Acculturation Essays

  • Acculturation Of Immigrants

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    As the rate of immigration rises, issues of acculturation and adaption will be ever-increasingly studied by cross-cultural psychologists. Thus far, research has shown that immigrants face an array of issues associated with acculturation processes, for instance having to learn to communicate in a new language (Lay & Nguyen, 1998). In addition to experiencing conflict with family members and other members of their cultural group, newly arrived immigrants also encounter intergroup hostility, prejudice

  • Acculturation Among Immigrants

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    Acculturation is a multidimensional and continuous process of adjustment and adaption following sustained contact (direct or indirect) between different cultures. Adjustment and adaptation can involve cultural learning, maintenance, integration (biculturalism), fusion or synthesis and cultural loss or shedding of cultural behaviors, values, cognitions, attitudes, beliefs, customs, traditions, and identities. Acculturation occurs at different levels (group & individual) and speeds, and is affected

  • Acculturation of Immigrants

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    opportunities. However, Immigrants must realize that the best way of achieving economic success involves acculturation to the American culture. II. Opposing viewpoints A. Economic success is not the only kind of success- for the purpose of this paper, prosperity is being isolated to economic success B. There are also small immigrant communities which strive economically without major acculturation. However, this situation causes different cultural responses which could hinder successfulness III

  • Education and Acculturation in Our Lives

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    picture differently? Is the picture not the same in each case? Why would each person not see the same thing or interpret it the same way? According to Cole, the way we perceive things in our day-to-day lives is highly due to our education and acculturation. Each person sees things differently because of the way they have been raised, and the culture and education they have been given. The senses play a vital part in the lives of individuals and the way they interpret the things around them. “[The

  • Ecological Contextual Model of Acculturation

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    As we may all have once experienced, acculturation is one of the most common part of our lives, either by music, language or habits. In many occasions is more noticeable, but they are still a part of our entire lives. Through my own experiences and some of my classmates we were able to identified this topic in our own lives. I being born in USA but raised in Mexico until I was 16 years old, made my acculturation really clear when I came to this country without any previous knowledge of this language

  • Psychological Impact of Biculturalism: Literature Review of Theoretical Models

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    do not inevitably suffer. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature and theory based on the psychological impacts of being bicultural. Specifically we will look at models of second-culture acquisition including Assimilation Model, Acculturation Model, and Alternation Model. Unfortunately, little empirical research exists in this area, and the research found little empirical support. The goal can then be said to understand what is known, and to push for further empirical research since

  • Sojourner Adjustment

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    The Sojourner and Sojourner Adjustment. A sojourner is often described as a short term visitor to a new place or culture, where permanent settlement is not the eventual purpose of the trip or sojourn. Bearing this in mind the term sojourner has been applied to many different groups throughout the years; military personnel, aid workers and students or scholars all fall under this broad umbrella term. In the literature concerning students there is some confusion, as various researchers have failed

  • American Culture: Life in a Petri Dish

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    "positive" culture by deculturalizing and assimilating those who don't fit in with the prescribed American standards, norms, values and systems of belief. The attempt of the dominant society to create cultural homogeneity through assimilation and acculturation have been undertaken through our educational system. I grew up and went to school in and around the Bay Area in California. I attended public schools that were wearisomely mono-cultural, middle-class, and where the culture of the schools

  • English Vinglish Essay

    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    may connect very well with their community. Sometimes, a person may feel very distant from their community. In the movie, “English Vinglish”, the main character, Sashi, shows examples on how communities are created through commonalities, and the acculturation theory. Sashi was a part of multiple communities. A few communities included her, her Daughter’s school,

  • Ethical Aspect Of Indian Immigrants In The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri

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    profit making. But in both the cases culture plays a very important role in their life. In their socio-political liminality and marginal statues, the immigrants enjoy life in economic subjugation but have an emotional emancipation in their contra acculturation. In the super structure of America’s multicultural society they have cross-cultural experiences. This helps them to reconcile between their inherited and acquired selves for consolation. The immigrant Indians in a dilemma romanticise the dazzles

