Alice Dunbar-Nelson Essays

  • Local Color and the Stories of Alice Dunbar-Nelson and Kate Chopin

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    Local Color and the Stories of Alice Dunbar-Nelson and Kate Chopin Blending the best elements from the French-Acadian culture and from the Old South, the Creole culture of Louisiana is one the richest and most fascinating areas for study. Kate Chopin and Alice Dunbar-Nelson are both writers who have brought this place and the people who live there to life through their writing. Because of their strong literary ties to Louisiana and the Creole culture, Dunbar-Nelson and Chopin have both, at times

  • The Political, Feminist, and Religious view of Frances E.W. Harper, Phllis Wheatley, and Alice Dunbar-Nelson

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    The Political, Feminist, and Religious view of Frances E.W. Harper, Phllis Wheatley, and Alice Dunbar-Nelson Phillis Wheatley, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, and Francis E. W. Harper were all groundbreaking and poignant authors whose works have remained influential throughout time. Feminism, politics, and religion are three aspects evident in their personal lives an d literature. Wheatley was considered a feminist icon because she was the first published African American female poet. However, her writing

  • Oppression between Paul Laurence Dunbar and Alice Dunbar-Nelson

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    Poetry is a way of expressing feelings and thoughts on paper. Paul Laurence Dunbar and his former wife, Alice Dunbar-Nelson both wrote poetry in order to express their thoughts and feelings toward different subjects. This essay presents a discussion of the comparisons and contrasts of the poems “I sit and sew” and “We wear the mask”. “We wear the mask” was written by Paul Laurence Dunbar and in many ways, it sheds some light of what it is like to experience the physical, mental and spiritual oppression

  • Mine Eyes Have Seen By Alice Dunbar-Nelson: Play Analysis

    509 Words  | 2 Pages

    In her play in one-act, “Mine Eyes Have Seen”, Alice Dunbar-Nelson explores a belief that was prevalent in the early twentieth century; where a black man’s race and service to his country required his life. Chris, the younger brother in the play, has come to face the decision to accept his draft to the U.S. military or to exempt himself in order to support his crippled brother Dan and his frail and limp sister Lucy. Chris constantly questions Dan why would he fight in a war that was not his, and

  • Alice Dunbar-Nelson's The Goodness Of Saint Roque

    988 Words  | 2 Pages

    Biography On July 19, 1875, Alice Dunbar-Nelson was born to Patricia Wright and Joseph Moore. Shortly after Dunbar-Nelson’s birth, her father left the family. Dunbar-Nelson’s mixed race of African American, Native American, and European American benefitted her greatly because she was able to pass as a Caucasian woman in order to gain entrance in to cultural events that would generally exclude minorities (Low). Her fair complexion and red tinted hair allowed her to associate with the Creole society

  • The Power Of Clotel: Tragic Moulatto Women

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    United States to the late 19th century pre-Harlem renaissance, ethnicity has been shown to influence the power and prestige bestowed upon African American men and women. Two tales– Clotel (1853) by William Wells Brown and “Natalie” (1898) by Alice Dunbar-Nelson - exemplify the trials and racism that mulatto women historically contended with through the trope of the tragic mulatta. Clotel upholds the traditional version of the tragic mulatta and “Natalie” transforms it into a play of power and success

  • Trope In 'Clotel, Or The President's Daughter'

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    William Wells Brown’s Clotel, or The President’s Daughter could read as a pure romance if it were not a slave narrative; some parts still strongly resemble typical mid-nineteenth century romances, meant to appeal primarily to white women. All of the protagonists are women, the most prevalent being the eponymous Clotel and her sister Althesa, both of whom are mixed-race and born to Currer, a “bright mulatt[a],” and Thomas Jefferson (Brown 49-50). Clotel has “a complexion as white as most of those

  • Equality In The Negro Woman And The Ballot

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    cherished value, many people have different depictions of what equality means. A great deal of writing about “equality” from our Founders still does not clear up the confusion that besieges the term. “The Negro Woman and the Ballot” written by Alice Dunbar Nelson discusses the inequality African-American women went through in the voting process. Women didn’t get

  • The Characteristics Of The Harlem Renaissance

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    a period that occurred in Harlem, New York between the end of World War I and the middle of the 1930s. Harlem became a culture center that enticed African American artists such as “Wallace Thurman, Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, and Alice Dunbar-Nelson” (Henderson 516) to showcase their talents . According to Shadi Neimneh writer of many interracial novels assesses Claude McKay’s poem “If We Must Die” by saying that“[the author Du Bois] thought blacks could achieve through culture what could

  • The Little Convent Girl Analysis

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    Varnado 1 Gayle Varnado Professor Cheryl Breaux English 232 27, March 2017 The story of The Little Convent Girl takes one back into history as to how one was treated and classified. Many ideas and theories has come to mine about mixed cultures and their values in today’s society. During the 19th century mixed races were not accepted in American society, because the Jim Crow law would not allow it to happen. It was not that bad for the white man to rape or have consensual sex, no matter if it was