Agrarian Discontent Essays

  • Agrarian Discontent in the Late Nineteenth Century

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    Most of the reasons concerning agrarian discontent in the late nineteenth century stem from supposed threats posed by monopolies and trusts, railroads, money shortages and the demonetization of silver, though in many cases their complaints were not valid. The American farmer at this time already had his fair share of problems, perhaps even perceived as unfair in regards to the success industrialized businessmen were experiencing. Nevertheless, crops such as cotton and wheat, which were once the

  • Agrarian Discontent 1880 To 1900

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    Agrarian Discontent 1880 to 1900 The period between 1880 and 1900 was a boom time for American Politics. The country was finally free of the threat of war, and many of its citizens were living comfortably. However, as these two decades went by, the American farmer found it harder and harder to live comfortably. Crops such as cotton and wheat, once the sustenance of the agriculture industry, were selling at prices so low that it was nearly impossible for farmers to make a profit off them. Furthermore


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    farmers’ disconnection from the Boston government rendered the situation more volatile than anywhere else. “Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Vermont instituted harsh laws to stem the growth of insurrection. But inland Massachusetts was so heavily agrarian that the rebellion gathered steam.”[2] Backcountry farmers banded together in mobs of up to one thousand men and marched to different cities, rioting in front of prominent shops and courthouses in order to make their frustrations heard. The rebellion

  • The Doukhobors, Sons of Freedom and the Canadian Government

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    spiritual love, denouncing violence.  However, it was the Doukhobors denial of the church, and more importantly the state, to have any authority over their lives that brought them into much conflict with the government.  As the sect developed into agrarian communal societies and engaged in endogamy, its introversion was seen as resistance to the state.  The Doukhobors were thus oppressed in Russia and even after migrating to Canada they failed ... ... middle of paper ... ... to comply with the

  • Shays Rebellion

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    Troubled Farmers “In the first years of peacetime, following the Revolutionary War, the future of both the agrarian and commercial society appeared threatened by a strangling chain of debt which aggravated the depressed economy of the postwar years”.1 This poor economy affected almost everyone in New England especially the farmers. For years these farmers, or yeomen as they were commonly called, had been used to growing just enough for what they needed and grew little in surplus. As one farmer explained

  • The Pathetic Jay Gatsby of Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby

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    Jay Gatsby is a pathetic character because he wasted his whole life chasing an unrealistic dream. Gatsby's dream is unrealistic because "it depends for its success upon Daisy's discontent with her marriage and her willingness to exchange it for a life of love.  But Daisy's discontent, like her sophistication, is a pose."(Aldridge 36)  The fact is, Daisy has almost all of the things that a woman could want out of a marriage.  She is very wealthy, she has a beautiful

  • Discontent Expressed through Blues, Jazz, Reggae, and Hip-hop

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    Discontent Expressed through Blues, Jazz, Reggae, and Hip-hop In cultures all over the world, music can be seen encompassing many aspects of life for many individuals. It is a form of mass communication that"speaks directly to society as a cultural form", and often reflects a collection and pattern of personal experiences (King 19). Music is so influential because it communicates on three different levels: the physical, emotional, and cognitive. Not only does it operate in a nondiscursive way, by

  • Human Values Versus Technology in Waiting for Godot and Civilization and its Discontents

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    Human Values Versus Technology in Beckett's Waiting for Godot and Freud's Civilization and its Discontents One of the most significant and wondrous features of today's society is the progress that has occurred with the passing of years and generations. Never before has humanity witnessed the technological advances that are now transpiring. Such advances encompass almost every facet of life as humanity knows it: from biomedical engineering to the exploration of outer-space. Science has proven

  • Writing Flaws Displayed in Steinbeck's Sweet Thursday

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    remains to be a prostitute house. Doc then comes to understand that through time, many people have changed. Doc is a middle-aged man who begins to experience great discontent and tries to understand life's purposes. In addition, Doc is struggling with writing an informative paper about marine biology. The people of the town see his discontent, so they try to devise plans to make Doc happier, the way he used to be before the war. Doc's main interest is Marine Biology, which is his occupation, so he decides

  • Technology and Happiness in Civilization and Its Discontents and Waiting for Godot

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    Technology and Happiness in Civilization and Its Discontents and Waiting for Godot Happiness is something most humans value above everything else. The various things in life that make us happy, such as family, friends, and cool cars, to name a few, are the very things we hold dearest to us and place the most value on. People fill their lives with things that please them to ease the gloom that comes as a result of the seemingly never-ending trials and tribulations of life. We gladly accept

