After the quake Essays

  • After The Quake

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    hang over humanity. Some people go on with their day to day lives either blissfully unaware or choosing to hide in naivety. But for others, these questions can become a consuming struggle, something that drives their every moment. Murakami, in After the Quake, writes stories about the second kind of people. These questions that Murakami has his characters struggle with are hard to tackle in such brief, condensed works as short stories, but by giving the elements of the story several layers of meaning

  • Haruki Murakami's After The 1995 Kobe Earthquake

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    A life without meaning is one without happiness. In Haruki Murakami’s after the quake, all of the short stories have a lot to say about human beings and their need to find the meaning in life. The short stories in this collection are written as a perspective of those that have experienced or know of the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan. Many characters are seen talking about the earthquake and discussing the effects that it had on them or people that they know. Each story deals with new characters and

  • Essay On How You Can Survive The San Francisco Earthquake Of 1906

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    As they saw Flech, Morris ran after him and part of a building that was on fire fell behind him, Wilkie and Leo jumped through the fire with a wet blanket and made it through to the other side and found Morris stuck in a manhole. Wilkie got him out and they all went after Flech they went into a building and saw someone on the floor and it was Flech with all the money Wilkie and him got, the reason he

  • The Physics Of An Earthquake

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    tectonic, volcanic, and artificially produced. The tectonic variety is by far the most destructive. The most commen cause of tectonic quakes is stresses by movements of the dozen of major and minor plates that make up the earth's crust . Most tectonic quakes occur at the boundaries of these plates, in zones where one plate slides past another Subduction-zone quakes account for nearly half of the world's destructive seismic events and 75 percent of the earth's seismic energy. They are along the so-called

  • Mega Quake In The Pacific Northwest Case Study

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    Massive Mega-Quake Could Destroy Pacific Northwest Massive Mega-Quakes happen at regular intervals in the Pacific Northwest. There have been mega-quakes in the beginning of time. In Japan, a mega-quake send a 600-foot wave of water. The article I have chosen is the one on how “massive Mega-Quake Could Destroy Pacific Northwest”. The author notes that massive quakes have a magnitude of up to 9.2. It could last four minutes, according to seismologists. It occurs and then a wall of water follows.

  • Dbq New Madrid Earthquake

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    Madrid fault made itself known. This quake, and the two subsequent quakes following shortly after, caused some of the most intense damage and events ever recorded in U.S. history. The quakes were felt in Montreal, Boston, and even the White House. Events such as soil liquefaction and reversal in the flow of the Mississippi river are just a few of many glimpses into the absolute power of earthquakes. In this exploratory paper, I will review the three main quakes, along with their aftermath both

  • Earthquake of 1987

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    I. Introduction Earthquakes in California are certainly not a surprise. What is a surprise is their unpredictability and randomness. Geologists say there is roughly a 50 percent chance that a magnitude 8 or more quake will hit the Los Angeles area sometime over the next 30 years. And, over the past twenty years, the Los Angeles area has witnessed several earthquakes, and in particular, two that were quite devastating; the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, and the January 17, 1994, Northridge Earthquake

  • The 1971 San Fernando Quake: The Sylmar Earthquake

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    Also known as the Sylmar earthquake, the 1971 San Fernando quake struck at 6am on the 9th of February with a force of 6.5 on the Richter scale.Damage was most severe in the northern San Fernando Valley. Surface faulting was extensive in the mountains, south of the epicentre as well as in urban areas along city streets and neighbourhoods and uplift also affected private homes and businesses. But the most devastating damage as far as loss of lives is concerned took place at The Veterans hospital which

  • Major Earthquakes are Inevitable in Indiana’s Future

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    the Midwest on June 18 was a shaky reminder that earthquakes can occur anywhere. The earthquake, whose epicenter was located north of Evansville, was felt through most of Indiana and surrounding states, as reported by the Indianapolis Star. The quake was not the largest in Midwestern history, only registering a 5.0 on the Richter scale, nor did it do much damage. However, it was a wake-up call reminding those who haven’t paid attention to past warnings about the possibility of larger, more destructive

  • The History of Major Earthquakes Around World

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    scientific analysis. These models have helped scientists and geologists further develop the impact of earthquakes throughout history and some of these methods are still used today (Hough 1). The first study of earthquakes came in the 18th century after five earthquakes in England and a massive earthquake in Portugal. The idea of plate tectonics did not come for another half century ultimately providing a deeper explanation of earthquakes. Gaining further insight to the current explanation of earthquakes

