Essays Pagan Beliefs In Beowulf

  • Dorothy Whitelock's Use Of Monsters In Beowulf

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    Beowulf is a story of a heathen hero set in a pre-Christian era, yet the poem itself is crafted in language with which a Christian audience would be familiar. Since Dorothy Whitelock’s The Audience of Beowulf was published in 1951, the readers and scholars of Beowulf have generally agreed with her hypothesis, which is that the poet was a Christian composing for a Christian audience (Irving 177). As Whitelock asserts, “The Christian element is not merely superimposed; it permeates the poem” (Whitelock

  • Pagan Burial Rites in the Epic of Beowulf

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    Pagan Burial Rites in the Epic of Beowulf Scores of essays are written about the Christian influence on the Beowulf poet. Most notable Beowulf scholars such as Kl‘ber, Robinson and Whitelock do not fail to address the matter. Given the complexity of the issue and the proliferation of evidence within the poem, we can understand the universal appeal of this topic. The poet transposes his Christian convictions onto a story which formed in a culture devoid of Christianity. In many instances, however

  • Anglo-Saxon Essay: Religion's Role In Beowulf

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    Anglo-Saxon Essay Religion plays a very large role in Beowulf whether it be Christianity or the warrior-centered pagan beliefs of the Anglo-Saxons. Anglo-Saxon Britain remained pagan until 1597, also the early Anglo-Saxons worshiped ancient Germanic gods- these guys were abandoned with the spread of Christianity. To name a few gods, there was Woden, the chief God, Fria was the goddess of the home and Waldens wife, and Tiu was the god of war. England's name came from Engla-land, which

  • Beowulf: The Outsiders

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    poem called Beowulf the concept of outsiders is not only established through its monstrous antagonists, but also humanoid supporting characters. Conversely the protagonist, Beowulf, and his portrayal of godlike perfection allows the reader to interpret Beowulf himself as the central outcast, existing in an imperfect world. Beowulf becomes an outsider while in contrast with other generally perceived outcast characters such as Unferth or the monster Grendel and his unnamed mother. Beowulf was written

  • Christian Elements In Beowulf

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    religious beliefs. This occurred repeatedly in Europe especially in the regions known today as England and Wales. The Anglo-Saxons were one of the few who were able to maintain power over a large period of time. During this time period a mysterious scribe or scribes would have written the poem Beowulf. A simple condemnation of Hrothgar can change the entire meaning in the

  • F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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    not lonely and isolated from anyone. We (you) belong (Graham 1958).” Oxford dictionary describes literature as written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit. It comprises of novels, poetry, history, biographies and essays. The Mesopotamian collection of poems, The Epic of Gilgamesh, is the oldest piece of literature from one of the first civilizations in the world. It was written in 2150-1400 BCE, and it’s the story of Gilgamesh who was one-thirds human and two-thirds

  • Christian and Pagan Influence in Paradise Lost and Beowulf

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    Christian and Pagan Influence in Paradise Lost and Beowulf In Paradise Lost, Milton is adept at drawing from both Christian and pagan sources and integrating them in such a way that they reinforce one another (Abrams 1075). Of course it is a commonplace for critics to believe that Milton valued his Christian sources more highly than the pagan ones (Martindale 20); this is most likely due to the fact that he regarded the Christian sources as vessels of the truth. His classical allusions, on the

  • Essay on Fate in Beowulf, Grendel, and Macbeth

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    Fate in Beowulf, Grendel, and Macbeth Fate plays a significant role in the Old English epic poem Beowulf and William Shakespeare's play Macbeth.. The major events of the poem, such as the three killings by Beowulf and his own death, are said to have been predestined. In Macbeth, fate is so significant that it is personified by the Weird Sisters, who drive the action of the play. But if predestination exists, then there must be an agent that determines destiny. In Beowulf, God plays this role

  • Anglo Saxon Literature

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    Anglo Saxon Literature W Y R D The word wyrd generally means fate in Anglo Saxon literature. It is one of the recurrent themes in many old English works. For example, wyrd is seen as the force that determines the result of events in Beowulf. In another story, “The Wanderer,” wyrd is mentioned several times. In the first few lines, the speaker states that “fully-fixed is his fate” (Norton 100). This shows that wyrd is unchangeable. Then, he goes on to say “Words of a weary heart may not withstand

  • Heathen and Christian Elements in the Wanderer

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    culture eventually began to take on much more religious overtones.  The word wyrd, though originally pagan in meaning, had found an entirely Christian colouring by the time of its use in The Wanderer. Before beginning an analysis of a single word that appears four times in this poem, it is important to establish a few assumptions about the nature of the piece itself.  Many an article and essay have been written about The Wanderer, trying to define its theme, genre, even its narrator.  Yet

  • Magua, the Byronic Hero of The Last of the Mohicans

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    the Anglo-Saxon epic hero, Beowulf. Representing the best their societies have to offer, traditional heroes possess characteristics of honor, bravery, loyalty, and steadfastness. They personify communal values and offer a reason to believe in the possibility of a meaningful life in an ordered, harmonious society. The epic hero journeys on a quest, experiencing difficulties along the way, and triumphantly returns to society. An example of a traditional hero, Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon epic hero

  • Comparing Evil In The Silmarillion And The Lord Of The Rings

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    spreads itself very quickly in a shape of darkness and corrupts everything around. Hope and good luck turn into despair and sadness and even good intentions almost always turn out badly. In order to understand the contradiction between Tolkien’s own beliefs about evil and the image of evil in The Silmarillion, which is necessary to examine Tolkien’s views of evil and compare them with the position of Tolkien’s critics on his views of good and evil. And then, the role of evil in the creation of the world

  • A Comparison of the Runes and Magic in Beowulf and The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki

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    Comparing Runes and Magic in Beowulf and The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki There are runes and magic in the narratives of the poem Beowulf and The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki, an Iceland saga representing 1000 years of oral traditions prior to the 1300’s when it was written. Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon narrative poem whose oral traditions date back to the sixth century (Ward v1,ch3,s3,n11). Beowulf opens with a short account of the victorious Danish king Scyld Scefing, whose pagan ship-burial is described

  • An Analytical View of Beowulf

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    Seamus Heaney's edition of the epic poem Beowulf all of which earn Beowulf some heroic status for saving the town from the evil antagonists that lurk, but is there a deeper meaning behind these battles than just an old tale? Is there some metaphor we are supposed to perceive? Throughout Beowulf there are a lot of different themes to pick and choose from, some interesting and more prevailing ones are that of pride vs. humility and sacrifice vs. selfishness. Beowulf for example is very proud but at the

  • A Re-Hearing of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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    A Re-Hearing of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight As J.A. Burrow has recently reminded us, Middle English literature "requires the silent reader to resist, if he can, the tyranny of the eye and to hear. Certain of the writings ... make a further requirement. They treat the reader, not just as a hearer, but as an audience or group of hearers" (Medieval Writers 1). Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is such a poem, a literate composition designed for oral performance, bearing the imprint of a poet skilled

  • The Manipulation of Gender Roles in Shakespeare’s Othello

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    betrayal. The final source of the tragic action in Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice has been attributed to various psychological, mythical, racial, social sources: Othello’s status as racial outsider in Venetian society, his pagan roots in Christian society, hubris and/or hamartia in Othello or in Desdemona. While any of these interpretations no doubt helps to inform fuller discussion of the play, I would like to focus the question of the cause of this tragedy in another