Abbott Handerson Thayer Essays

  • The Indianapolis Museum of Art: Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Ludolf Backhuysen

    2000 Words  | 4 Pages

    very lovely visit and I was able to view many different pieces of artwork. The four that I have chosen to analyze are Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Ludolf Backhuysen, At the End of the Porch by John Sharman, Still Life by Abbott Henderson Thayer, and The Canal—Morning Effect by Richard Buckner Gruelle. Through viewing and analyzing these pieces I have come to the conclusion that artwork is more than just a picture. It truly is communication from the artist through his artwork, which

  • The Tyger And Tiger's Head Poem Analysis

    1396 Words  | 3 Pages

    people may think. Both mediums share common values, as seen in William Blake's poem "The Tyger" and Abbott Handerson Thayer's painting Tiger's Head, which both depict a type of division. In "The Tyger," a religious separation is evident, while Tiger's Head portrays a separation between good and evil. Although both works show types of separation, they differ in the specific types involved. Abbott Handerson Thayer's painting Tiger's Head portrays a Sumatran tiger's face in the grass at night. The tiger's