The Three Types of Eating Disorders

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In today’s society, we are forced to think, act, and look a certain way. Everyone can be found guilty of feeling self-conscious due to the social medias. Society has built so much importance around appearance, that it has lead many to resonate to dangerous acts such as dieting. Dangerous dieting has lead to what we today call an eating disorder. There are three types of eating disorder, Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa, and Binge eating disorder (American Psychological Association, Help center, 2011). These types of eating disorders all have something in common but can differ slightly, and can affect everyone. Anorexia is the type of eating disorder that reduces eating. According to the book Psychology Edition 3 published 2012, this type of disorder causes a body weight loss of about 15% below of what is expected to be, there are some cases where the body weight drops below 40% of what’s expected and hospitalization is required. Victims have a distorted body image as a result of the massive weight loss. Many victims claim to see themselves fat when they are clearly not fat at all (American Psychological Association, Help Center 2011). This disorder can cause people to starve to death due to the obsession of being thin. People with this disorder have a mentality that is controlled by the social media and their self-obsession for a perfect body. Bulimia on the other hand, has people developing the non-stop feeling to keep eating a lot of food all at once. People who suffer from Bulimia tend to keep the average weight of their body, but use a bad concept for keeping their weight at the same level. The large amounts of exercise and vomiting can be the main factors that helps keep the persons weight at a steady number, which can c... ... middle of paper ... ...tient’s part. When it comes to self-control it will be hard to manage and refrain from falling back into the cycle that caused these eating disorders. Having an eating disorder is something that most people don’t understand or have any idea about, but one of the biggest causes comes from feeling low, uncomfortable, and sad about not having the perfect body. The idea of a perfect body doesn’t arrive out of nowhere it arrives from the system we live in today. Society today is causing us to question how they feel about ourselves and forces us to want something that can be unrealistically reached. Works Cited K. Ciccarelli, S. & White, J. Noland. (2012) Psychology (3rd edition). New Jersey: Peterson Education Inc. American Psychological Association. (2011). Help center for Eating disorders. Washington DC

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