Teaching Philosophy: Beyond Knowledge and Skills

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Teaching is a very complex profession. Many facets of education need to be taken in order to be successful as a teacher. Teaching is not solely about imparting the skills and knowledge. It is about love and relationships that not only allows learning to happen but encourages children 's development holistically and empowers them to work towards their dreams and becoming who they want to be.
The first belief in my philosophy of teaching is that each child is unique and learning should be child centered, which will motivate the children to learn new skills and knowledge. All children learn most effectively when they are actively involved in first-hand experiences. According to Dewey, the teacher should not be the sage on stage anymore. The function …show more content…

Children acquire knowledge by building on a path of ever-increasing knowledge

My third belief is that teacher should present information in a variety of ways. Education is an individual, unique experience for every child who enters a classroom, I believe that it is critical for teachers to begin by valuing children 's personal experiences, views, and ideas. What works for one child does not necessarily work for another. From didactic teaching, small group teaching to cooperative learning. For example, Use flashes card, pictures, music, etc... I have attempted to incorporate as many teaching strategies as possible in my delivery of lessons to address various learning styles, levels of ability, interest, and motivation. According to Howard Gardner 's multiple intelligence theory, there are many ways knowledge can be acquired and learning can be assessed. The variety of learning opportunities allows for all the children to both enjoy and learn all in one. As a teacher, I always strive to provide rich and engaging learning experiences for children in new and creative ways. Another example is doing story time the teacher has his a series of props ready to assist them in …show more content…

An example of this belief is that children learn from their mistakes, accountable, teamwork and collaboration. When given time and the chance to explore their own interests, develop their own unique talents and strengths. For example, it keeps children active and eager to learn more. Piaget has helped me realize that there are learning and discovery in everything you do, you just have to look for it. I truly believe that children possess the natural ability to construct their own understanding and knowledge. Piaget believed that children are naturally curious and that children at all ages have the ability to create theories about how the world

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