Love of Life and Fear of Death in the Works of T.S. Eliot and Yulisa Amadu Maddy Both T.S. Eliot and Yulisa Amadu Maddy have experienced difficulty and hardship in life. Eliot lived through two world wars and Maddy struggled with oppression and poverty growing up in his homeland of Sierra Leone. These life experiences are reflected in their writing. Both of these writers present the reader with the concept of human mortality in such a way that not only is the fear of death prevalent in their
T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land and Morality T.S. Eliot and Yulisa Amadu Maddy both address the topics of fear of death and then correlative love of life, but from entirely different points of view. T.S. Eliot wrote during a time when people were questioning relativity, especially moral relativity and it's effect on life after death. Maddy wrote about young boys who were going through that time in a teenager's life when they realize that they will die someday. Thus, teenagers begin to acknowledge
The Connection of Mortality with One’s Love of Life in T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland and Yulisa Amadu Maddy's No Past No Present No Future Through many writers’ works the correlation of mortality and love of life is strongly enforced. This connection is one that is easy to illustrate and easy to grasp because it is experienced by humans daily. For instance, when a loved one passes away, even though there is time for mourning, there is also an immediate appreciation for one’s life merely because
their attitude towards life changes. They soon come to understand that the gift of life is to be appreciated and not taken for granted. Yulisa Amadu Maddy and T.S. Eliot are two writers who through their literature prove that death can change a person’s outlook on life. Both of these authors, however, express this theory differently. For instance Maddy, author of No Past, No Present, No Future, portrays this theory through the life stories of three very different African boys. Whether it is someone
"The Waste Land" and Yulisa Amadu Maddy’s novel NO Past, NO Present, NO Future In both T.S. Eliot’s poem "The Waste Land" and Yulisa Amadu Maddy’s novel NO Past, NO Present, NO Future, the characters experience a downfall. It is human nature, though, to experience some sort of self-destruction. W.B. Yeats wrote the line "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold." Humanity tends to cling to that which is most destructive to itself, whether it is intended or not. Maddy and Eliot both describe their
Life Lessons in Yulisa Amadu Maddy’s No Past, No Present, No Future An age-old cliché states that one really never appreciates what he or she has until it is gone. Does this mean that nobody has ever truly appreciated the gift of life while living? Such an assumption cannot easily be made because no one can truly know the experiences or feelings. One can only try to understand by relating it to personal experience. On the other hand, this cliché would seem to explain the changes that people
point or another have had a fear of dying and been p... ... middle of paper ... ...if one spends their whole life being jealous of others, then they will have lost the opportunity to live their own life. So, as the Beatles once said "Let it be." Maddy provides an example of this when Ade turns out to be the successful one while Santigie fails his exams and is envious of Ade. Whether it be in school, with friends, or in sports, it matters not what exams one passes in life. The truth is that one does
Other Poems. New York: Dover, 1998. Gore, Albert Jr., Concession Speech. C-Span.Org: Public Affairs on the Web. 13 Dec. 2000: 24 Jan. 2001. Jin, Ha. Waiting. New York: Vintage, 2000. Maddy, Yulisa Amadu. No Past No Present No Future. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann- Reed, 1996. Tanksley, Charlie. Speech on the Proposed New Flag. 30 Jan. 2001. <>. Taylor, Mark. Remarks
Amathophobia Death is the great equalizer. We all have unique experiences in life, but we each succumb to the same final fate. Rich or poor, strong or weak, exalted or scorned; everyone is humbled when faced with his own mortality. Death does not play favorites, and Death will find everyone. Though often frightening, some argue that the thought of death also heightens appreciation of life. British novelist EM Forster wrote, "Death destroys a man, the idea of Death saves him." Indeed, knowing
great writers in the past and continue to have an impact on authors today. Works Consulted Bible, The. New International Version. Zondervan: Grand Rapids, 1996. Eliot, T.S. The Waste Land, Prufrock and Other Poems. Mineola, NY: Dover, 1998. Maddy, Yulisa Amadu. No Past No Present No Future. Oxford: Heinemann, 1996.