Stewardship In The Bible

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The term stewardship is tossed around like a buzzword. Because it is used so often, the word 's true meaning has lost a lot of its relevance. Let 's look at Merriam Webster 's definition of stewardship:
1. The office, duties, and obligations of a steward
2. The conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one 's care.
Stewardship is one of the most common themes in the Bible. I refer to stewardship as being a faithful manager of the time, skills, and financial resources that God has provided you. How you manage these three elements of your life affects every other area. When you apply God 's principles regarding stewardship, you will begin to enjoy freedom and …show more content…

What we possess is not ours. The Bible tells us God created everything between heaven and earth. He owns everything. We are responsible for managing our lives, our money, and our possessions on God 's behalf. Because everything we possess is ultimately His, we are essentially God 's managers. Many believe that only the first 10 percent belongs to God (a tithe), but in reality, He owns the other 90 percent as well. He graciously loans us resources based on our ability to manage. Will you become a faithful manager?
The parable of the talents (see Matthew 25:14-30) illustrates the power of being a faithful manager. With each level of responsibility, the amounts given to the servants differed, but each was entrusted with something. The rewards were not based on the amounts given, but rather on the increase that resulted from the amount given. God gives you responsibility based on what you can handle. You have been given something that is important to God; you can please Him through being faithful with what He has provided and called you to …show more content…

If you believe God created everything-from the earth and the other planets to plant and animal life to humans to, more specifically, you-then this should be the foundation of your faith. Who is in control of everything?

2. God Owns Everything
Psalm 24:1 tells us, "The earth is the Lord 's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it" (niv). Your faith is your greatest asset in this world. As your faith continues to grow, your reliance on God should increase as well. Believing God owns everything will motivate you to a whole new level. This also leads to an important question: To whom does your money really belong?

3. We Are God 's Trustees
First Timothy 6:17-18 exhorts,"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share" (niv). Being entrusted with wealth carries great responsibility. If you believe God owns everything, isn 't your money really His money? He has entrusted the things of this earth to you, and He allows you usage during your lifetime, but He is still in control and the ultimate Owner. How, then, should you manage His

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