Against Nature Essays

  • Man Against Nature

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    Man Against Nature I perceived, and continue to perceive, a severe problem with our culture. We see the space we inhabit as not wild, as not nature. Nature is in the parks, is in the mountains we drive over to sun ourselves on the beach, in unreachable and savage depths of countries like Brazil and continents like Africa. “That is nature,” we say, “not this, not our home, not our workplace.” A favorite author of mine calls this an “estranged worldview”, a term she borrowed herself from Friedrich

  • Sex and Man's Struggle Against Nature

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    Sex and Man's Struggle Against Nature In "Sex and Violence, or Nature and Art," Camille Paglia claims nature is inherently stronger than society. "Society is an artificial construction, a defense against nature's power.a system of inherited forms reducing our humiliating passivity to nature." (Writing in the Disciplines 572) I agree with the majority of Paglia's opinions, however, I believe that there are points that could have been elaborated on more substantially. In this essay, Paglia states

  • Man Against Nature in Jurassic Park

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    Man Against Nature in Jurassic Park "The world was made for man to conquer and rule, and under human rule it was meant to become a paradise" (Ishmael 82). Much like this evolutionary mythological theory, the movie Jurassic Park tells a tale of man's attempt to rule over nature. Through the movie's description and imagery, the viewer perceives the arrogance of humans to control nature, and the consequences and failures of this flawed intention. John Hammond, park creator, uses state of

  • Des Esseintes' Infatuation with Artifice in Huysmans' Against Nature

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    Des Esseintes' Infatuation with Artifice in Huysmans' Against Nature In J.-K Huysmans Against Nature, Des Esseintes rebels against his family, religion, and Parisian society to establish an identity unique to himself. He perceives this rejection of the truistic self as the development of individuality when, in actuality, it is only a self deriving from his reaction to the overstimulated public. By decorating his abode with eccentric objects, he falsely believes that he can detach himself from

  • Respect for Nature in Rime of the Ancient Mariner

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    Respect for Nature in Rime of the Ancient Mariner "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a parable of a seaman's crime against nature (pointlessly killing an albatross) and his repentance by blessing the lowly water-snakes.  Setting the poem in the Middle Ages in the then-unknown seas near Antarctica, the poet is able to make his narrative credible and give the reader what is called 'the willing suspension of disbelief.'  " This seven part ballad begins as a tale told by an "ancient Mariner"

  • Law Of Nations: An Overview

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    Law of Nations: An Overview Human nature consists of three basic components. These are to live, to propagate and to dominate. If Humanity was left without any other parameters, this natural state of existence would govern its behavior. Fortunately, there are parameters that exist. These parameters are law. The topic of this paper addresses the type of law that operates in creating potential boundaries for the behavior of states. This law is called the Law of Nations or international law. Patrick

  • How America Should React To Ho

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    during Greek and Roman era, most of the time homosexuals were considered to be sinners against nature and even criminals. In Medieval and modern periods homosexuals were prosecuted. Enlightenment brought some liberation, substituting death penalty by imprisonment. In Nazi Germany so-called "doctors" tried to "cure" gays by the ways of castration and extreme intimidation. Until 1973 attempts to find a cure against homosexuality, what by majority was viewed as a disease, were continued. Today, when research

  • Shakespeare's Othello - Troubled Iago

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    wife are virtually strangers, bound only by passion and faith; and by the fact that great joy bewilders, leaving the heart apt to doubt the reality of its joy. The strange and extraordinary, the heroic, what is beyond nature, can be made to seem the unnatural, what is against nature. This is one of Iago’s tricks. (143) Iago’s very language reveals the level at which his evil mind works. Francis Ferguson in “Two Worldviews Echo Each Other” describes the types of base, loathsome imagery used by the

  • Comparing Melville's Moby Dick and Naslund's Novel, Ahab's Wife

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    reaction to this essential imperfection, this essential doubt. Naslund's novel is written as a response to Herman Melville's Moby Dick: about a wounded sea captain who seeks revenge against nature, against "the ungraspable phantom,"1 the "heartless immensities"2 for wounding him. Ahab seeks to overthrow the power in nature that inflicts such pain by leaving the land, leaving the domain of humans, leaving "that young girl-wife."3 In contrast, Naslund's character, Una, responds to the inflicted sorrows

  • The Unladylike Lady in Macbeth

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    her character. L.C. Knights in the essay "Macbeth" describes the unnaturalness of Lady Macbeth's words and actions: Thus the sense of the unnaturalness of evil is evoked not only be repeated explicit references ("nature's mischief," "nature seems dead," " 'Tis unnatural, even like the deed that's done," and so on) but by the expression of unnatural sentiments and an unnatural violence of tone in such things as Lady Macbeth's invocation of the "spirits" who will "unsex" her, and her affirmation

