Ahaz Essays

  • King Hezekiah: King of Judah

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    father, King Ahaz, who was the king of Judah at first. Throughout the reign of Ahaz, the Bible demonstrates to us how Ahaz was not the best perfect that was fit for a king. King Ahaz brought much turmoil to the nation of Judah. God was not pleased at with the people, with the people; He was not only disappointed with the people, but also with King Ahaz because his ruling. King Ahaz disobeyed the law of the Lord; Ahaz gave the people to be able and worship other gods. The Bible states, “Ahaz gathered

  • Isaiah and the Prophetess

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    resources. However king Ahaz was not in favor of the alliance, for he wanted to keep his alliance with Assyria healthy. Consequently, Israel and Syria conspired against Judah, planning on besieging the city. We are told in Isaiah 7:6 that their desire was to replace King Ahaz with a man who would support them in their stance against the Assyrians. This man was to be “the Son of Tabeel”. Which means, “good for nothing”. This could mean that they just simply wanted to replace Ahaz with someone who would

  • Historical Context of Isaiah 53

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    Isaiah 1:1 states, “The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz Judah and Jerusalem, which he saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah” This verse is an indication that Isaiah’s ministry began with the reign of Uzziah, King of Judah and culminated with the reign of King Hezekiah. Hence, as Isaiah was prophesying to Judah, the southern kingdom during the reign of these four kings, Hosea and Amos were prophesying to Israel, the northern kingdom. Geographically, the area

  • Hezekiah Research Paper

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    siege. In order to understand what sets Hezekiah apart as a leader, it is important to understand the state of affairs when Hezekiah inherited the throne from his father Ahaz. The kingdom of Judah was living in the constant fear of the Assyrian invasion from the north. In an effort to save the city of Jerusalem from destruction, Ahaz... ... middle of paper ... ...alem during a time of crisis and keep it from the destruction during Scennacherib's siege. Although initially disguised as a religious

  • King Hezekiah

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    As a one reads through the Old Testament, he will find the story as it unfolds of the children of Israel. Beginning in the book of Exodus the children of Israel are in Egyptian bondage and being forced to work as slaves. God appears to Moses in a burning bush and tells him that He [God] has heard His people and He is going to deliver them out of bondage. God at that time tells Moses that He has chosen him to be the leader of this people. After God brings ten plagues against Egypt the children of

  • John Milton's Paradise Lost

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    John Milton's Paradise Lost John Milton’s Paradise Lost is filled with fantastical tales from the depths of Hell, extravagant descriptions of the fallen angels, and a curious recitation of the council of demons in their new palace. How did Milton dream up such vivid depictions of such horrible demons as the ones we see in Book I? Most of his fallen angels originate in the form of Pagan gods condemned by the Bible, with actual historical backgrounds which Milton cites in his lengthy descriptions

  • Jesus In The Two Specific Questions For Exegesis Of Mark 13

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    1:22-23). Isaiah 7:14 had a future fulfillment in Christ. However, the contemporaries of Isaiah would not have read this verse the same way. They would have looked for an immediate fulfillment of this prophecy in their lifetime specifically because King Ahaz was told to be looking for the sign of a young woman giving

  • Major Prophets: The Prophecies Of Isaiah And Jeremiah

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    Before we really begin this essay and to begin the comparing and contrasting of the prophecies of these two major prophets, we must first understand why these prophets are considered two of the “major prophets” and what prophet means. Isaiah and Jeremiah are considered a part of the major prophets simply because the content is much larger than that of Amos or Obadiah who are considered to be of the minor prophets. These two men were called prophets. Prophet literally means “to bubble over.” This

  • Exegesis Of Matthew

    2222 Words  | 5 Pages

    HOW ACCURATELY DID MATTHEW USE THE OLD TESTAMENT? Introduction The Bible contains two parts, which are the Old Testament, the so-called the Jewish Bible, and the New Testament. Though many different writers involved in writing the Bible, the two Testaments are not independent; they are cross-referenced to each other. Christians often treat the Old Testament not only as the historical documents or literatures of the Israelites, but also as an important element of the foundation of the New Testament

