Reflection Of Ecclesiastes

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o 7) Ecclesiastes 1:2-18, 2:1-24, 3, 9:2-12, 12:1-9  Summary: Throughout Ecclesiastes, a “Teacher” is introduced. The Teacher insists everything is “meaningless.” The Teacher goes into detail using almost analogies to say that everything is meaningless. The Teacher also says that wisdom, pleasures, wisdom and folly, and toil are meaningless. The Teacher also says that we should live while we can under God and says we live similar lives to animals in that we live and we die and how we choose to live our lives is one thing, while what happens after is meaningless.  Commentary: Personally, I agree and disagree with statements made in this section. I don’t believe all of these things are meaningless. I believe everything happens for a reason and these reasons pile up and make us the extraordinary people that we are. I don’t think wisdom, pleasure, folly, and toil are meaningless. Even though we don’t always understand certain situations when they occur and we don’t understand why they happen to us, I think that they all serve a purpose in life (this is nearly identical to the scenario that happened with Job). Overall, I believe this section of reading taught me that everything in life has a purpose, despite what the reading says. We are who we are because of the difficult tasks that God presents us with, and I believe that is beautiful. o 8) Jonah tells his shipmates to toss him overboard, resulting in the halt to the harsh tides. They do so and Jonah is swallowed by a whale, and then stays inside of the whale for three days and three nights before God gets the whale to vomit him up. Jonah gets frustrated at God and tells him he’d rather die than live so Jonah goes out and stays outside of the city in the sun, where God makes a vine grow to shade Jonah while he sleeps, and when Jonah awakes to the hottest day, the vine has

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