Administrative Law Essays

  • Administrative Law: The Principles Of Administrative Law

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    “Administrative law is difficult to define” (Groves & Lee, 2007, pg. 1) Administrative Law regulates the relationship between the government and the governed. Members of the public who are directly affected by a decision are referred to as the governed. It is a form of public law, although it may apply to private bodies. There are two main goals of Administrative Law and they are to redress individual complaints and to improve the quality of decision-making. There are three core elements to help

  • Administrative Law And The Challenges In Administrative Law

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    Challenges in the Administrative Law Administrative law is a set of law and legal principles which are the tools for the public administration in order to accomplish their tasks. It covers a big area of governmental legal operations and procedures with a help of different agencies such as commissions, departments, divisions and boards. However, administrative law is also an instrument of conflict between players that are involved in it. And there are three types of conflict that administrative

  • Literature Review- Administrative Law

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    Literature Review Administrative Law is the law regarding the exercise of powers by public authorities. That authority must have a legislative role or the policies must be developed through the legislature, it must understand that it has constitutional and judicial constraints and finally it is a buffer between the judicial and the executive branch of government. With that being said it must be stated that in the entire public service no written policy on the re-enlistment of persons exists, however;

  • Democratic Morality and the Administrative Law

    1994 Words  | 4 Pages

    John Rohr views on Democratic Morality and the Administrative Law and how these laws affect the organizations. Democratic Morality deals with the issue that large organizations will have more control or influence on the development of policy. The Administrative law is concern with the legal aspect of the organization and the fairness across the board. The author examines the administrative law of democratic morality between the periods of 1800s and 1900s, with emphasis on the how democratic morality

  • Administrative Law: An Analysis Of Rule Of Law

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    Administrative law Internal 1 An Analysis of Rule of Law "The King himself ought not to be subject to man, but subject to God and the law, because the law makes him King" –Lord Chief Justice Coke Submitted by: Ameya Foujdar PRN: 14010122023 Submitted to: Prof. Pallavi Mishra Symbiosis Law School Symbiosis International University Contents Introduction 3 Administrative Law 3 Rule of Law in General 4 Origin of Rule of Law 4 Analysis 5 Evaluation of Dicey’s Thesis 5 Rule of Law under Indian

  • Constitutional, Statutory, Administrative and Common Law

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    Statutory, Administrative, and Common Law The greatest legal document ever to be written is the United States Constitution. The constitution is ultimately a series of power compromises and is the foundation of common law. Merriam-Webster defines common law as " the area of law that has to do with the subject matter and with the interpretation and construction of constitutions or that deals with the nature and organization of government" (Constitutional Law). Cases involving constitutional law are heard

  • Administrative Law in Australia -- Notes on Natural Justice

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    Natural justice concerns human rights e.g. a right to procedure Denial of natural justice is a ground of review against an administrative decision: ADJR Act ss.5(1)(a), 5(1)(h)(3), 6(1)(a) and 6(1)(h)(3) => ss.5(1)(a) is a distinct and independent ground of review Natural Justice usually applies to courts, and Procedural Fairness is the issue when extended to administrative bodies. Procedural fairness 1 The three rules: hearing rule, the bias rule and the no evidence rule. The procedural

  • Environmental Laws vs. Economic Freedom

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    invasions by others. Economic freedoms exist when individuals are free to use, exchange, or give their property to another as long as their actions do not violate the identical rights of others (Vega-Gordilio & Alvarez-Arce, 2003). Environmental laws are established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who works with state, federal, and other government agencies to issue limitations on individuals and organizations in order to protect the environment, endangered species, and others from

  • The Relationship Between Business and Government

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    Relationship between Government and Business in the United States The government’s position is to ensure that citizens do not suffer harm resulting from business operations, such as selling tainted food or preparing foods in unsanitary conditions, causing ecological harm, or dealing unscrupulously in financial matters. As the government grows, government regulation, taxation, and spending has been beneficial for businesses (Carney, 2006). Businesses prefer the government eliminate regulates

  • Analysis Of The Federal Trade Commission

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    three bureaus and ten offices. Each bureau is intended to focus on a specific area to ensure that fair-trading is being practiced in the country. The Bureau of Competition seeks to eliminate anticompetitive business practices through the antitrust laws, ensuring that consumers receive goods and services at prices competent to their qualities. The Bureau of Consumer Protection seeks to protect consumers from unfair and fraudulent practices. Moreover, the bureau investigates individual companies and