  • The Weaker Sex in Macbeth

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    begins here as a competition and a stunt, against reason and against nature. Lady Macbeth fears her husband's human nature, as well as her own female nature, and therefore she fears the light of reason and the common daylight world. (108) Clark and Wright in their Introduction to The Complete Works of William Shakespeare contradict the impression that the female protagonist is all strength: Lady Macbeth is of a finer and more delicate nature. Having fixed her eye upon the end - the

  • Wrong Actions in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

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    how he must pay for his actions. The whole cycle begins with the mariner’s crime against nature:  the shooting of the albatross.  In the story, the mariner betrays nature by shooting the Albatross. This action against nature is rather extreme, for he takes this thought of death lightly. The Albatross, as a representative of nature, means nothing to the Mariner. These thoughts are quickly changed, though, as Nature begins to start the punishment for his crimes commence when there is, "Water, water

  • Alienation of the Main Character in To Build A Fire

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    main character to a minimum, in order to allow him to put the emphasis on the theme. In the short story "To Build A Fire" by Jack London, the main character slowly evolves in a wild environment as a distanced, alienated man, lost in a fatal fight against nature. To create such a character, the author made critical choices regarding the point of view of the narration; he also did a meticulous work of depicting the setting; and finally, we will see how the relationship between the main character and the

  • The Moral Equivalent of War by William James

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    of the benefits to be had and not of the horrors and sacrifices found in the turbulent times of war. James bears the title of a pacifist, but he heralds war as a necessity for society to exist. In the end of his article, James presents a “war against nature” that would, in his opinion, stand in war’s stead in bringing the proper characteristics to our people. However, my stance is that of opposition to James and his views. I believe that war, while beneficial in various ways, is unnecessary and

  • Extreme Sports: A Reaction to Extreme Technology

    1911 Words  | 4 Pages

    Extreme Sports: A Reaction to Extreme Technology Many people in America work at jobs where they are separated from Nature and other people, sectioned off in cublicles, plugged into a machine, doing work which neither challenges their intellect nor is fulfilling personally. As a result, a separation forms not only between others and from Nature itself, but from themselves, and their purpose in life. A feeling develops that are not living life to the fullest. Much of our interaction these days

  • Free College Essays - The Evil of Mankind portrayed in Melville’s Moby Dick

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    Melville’s primary focus in his classic novel Moby Dick is the evil of mankind, a point of focus consistent with his anti-Transcendental philosophical alignment.  In Moby Dick, Melville illistrates man’s feelings of evil toward fellow man and nature through his thoroughly developed plot and character.  Melville also illistrated this in the components of the thematic layer which, underlies almost every character’s personal motives. Analysis of Melville’s own motives helps to clarify the author’s

  • Ambiguity in Shakespeare's Macbeth

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    Shakespeare envelops their nature and powers is very probably deliberate, since he seems to intend them to body forth, in a physical presence on stage, precisely the mystery, the ambiguity, the question mark (psychological as well as metaphysical) that lies at the root of human wrong-doing, which is always both local and explicable, universal and inexplicable, like these very figures. (185-86) In "Macbeth as the Imitation of an Action" Francis Fergusson explains the irrational nature of the actions of

  • Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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    “a crime against nature” for trying to play God, the films spin the film as “a science experiment gone wrong”. When reading the book Frankenstein, and looking at the character of Victor, one can not help but see his character flaws. Dr. Frankenstein is portrayed as selfish, ego manic bent on restoring life to his stitched together creature, and doesn’t stop to think of the consequences. Though not till later in the book, as Victor and Elizabeth are to be wed, his true selfish nature emerges once

  • Permaculture – A Sustainable Future

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    permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature, of thoughtful observation rather than thoughtless labor, and of understanding the multiple functions of plants and animals, instead of treating them as single-product systems. Permaculture presents an alternative to trying to make the environment yield to our brute strength and blows. Bill Mollison, in his book Introduction to Permaculture, asserts that “if we attack nature we attack (and ultimately destroy) ourselves”(Mollison

  • The Existential Progression of King Lear

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    The Existential Progression of King Lear The human condition is the scrutiny of art, Prince Hamlet notes the purpose of art is to hold the mirror against nature. King Lear is a masterful inquiry into the human condition. King Lear is confronted with existence in its barest sense and is forced to adapt to that existence. His adaptation to the absurd provides an invaluable insight for all into the universal problem of existence. Lear is forced into an existential progression that will be traced