Themes Of Gyanranjan's 'Undisputed Values'

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Undisputed Values

For many decades, families around the world tried to establish their own values. Values that organize their relations and habits. Moral values are the strongest values of conservative families. Gyanranjan, is an Indian writer who produced the definition of respect and honor in his story “Our Side of the Fence and Theirs”, from the vision of the narrator’s family. The narrator’s family is a conservative family who have their own habits and beliefs which establish their definition of respect and honor. The narrator’s family realized that what they believe in honor and respect should be reflected in their socializing, wedding traditions and sexual modesty habits. The narrator’s family considers socializing as a principal habit in Indian society. They have only one neighbor behind the fence, they are surrounded by a government office and a high …show more content…

After that, they have been told by the milkman about their neighbor’s daughter’s wedding. The narrator’s family evaluated their neighbor’s daughter weeding as an ordinary festival celebration because they didn’t realize any kind of wedding traditions like fanfare or uproar or feasting (138). The narrator’s family watched the bride wearing a Sari and carrying a coconut. The girl didn’t show any sort of empresses Even though her mother kissed her warmly and her father patted her head (139). In addition, the girl couldn’t release any tears. The narrator’s mother surprised for the girl’s failure to cry and she said “the girl had become hardened by her education and had no real love or attachment for her mother and father” (139). Also, the narrator’s father has wondered and said “The old days are passing and men’s heart have become machines” (139). All members of the narrator’s family have been shocked because they couldn’t realize any felling from the parents to their daughter’s absence

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