The Supreme Court and the Defense of Marriage Act

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The legal definition of marriage is a relationship between one man and one women. Now, it seems like the government is trying to redefine what marriage is supposed to mean. There are many points of views on this issue. One could say this is about morality, letting homosexuals to feel happiness in marriage, religion, and the list goes on. This issue of same-sex marriage has been around for a long time, especially in this country. This country has been debating whether or not to legalize same-sex marriage. Just recently, the U.S. general attorney decided to make same-sex marriage legal in every State. According to CNN, now gay couples can file federal and legal matters, such as health care and even retirement. As time goes on, more people are engaged in this issue whether or not to legalize same-sex marriage. More people are supporting this issue in the recent years compared to twenty years ago. Now, the Supreme Court has legalize same-sex marriage for the whole country with the DOMA law, Defense of Marriage Act law.

For a little history in same-sex marriage, the first case was in 1990, then dismissed in 1999, by the Hawaii Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Baehr v. Mike. The Hawaii Supreme Court banned same sex marriage because they said that it violated the state constitution. Then in 2003, the “Homosexual Conduct” law by Texas State, in the Lawrence v. Texas, was struck down by the United State Supreme Court. It was struck down because sodomy laws along with nine other states. Then another case in the late 2013, there was another case, Goodrige v. Department of Public Health, which dealt with the Massachusetts Supreme Court. Goodrige v. Department of Public Health was a case where the GLAD, Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defe...

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