  • 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Research Paper

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    as a big catastrophe, but we already know more about it. We understand the forms of one quake and build the principal model of the earthquake cycle (elastic-rebound theory). We create plate tectonic theory and have some precise instrument to help us predict when the quake will occur. In the temblor that occurred in the international waters of the western Pacific on Mar 11th, 2011, the prediction of the quake won 60 seconds for the local people, and a large number of people were saved because of it

  • Haiti´s 2010 Earthquake and Its Effect

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    Introduction On the 12th of January 2010, a quake 15 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince devastated the people of Haiti. The magnitude of the quake was 7.0 with many aftershocks to follow the initial quake. The damage was so cataclysmic which led to the occurrence of many casualties, about 300,000 people were injured and over one million were left homeless. Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere and is still struggling to rebuild itself. (Poster of the Haiti Earthquake, USGS Newsroom)

  • Vesuvius In Pompeii

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    rocked the city in February of A.D. 62. The shallow quake, originating beneath Mount Vesuvius, had caused major damage to the springs and piping that provided the city’s water. Reconstruction was being carried out on several temples and public buildings. The historian, Seneca, recorded that the quakes lasted for several days and also heavily damaged the town of Herculaneum and did minor damage to the city of Naples before subsiding. The major quake was followed by several minor shakes throughout the

  • Haiti Earthquake Research Paper

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    earthquake had not caused a significant quake since the year 1770.The fault is positioned between the Caribbean and North American plates. These plates are always sidling further and further past each other and overall only about 22 millimeters per year. "Twenty millimeters a year of slippage is very small, and that’s not what people felt," said Carrieann Bedwell, geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Earthquake Information

  • Earthquake Disaster Management

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    floods, fires, etc. Both wildlife and human beings experience huge loss to their life and livelihood through earthquakes. Some deadliest earthquakes till the date; • 1556 Shaanxi earthquake: On 23rd January, 1556 at Shaanxi (China) world’s worst quake took around 8 lakh lives with its 8.0Mw (Magnitude) vibration. More than 500 miles area damaged through it. • Great Tangshan earthquake: On1976 July 28, China again experienced another horrific natural disaster of 7.7Mw shake which destroyed a lot

  • Natural Disasters

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    These plates do not always move smoothly, causing a build-up of pressure. It is when this pressure is released that an earthquake occurs. In turn, an earthquake under the water can also cause a tsunami, which is also a common disaster in China. The quake causes great waves by pushing large volumes of water to the surface. All of the disasters have taken a death toll and continue to raise that toll every year. I am surprised people still live in China. From what I have researched, it is a very dangerous

  • Rising of the Earth's crust is responsible for Producing Earthquakes

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    explanation for why earthquake occurs in the center of the land instead of the peripheral area. Actually the land is rising in different places. This is the reason why earthquakes occur only in the central parts of the land. To be specific, after an earthquake occurred on September 30th of 1993, in the village named Killari, it was found that the land had risen about three feet in height. This shows that the rise of the land is the cause of the earthquake. Earthquake is the effect of

  • It Could Happen Here

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    take a moment and briefly review a brief review of the tragedies of the Tohoku-Oki earthquake is the largest recorded earthquake at a 9.0 and caused a nearly 50-Foot Tsunami to strike the country already crippled by the mega quake. It has been three years now since the quake and Tsunami hit Japan. In the moments following Fukushima Daiichi’s reactors main power supplies went down, a safety measure assured that, back-up generators would take over and supply the much needed cooling of Fukushima Daiichi

  • Earthquake Dbq

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    What would you do if you lost everything because of an earthquake? How would you get help? On October 16, 2013 a 7.2 magnitude quake struck the central Philippines. People lost lives, homes, family, and friends. Unfortunately, there were many aftershocks and tons of people were injured. People reacted by getting help from the Red Cross, providing evacuation centers, and gathering resources. The Red Cross has done many things to help the people that are hurt, injured, or lost lives of people that

  • Sumartran Tsunami

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    quicker with information and relayed simple geographical concepts, whereas scholarly journals and scientific periodicals are continuing the process of analyzing data and research-oriented information gathering, therefore these magazines are, even after six months, persevering in their quest to present articles, and will more than likely be publishing relevant articles in the future. The National Geographic Society is good source of information, and no person can argue the artistry of its presentation