Themes Illustrated in Tillie Olsen's I Stand Here Ironing

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The story begins with a sentence “I stand here ironing, and what you asked me moves tormented back and forth with the iron” (Olsen 73). It is unusual that the story starts with a description of the mother ironing. This strategy easily draws readers’ attention and introduces the narrator character to the readers. “I stand here ironing” is a very straightforward and simple description, but yet it conveys a deeper meaning and draws the readers into the narrative. The mother’s ironing provides the metaphor for the whole story. It acts as a vein circulating the whole structure of the story. It is a great metaphor that helps the readers to interpret the story in different levels and perspectives. Ironing can be regarded as a kind of women’s domestic work. And in our society it is assumed that ironing the clothes is one of a woman’s responsibilities. The assumption is due to people most likely are programmed by patriarchy. Women are responsible for taking care of the family and doing all the house works. Since the narrator is a single mother in the family, she not only needs to deal with...

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