What Is No Time To Say Goodbye Essay

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Often times we hear about suicide and so many thoughts comes to our head, thoughts like “was it really that hard or was the person going through so much? For some people they feel it 's something that should be done when you feel the world is against you while for others they are totally against it, their morals don 't accept it neither do they think it 's really that bad in life to take your own life or allow a physician assist you in committing suicide because of excruciating pain and depression, often times we tend to forget how hard it 's going to be for the loved ones trying to understand why the person chose to take his/her own life , suicide has increased over the years and it 's difficult to know the exact reason. According to Befrienders, …show more content…

(2000). No Time to Say Goodbye: Surviving the Suicide of a Loved One. New York, NY: Broadway Books

This book talked about a woman who lost her husband to suicide because he was unable to deal with the death of his mother. She lived life unable to explain the pain and difficulty she was going through and it was so hard for her to survive because she felt she was unable to say goodbye so she decided to interview 100 suicide survivors on the guilt, compassion and feelings of confusion and anger they went through so from her experience and also talking to other people, she decided to gradually gain solace and was able to helped thousands of people who have lost a partner to suicide.
This book just as the previously one allows those people who are in the same position to know that they are not alone and are not being ignored nor neglected and the trying to make sense of the situation they think is senseless would not help them in this case.

Baker, Kimberly. "Assisted Suicide Advocates Forget Hope a More Powerful Force Than Death." LifeNews.com. 2 Nov. 2010. Web. 30 Jan. …show more content…

The author tries to give her reasons morally, ethically and personally as suicide is a moral issue for some people. This article is important because it supports the point I’m trying to make on my final paper.

Conclusion It was really an interesting read to see how people grieve the death of their loved ones through suicide and thoughts on assisted suicide, most of the authors have something similar which is they have grieved the death of a loved one so they understand perfectly what it’s like trying to live life after a loved one just committed suicide, when someone commits suicide society or the grieving tend to focus on why it happened forgetting they have to move past the incident and live their life and try to console themselves. Reading these articles makes me believe I have an idea of how to finalize my paper but also still have few comments which I think some of the authors left out, sometimes grieving comes with the bond that you had with the person while they were alive, sometimes trying to tell people how they can grief especially after their loved ones have committed suicide is like forcing them they must move past it which I think it’s pretty difficult but it’s easier in these articles because the authors have something In

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