Abiotic Essays

  • Biotic And Abiotic Components

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    environs are biotic. They can produce, replicate, continue homeostasis, familiarize, and grow. Abiotic Components: The abiotic mechanisms comprise the vitality twisted over the pedaling of nutrients, the stellar dynamism, and other dead mechanisms in the environment. The abiotic constituents of the system can be hotness, sunlit, airborne existing, etc. Limiting factors: To one side after biotic and abiotic influences, there are certain features which regulate the quantity and sorts of animals in organism

  • Investigating the Effects of An Abiotic Factor on the Frequency and Distribution of a Freshwater Invertebrate

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    Investigating the Effects of An Abiotic Factor on the Frequency and Distribution of a Freshwater Invertebrate (i) Planning ------------ Introduction ============ Before a complex biological study can be planned and formulated, the terminology in the title above must be clarified. The investigation requires a sound knowledge of ecology, which essentially is the study of organisms, whether they be animals or insects, and their relationship with the environment in which they live

  • Investigating the Abiotic Factors that Affect the Size of Ivy Leaves in Shaded and Unshaded Habitats

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    Investigating the Abiotic Factors that Affect the Size of Ivy Leaves in Shaded and Unshaded Habitats Introduction Ivy is any one of a large number of creeping or climbing vines. These vines have different botanical names, and the word ivy, as commonly used, does not belong to any one plant. It often applies to climbing vines, especially to those that are ornamental. The particular one being looked at in this experiment is the common, or English, ivy. English ivy is the plant that makes

  • Investigating the Habitat of Common Rough Woodlice

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    residential properties. They can be found under rocks or around compost heaps where the soil is moist and a humid atmosphere is maintained. One abiotic factor that affects the habitat of Woodlice includes damp or moist soil. Compost heaps also provide a continuous source of dead plants, which is part of the diet of Woodlice2. This is another abiotic factor. Woodlice are believed to provide a vital role in the decomposition process as their eating habits return essential nutrients to the soil3

  • Ecology

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    or the environment which technically includes all those factors, both nonliving and living, that affect an organism. Ecology then is the study of the interactions of organisms in their environment includes both the living (biotic) and physical (abiotic) factors of the environment. It's also the science, which formulates and tests hypotheses about environment. Ecology is the relationships, identification and analysis of problems common to all areas. Ecology studies the population and the community


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    effect on living organisms, these are considered abiotic factors. Some examples of abiotic factors are air, temperature, water, soil, light, and minerals. In a biosphere, organisms live in special groupings -- for instance - a population consists of all individuals of a type living in a general area. An community is a population located in a certain area living among different species. An ecosystem is a larger mass of a population, a community, and abiotic factors. Ecosystems can be aquatic or terrestrial

  • Investigating Pleurococcus

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    washes off the Pleurococcus These are called Abiotic Features. Variables that are Biotic are: Ø Position on the tree: leaves may cause dimness and branches may change the local humidity conditions. Ø Animals: birds and animals may remove the Pleurococcus. Ø Tree species: each tree has its own rind category, some more appropriate to the Pleurococcus than others. Ø Location: the location of the tree will largely influence abiotic factors (e.g. shadowing effects of other trees and

  • Abiotic Factors Essay

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    Background research: Ecology is a biological study of the connections between living and non-living things in an ecosystem. The living things are called Biotic factors, these include factors such as plants, animals, food and shelter. Abiotic factors are factors which are non-living, for example, soil, sunlight, water, wind and nutrient availability. For life to thrive it needs an ecosystem as they provide the essential nutrients for plants such as sunlight and water. An ecosystem “includes all of

  • Comparisons of Upper and Lower Shore Rock Pools

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    compared. The abiotic variations of the pools were recorded and examined in an attempt to understand why the contents of the pools differed. A greater abundance and variety of organisms was present in the lower shore rock pool, this was due to the lower rock pool being a more benign environment than that of the upper shore. This was related to the exposure time of the two pools. The rock pool of the upper shore was exposed for longer and therefore suffered greater from variation of abiotic factors, as

  • The Arctic Factors In The Arctic: The Gloomy Arctic

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    Ice is one of the major abiotic factor in the arctic, without the ice, many organism such as polar bears would be left without a place to live and even with seals, it would be unsafe for them because without ice, there will be no places to hide from predators. Other factors are

