Thebes High School

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Many high school students read the play Antigone and find it difficult to understand because the characters, scenes, and settings are not relatable to their daily lifestyles. The play is often written in lengthy paragraphs with complex language; therefore, it is difficult to understand the plot. If Antigone were written in modern-day language, it would be much easier for teenagers to understand the play. As Kyle Brenton mentions in Acts of War, “Each generation reinvents the myth to fit its own circumstances.” Therefore, if Antigone were written in a high school setting with the characters recreated as high school students, the play would be more relatable for students because it is set in a familiar setting to their generation. To display the contemporary style of rewriting Antigone, three scenes from the original play will be described using high school characters, settings, and situations. The three scenes being discussed are: the scene with Antigone trying to convince Ismene to bury Polyneices, when Creon blames the sentry for the burial of Polyneices, and when the messenger tells Creon the fates of his son, wife, and niece.

At the very beginning of the play Antigone is trying to convince Ismene to help her bury their dead brother Polyneices. Polyneices is not allowed to have a proper burial in Thebes, but Antigone wants to bury him, although it is not prohibited and she could get in trouble. This scene is not relatable to high school aged students because they do not often have to deal with physically burying someone. If the characters were re created as high school students, the setting was staged in a high school, and the situation was recreated to become a more normal high school scenario, the young audience wo...

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... of awe on their faces, and principal Creon would have a look of anger on his face because all his teachers are more concerned with the student and parent gossip than what they are teaching in their next class. Since this scene is fairly normal and relatable, it would be easy for high school students to understand.

Since Antigone is written in lengthy paragraphs with complex language, many high school students find it difficult to understand. Recreating Antigone with a high school characters, themes, and settings would make it more interesting and understandable for students.

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