  • The Shepherd Motif

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    The Shepherd Motif in the Old and New Testament In the first 5 chapters of Laniak’s text he vividly established the “prototypes for later pastoral traditions” (Laniak 2006: 115) by shedding light on the use of the shepherd metaphor in the Bible. He then goes on to show that the motif of the shepherd through “the prophetic voices who spoke on behalf of the divine Kind, the true Shepherd of Israel” (Laniak 2006: 115) make up the bulk of the prophetic messages we find there. Laniak starts in the Old

  • Isaiah Vs. Jeremiah

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    true word of the Lord. But this paper is not only written to talk about the similarities but also the differences between to two as well. Isaiah was a man according to the Bible, was living during the reigns of Uzziah also known as Azariah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. All three of these men were ruling over the kingdom of Judah, but at different times. Uzziah was a ruler over the land of Judah for about 52 years. In the last few years of Uzziah’s reign Isaiah must have begun his ministry. Isaiah

  • Monotheistic Religions Essay

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    Monotheistic religions have helped shaped the world. Religion is a topic that has many definitions and is seen in many different ways. Some people believe in one G-d (God) which is known as monotheism while at the same time some people believe in many G-ds or no G-ds or G-d. Religion is something that has had a major effect on the world. Three of the major religions are all monotheistic. In this paper, I will talk about 3 aspects of three major monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity and, Islam

  • Baptism of the Holy Spirit

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    The life and ministry of Jesus is usually defined as the moment where God intervened in human history for a special purpose. This intervention occurred so humanity’s relationship could be restored to the way it was originally intended to be. Sin entered the world through the disobedience of the first humans beings created. The relationship between God and humanity was marred and could only be restored through the atonement of Jesus Christ. A surface look of Jesus’ life would produce an overview such

  • Holy Spirit Jesus Ministry

    3006 Words  | 7 Pages

    The life and ministry of Jesus is usually defined as the moment where God intervened in human history for a special purpose. This intervention occurred so humanity’s relationship could be restored to the way it was originally intended to be. Sin entered the world through the disobedience of the first humans beings created. The relationship between God and humanity was marred and could only be restored through the atonement of Jesus Christ. A surface look of Jesus’ life would produce an overview

  • The Hebrew Exiles In Babylon

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    The Hebrew Exiles in Babylon When Jerusalem fell to the conquering Babylonians in 587 BC, most of what was important to the Hebrew people was gone. They lost their holy city, the Temple was destroyed, and the Davidic monarchy ended (Beasley 221). Following the destruction of Jerusalem, the Babylonian king, Nebuchadrezzar, deported most of the population to other cities, including Babylon. These exiles remained there for about fifty years until the Persian forces, under king Cyrus, took the city

  • the prophets

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    The writing Prophets are distinctive from Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who were called prophets but they did not write any books. The writing Prophets are called so to make a distinction between the two prophetic groups commonly referred to as the writing or oral prophets. Prophets have a long presence in Israel’s history certainly this maybe why similarities have been found in the writing of the prophetic books. The writing prophets have been studied by many scholars and they have found some

  • The Book Of Hosea

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    The Book of Hosea is one among the several books of the Hebrew scripture and appears as the first in the order of the twelve Minor Prophets. The term ‘minor’ refers to the length and not the importance of the books when compared to the books of Ezekiel, Isaiah and Jeremiah. All the twelve minor books are Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Haggai & Malachi (Feinberg, 1990). Hosea was instructed by God to marry a prostitute, by the name of Gomer, who symbolized

  • The Calling Of Isaiah

    1971 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Calling of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 6:1-13 The prophet Isaiah lived during a very troublesome era during the years 742-701B.C.E. He preached during the reigns of four kings of Judah: Uzziah (783-742), Jotham (742-735), Ahaz (735-715), and Hezekiah (715-687). Judah faced many challenges and crises throughout those years primarily at the hands of the Assyrian Empire. Isaih interpreted the events as part of the Lord's will, and he encourages the people to trust in the Lord rather than relying

  • Statistical Investigation Into Height and Weight of Students

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    Statistical Investigation Into Height and Weight of Students My hypotheses are as follows: ~ 1. Year 11 students are, on average, taller than year 9 students. 2. There is better correlation between height and weight in year 7 than there is in year 11. 3. The taller someone is the heavier they are. Below are the sampling methods that I have used in my coursework: Stratified Simple Random Stratified sampling can be defined as the process where the population is divided into