Dysfunctional Therapy: The Structural Model Of Systemic Family Therapy

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The structural model of the systemic family therapy is an option for the analysis and therapeutic interventions, which is based on the family as an open system, on the interaction in the family structure, which determine the relationships among its members (Minuchin, 1974 ). As therapists, we must work on the dysfunctional patterns of the family organization structured to allow the family to effectively carry out their tasks and functionally to face their daily stresses. With family, reorganization is expected that the problem will go away
In the case of Tom and Fran, we have to know and identify not only the problems but also the resources that comprise it.
Since now also some symptomatic manifestations are being manifested mainly in their children, as a manifestation of a family dynamic by mismatches or …show more content…

As well as the properties of the boundaries and the subsystems on the family, analyze the hierarchical distribution. As a therapist, we must insist on the responsibility and the care of the children is the responsibility of both, but this parental function rest solely in Fran.
They create a system of response, Tom ignores everything related to his family and Fran probably neglecting no just her house but their children also.
Consequently due to the lack of leadership and good example from the parents the children consequently imitate their parents. When in a family there is not a good role model and a lack of hierarchy will promote difficulty forming a healthy family system, all that stress disorganizes and prevent proper operation.
The structural therapy interventions specifically, aim to reorganize and restructure the family by questioning their organization. We have to use certain types of role playing during therapy, reverse the roles between them to find spontaneous interactions and to find spontaneous interactions between them and to try to change their “reality” about a

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