor for an intended meaning, doing a comparative analysis, on three different films

  • Roadside Picnic Vs S. K. Rr

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R., by Andrei Tarkovsky, is a film based on the book Roadside Picnic, by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Both stories take place in a science fiction location known as “the Zone”. The Zone is a place where bad things happen and is the main source of science-fiction throughout the stories. Although the stories were quite similar, the Zone in Roadside picnic is more fascinating and has a stronger sense of fantasy, whereas S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is more realistic and not as engaging. The Zones from

  • Auteur Theory Research Paper

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    Von Trier's source of inspiration stems from the influence of Russian filmmaker, Andrei Tarkovsky, with his work often rife with references to one of the Soviet Union's greatest auteurs. Tarvosky used symbols, rhythm, and movements to share lasting stories which forever had an impact on Von Triers future features. The directors claim on his

  • The Use of Sound in Coppola’s The Conversation

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    [Accessed 05 February 2012] Ondaatje, M. (2004). The Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Shire, D. (2011). The Conversation: Interview with Francis Ford Coppola and David Shire [Blu-ray]. Studiocanal. Tarkovsky, A. (1989). Sculpting in Time: Reflections on the Cinema. University of Texas Press. Thinking Sound. (2011). Filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola Talks about the Evolution of Movie Sound. [Online]. Available from YouTube:

  • Pink Flamingos Sociology

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    With the rise of the counter-culture and experimental film in the 1950s and 1960s there were plenty of bizarre movies, but in the1970s, we start to see a plethora of films that descend into absolute insanity. It's impossible to talk about weird movies of this era without bringing up "The King of Bad Taste" himself, John Waters. He eventually settled down and became more mainstream, but his films from the 70s were absolutely nuts. The most well-known is easily the transgressive classic Pink

  • Rashomon Effect: The Meaning Of Alienation In The Film

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    Cinematic shots, angles, movement and lighting, deepened the meaning of alienation The filmmaker has often chosen high angle shots to subordinate the subject, and made the protagonists appear weak, helpless, or small in the society. This approach was effectively used by the director in films like Danny, Ponthan Mada, Alicinte Aneshanam, Bhoomimalayalam, Padam Onnu Oru Vilapam, and Vilapangalkkapuram. Moreover, a differential approach was used by the director in portraying male and female protagonists