  • Anti-semitism And Sartre

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    the anti-Semite has come to adopt an "idea of the Jew", of his nature, and of his role in society. As Sartre explains, "the Jew whom the anti-Semite wishes to lay hands upon is not a schematic being defined solely by his function, as under administrative law; or by status or acts, as under the Code. He is a Jew, the son of a Jew, recognizable by his physique, by the colour of his hair, by his clothing perhaps, and, so they say, by his character." To the anti-Semite, the Jew's character is oily,

  • New Public Management and Decision Making in UK Public Policy

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    New Public Management was devised as a means to improve efficiency and responsiveness to political changes. Its origins were in parliamentary democracies with excessively strong executive powers, centralized governments, and not much administrative law. In this setting, New Public Management embodies the idea of a chain of contracts leading to a single ministerial person who is interested in getting better results within a sector over which he or she has significant and relatively unchallenged

  • Regulation and Accreditation

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    education. In order to understand the function of regulatory and accrediting agencies and practices one must understand their definitions (McWay, 2003). A regulatory agency has the responsibility of creating and enforcing rules or regulations of the law. Accreditation is a voluntary and self-regulatory process that non-governmental associations recognize programs put in place to meet or extend standards of quality healthcare. Accreditation also helps in the improvements of institutions or programs

  • In your view, do the increased regulatory requirements for financial institutions promote good corporate stewardship or act as a hindrance to shar...

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    Since the financial crisis the banking industry has gone through unprecedented structural and regulatory reform aimed at reshaping and stabilising the banking systems. Although some of these changes were both necessary and beneficial to we have reached a point of overregulation is damaging the sector. Banks have been forced to respond to the substantial increase in capital and liquidity requirements by scaling down their businesses and strategically evaluating their choice of customers, products

  • Progressive Era Essay

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    Regulation became a big thing in late nineteenth and early twentieth century American society, better known as the Progressive Era. The Progressive Era was a period that showed the goals and hardships that American society experienced in the early twentieth century. Such as big businesses using tricks and schemes that maximized their profits and benefited them but neglected the safety and convenience of the consumer/customer. In other words, companies were cutting corners, they were sending out low

  • Public Interest Theory Of Regulation Analysis

    1556 Words  | 4 Pages

    INTRODUCTION There has always been a debate around what the ultimate goal of a regulatory process should be. Firstly, whether it is the general good of society writ large that is pursued, more importantly, whether the conception of what is ‘good’ for the public must be left to the regulator or if he must bow down to the public’s conception of their own good even if he disagrees and secondly, whether regulation implicates allowing special interests to contest in an arena in order to use government

  • Rulemaking by Cornelius Kerwin

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    book, Rulemaking. The whole text primarily revolves around this statement. Throughout the book Kerwin's central theme is that rulemaking is the single most important function that any government agency has within its possession. Much like other admin law books he discusses how those agencies with their rulemaking powers interpret legislation and proceed forward with making policy. This book also elaborates on the study of rulemaking by giving examples through cases, studies, loads of government documentation

  • Challenges of Formal and Informal Law

    740 Words  | 2 Pages

    For many years there has been the debate on what constitutes informality and formality in administrative law. Administrative law is the body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government, which include rulemaking, adjudication, or the enforcement of a specific regulatory agenda (Harrington, 2009). Rulemaking and adjudication apply for both formal and informal hearings. Whenever the authorizing statute calls for a hearing on the record this would be a formal hearing

  • Essay On Rulemaking

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    As Kerwin points out, the US is a representative democracy, but with lawmaking granted as a power to the government, rulemaking becomes a profound dilemma. Rulemaking is a tool that the government can use to be responsive to the increasing demands of the people (Kerwin). Rules tend to be forward-looking because they are to be implemented at a future date. Rosenbloom identifies three general types of rules: legislative, procedural, and interpretive rules. Legislative rules regulate, conduct, and impose

  • The Legislative And Executive Functions Of The Judicial Process

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    judicial process or functions also involve the use of administrative agencies, which were created to help the government in enacting the law in a simpler and more direct way than the legislature. Given the nature of their functions, administrative agencies do not necessarily adhere to the civil procedure established for courts and employ less formal means of pursuing their actions. However, there are various concepts and processes of administrative agency judicial functions in relation to different