Reflection On Conflict And Communication

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The purpose of this class was for us to enhance our abilities to think theoretically and understand how humans connect, how humans have differences, and apply dialogic practices to conflict situations. At the beginning of this course, during Dr. Bailey’s first interview, he explains about the fascination of “what makes us human, by what makes us different from other things, by what makes us like God, but not God” (Bailey, Module One). I have chosen three assignments for my reflection that I believe encompass the work we have done regarding communication theories, ideas about connection, difference, what it means to be social, and how we need to begin thinking about our human nature. My three assignments include: my synthesis paper from week two, my Conflict Theory Application paper from module three, and lastly the class discussion from module five for our weekly synthesis paper. Throughout this journey, I have significantly advanced my understanding about theories involving conflict and communication that will help me appropriately intervene in the conflict experiences that people have (Bailey, Module One). Our development shapes much of how we see the world and interact with others in it. As people, everyone needs to feel understood, nurtured, and supported, …show more content…

Typically, people become associated with organizations early in life (Bailey, Module Five). Most of us take part in churches or clubs at a young age, and then into formal school organizations by age five or six, and if we are lucky, we get to head off to college and then enter into the employment market were we get to experience numerous conflict resolution channels. We also get to experience being creative with others, and collaborating to achieve goals as a team. Organizations are truly an amazing form of life (Bailey, Module

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