  • The Effects Of Foreign Species Introduction On An Ecosystem

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    The Effects of Foreign Species Introduction On An Ecosystem The effects of foreign species introduction into an ecosystem are very profound. From small microorganisms to species of large mammals, many foreign species introductions occur every day. New implications of their introduction are found just as often. When a foreign species is introduced into an ecosystem, often the ecosystem contains no natural predators for the new species. This lack of predators sometimes leads to; in conjunction with

  • Abiotic Factors Of The Louisiana Coastline

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    greatly from biotic, abiotic, and anthropogenic factors. The abiotic factors include things such as hurricanes or overnutrition that influence the surrounding biota. The biotic factors that contribute to coastal erosion are things like the immigration invasive species and the emigration or extinction of local flora and fauna that help preserve the wetlands. Additionally, there are anthropogenic factors such as pollution that can have strong negative influences on the abiotic and biotic factors of

  • An Experiment to Investigate Species Diversity at West Runton Beach

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    investigated areas. Objectives The objective of this experiment is to see how different factors of environments at this particular beach affect other factors. I intend to learn and gain a broader understanding about niches: which biotic and abiotic factors prefer which conditions. I also intend to see how the populations are structured. Apparatus In order to carry out this experiment we will need the following equipment: [IMAGE] One metre squared quadrant [IMAGE] A tape

  • Ecosystem Essay

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    Ecosystems consist of biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic factors are biological influences on organisms and abiotic factors are nonliving influences on organisms in the ecosystem. Biotic factors are humans, plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms. Abiotic factors are soil, air, water, wind, temperature and a source of energy usually the sun. Most ecosystems are considered without boundaries due to the changes between biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic and abiotic factors can change daily and move

  • Aquatic Environment

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    The aquatic ecosystem is a major part of every day life including human life. The abiotic and biotic conditions affect aquatic as well as human life; and it can allow it to flourish or have a substantial negative impact. The abiotic factors of the aquatic ecosystem are light, oxygen, soil and temperature. The abiotic factors determine whether it cause damages or thrives the aquatic ecosystem. Every species has a tolerance range that influences its health, speed of growth and reproduction system

  • Honey Badger Research Paper

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    Abiotic factors are the opposite of biotic factors. Abiotic factors are nonliving things that affect the wildlife. There are multiple different kinds of abiotic factors and here are some examples of abiotic factors that affect the Honey Badger. First, the amount of fresh water nearby. This is important because, like every other animal, the Honey Badger needs water to survive. Another abiotic factor would be the amount of beehives there are. Beehives

  • Factors Affecting the Growth and Size of a Population

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    a population and these are, abiotic and biotic factors. Abiotic factors are non-living factors t... ... middle of paper ... ...supply is a very important factor of the size of a population. Therefore the larger the prey population, the larger the predator population is going to be. Although predators do not usually control prey populations, they can affect it greatly if that is one of there main sources of food. Factors such as food availability and abiotic factors regulate prey populations

  • Essay Comparing The Water Qualities Of Cherry Creek And Bear Stream

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    the water qualities of Cherry Creek and Bear Creek in order to determine how the physical, chemical, and biological factors of the streams impacted the amount of life present within them. This investigation attempts to answer the question, “How are abiotic elements related to the number and abundance of macroinvertebrates found in the two streams?” Water quality is the term used to indicate a body of water’s suitability for use (Ayers 1976). Water quality can be assessed based on its physical, chemical

  • Tropical Savanna Biomes

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    2)A savanna is a grassland with isolated trees scattered with shrubs. They can be found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome and are also known to be called as tropical grasslands. Usually not enough rain falls on a savanna to support anything more than it is , like a forest. Commonly It’s temperature year round is warm but they are known to have very different seasons , a very long dry season (winter), and a very wet season (summer).The savanna biome receives about 59 inches of rain

  • How Do The Limiting Factors Affect The Movement Of Species?

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    locations they may be found. Many types of species will have specific adaptations that will assist in making the movement to a new location a lot easier. Some limiting factors, such as the climate of a region, the population of a species, or the abiotic factors in an area can potentially become more harmful than helpful in the dispersal of a species. A major limiting factor in dispersal would be the climate and weather of a particular region. If the climate is unfamiliar to an organism, it will