Stereotypes In The American Dream

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While similar, the terms stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination all have their own distinct meanings. Gorham defines stereotypes as the organization of beliefs and assumptions people have toward social groups (19). Stereotypes can often be misrepresentative of a particular group because people unknowingly make assumptions about other people based on the knowledge they have acquired from media and/or people not in that particular social group. Examples of stereotypes can be beliefs that people of Asian descent are inherently good at math or that all black men are criminals. Unlike stereotypes which are predetermined assumptions people make about social groups, prejudice is holding negative feelings toward a group of people without fairly …show more content…

The romantic idea of the American Dream is in a period of change. While it used to represent an ideal lifestyle that any citizen could achieve if they worked hard enough, that lifestyle is becoming a hard reality to achieve for the majority of Americans. Timothy Egan wrote that living the American Dream meant you could “buy new cars, take decent vacations, and enjoy full health care benefits” (106). Homeownership, a spouse, and a few kids are also commonly described in the American Dream, as well as having a job of which you could feel proud. Today, living the American Dream is not just a matter of working hard. A higher education is becoming a necessity to have if one wishes to rise above his or her station. Egan mentions that years prior, a degree was not necessary to having a comfortable life, but nowadays without a degree, it is nearly impossible to earn a wage that can support all the ideals of the American Dream (106). Because of this, a person born into a family with money has a much better chance of continuing to live a comfortable life, while a person who is born into poverty or the lower class might not have the means to receive an education and is therefore left out of the American

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