  • Technological Advancement is Natural

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    relatives (living or dead) were to be worshiped, feared, and appeased. For instance, a native American might leave an offering to the soul of a deer he had hunted. Other societies would gather in groves or caves to celebrate religious ceremonies. In agrarian and feudal societies, more complex and technical religious systems were developed. They might be designated "Polytheism", "Monotheism", and "Universalism". For the purposes of this discussion, let us define these terms as follows: Monotheism identifies


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    painter whose vision of French rural life best embodies a set of late nineteenth- century ideals: the charm and wholesomeness of rustic ways, the nobility of living close to the soil, the beauty of preindustrial landscape, and the social harmony of the agrarian community." ( Sturges) Breton’s work was unique in content, painting for himself, impressing his personal values to the viewer. Although he did not fit the mold, by producing classical and historical works, there were other artists struggling with

  • The Rise of Materialism Exposed in Winter of Our Discontent

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    The Rise of Materialism Exposed in Winter of Our Discontent John Steinbeck showed alarm and disapproval to the rise of materialism and the post-World War 2, capitalistic morals found in America during the 1960's. These views were expressed through various characters in his novel The Winter of Our Discontent . This book dealt with the downward spiral of a good man, Ethan Allen Hawley. Pressured on all sides by influences once considered immoral, but now accepted in the 1960's, Ethan, a grocery

  • A Freudian Analysis of Voltaire's Candide

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    A Freudian Analysis of Voltaire's Candide In Civilization and its Discontents, Sigmund Freud refers to the important role that love plays in the world of Man. Love certainly plays an important role in Voltaire's Candide; throughout Candide's journeys, a constant factor is his love for Lady Cunegonde and his desire to be with her. Freud writes "the way of life which makes love the centre of everything [...] comes naturally to all of us," (Freud, p. 29). Candide's love for Cunegonde is the

  • Life Of Hitler

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    to run away, leaving Hitler as the next in line. His fathers had also just retired from his job at Austrian civil services which left him a lot of time at home around Adolf. The quote "the oldest boy, Alois Jr., 13, bore the brunt of his father's discontent, including harsh words and occasional beatings. A year later, at age 14, young Alois had enough of this treatment and ran away from home, never to see his father again." This put young Adolf, who was only 7 at the time, next in line for the same

  • A Race for Rats in The Winter of Our Discontent

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    A Race for Rats in The Winter of Our Discontent Some runners look only to the finish line, choosing to ignore what they step on or who they pass along the way. In The Winter of Our Discontent, Steinbeck portrays the dawning of a selfish American society concerned solely with winning personal races. Set in a small New England town during the early sixties, the story focuses on the life of Ethan Allen Hawley, an intelligent man with prestigious family history who is employed as a grocer to the dismay

  • The Illusion of the Good

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    phenomenon. Consequently, the definition of any concept implies the quest of the social roots of this concept. In this sense, the quest of the roots is prior to the quest of what is. Examples are taken from Plato’s Republic, Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents, and Schlick’s Problems of Ethics to show that the good is either in the state, in the super-Ego or in society. This means that the origin of the good lies outside the good itself, or, outside ethics. Hence, we cannot speak of the good per se, and

  • Science, Technology, and Human Values

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    Science, Technology, and Human Values in Sigmund Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents, Henrik Ibsen and Arthur Miller's An Enemy of the People, and Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five Technology has advanced to the point where it touches our lives in nearly every conceivable way-we no longer have to lift a finger to perform the most trivial tasks. The wealth of information and science we have learned in the last few centuries have made our lives easier but not always better, especially when

  • Short Summary Of The Night By Peter Taylor Chapter Summary

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    This novel by Peter Taylor opens with James and Mary Tyrone talking. They seem to be a very loving, married couple. James compliments Mary many times about how beautiful she looks. However she seems to be insecure about her looks because she is discontent with her case of rheumatism in her hands which makes it shake all the time. Then they heard their two sons laughing, as they walk out from the dinning room. As Edmund and Jamie enter, their parents question them what they are talking about. Edmund

  • An Enemy of the People, Waiting for Godot and Civilization and Its Discontents

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    Science and Human Values in Ibsen's An Enemy of the People, Beckett's Waiting for Godot and Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents Throughout the centuries, society has been given men ahead of their time. These men are seen in both actual history, and in fictional accounts of that history. Aristotle, Copernicus, Galileo, Bacon, and even Freud laid the framework in their fields, with revolutionary ideas whose shockwaves are still felt today. For every action there is an equal and opposite