  • Damsels In Address

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    behavioral codes, thus providing opportunity for the young female reader to relate to the damsel, or to model herself to behave in a similar fashion. In accordance with Marcia R. Lieberman’s essay, " ‘Some Day My Prince Will Come’: Female Acculturation Through the Fairy Tale," I agree with the assertion that positive traits in fairy tale indicate reward, while the negative characteristics bring misfortune. A heroine in a fairy tale is to be seen as a mentor, a model to easily portray what

  • The Caribbean Islands

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    the development of plantations, how the Caribbean dealt with the issue of slavery, and how miscegenation and the integration of cultures, as a result of slavery, contributed to the region’s individualism in regards to culture. Colonialism and acculturation and their impacts on the Caribbean islands were also important issues discussed by Mintz, Benitez-Rojo, and Cliff. Although Mintz, Benitez-Rojo, and Cliff have the same intention in analyzing the Caribbean, they all use different approaches

  • The Social Impact of Slavery on the Caribbean Society

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    Plantation-each case a different one-brought to the Caribbean was such that the Caribbean peoples themselves, in referring to the ethnological process that derived from the extraordinary collision of the races and cultures, produced, speak of syncretism, acculturation, transculturation, assimilation, deculturation, indigenization, creolization, cultural mestizaje, cultural cimarronaje, cultural miscegenation, cultural resistance etc." This idea falls in line with Knight; Knight introduces the Spanish to the

  • Acculturative Stress in Hispanic Immigrants

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    The process of acculturation “a social and psychological process of change when one culture comes in contact with another” does not directly affect mental health but the process can be stressful, even if positive over negative, or a mix of the two. If the process is positive such as “improving one’s life” while challenging may not have a negative effect or be as stressful in the next case where … if the process of acculturation is negative, the process may be stressful making for acculturative stress

  • The Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas

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    By the 19th century, as a result of scattering in small villages to prevent attack, central tribal authority had broken down, and chiefs of the various bands had become autonomous. From the beginning of European contact, the Kickapoo resisted acculturation in economic, political, and religious matters, retaining as many of their old ways as possible. Before contact with Europeans, the Kickapoo lived in northwest Ohio and southern Michigan in the area between Lake Erie and Lake Michigan. Beginning

  • Spaniards in Southwest America

    672 Words  | 2 Pages

    Furthermore, Indians gradually learned skills, obtained land, and sometimes found Hispanic spouses, thus furthering their Hispanicization. They now began to live in a Spanish manner and blend into the bottom of the Spanish societal ladder. This “acculturation” of the Native Americans was in contrast to the models of early English colonization. Spanish goals and plans sought to involve the Indians so that they may live in their society even if at the lower end of it’s ladder. English colonies viewed

  • Moses

    1201 Words  | 3 Pages

    True, his own mother was recruited by the Egyptian princess to nurse him through infancy, but there is little to suggest that Moses would have retained any memory or inclination of his heritage from this period (Neufeld, 1993). Yet, despite his acculturation as an Egyptian, he was able to not only accept, but rejoice in his relationship to the Israelite slaves of Egypt. This is certainly a unique characteristic of Moses' life that was not duplicated. Furthermore, no other prophet, save Moses, had

  • Transculturation

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    simple. For example, the term transculturation was coined in the 1940s by sociologist Fernando Oritz to describe the process by which a conquered people choose and select what aspects of the dominant culture they will assume (Pratt 589). Unlike acculturation, transculturation recognizes the power of the subordinate culture to create its own version of the dominant culture. In an essay entitled, "The Arts of the Contact Zone," author Mary Louise Pratt argues that transculturation does not have to be

  • The Impact of Television on Society

    1990 Words  | 4 Pages

    television industry, with an emphasis on communication (through perception and subsequent identification), yields answers to these questions that are so essential to understanding core sociological themes. I will first discuss how the process of acculturation produces the human need to create a personal identity every second, and the inherent implications of the role of communication toward this goal of self-identification. I will examine why television fits this human need so perfectly, as it

  • Acculturation and Assimilation

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    culture. As citizens who co-exist in one country it is imperative, to drop these labels and allow immigrants the freedom to blend their own culture and self-image into their new american environment by adapting the ideas of multiculturalism and acculturation. Forced Assimilation effects immigrants all over the world. In America forced assimilation begins with the labels and stereotypes that are thrust upon immigrants. America is a melting pot that serves as home for many different types of people and