Solving the Foreclosure Crisis

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The year 2009 was an extremely tough year for all. The stock market crashed, thousands of people lost their jobs and their homes. Homeowners became a displaced people by moving back with their parents or living in shared housing arrangements. Job loss reached an alarming 15% and thousands of people began receiving unemployment insurance from the government. One has to wonder what happens to a nation that has completely become poor? To add to the insult is the increasing gasoline and food prices. How can we go to work and feed our children? Then one asks, what will our children do when they grow up? Will there be resources for them? Will they be able to own a home of their own if their parents can’t make it now? Oh…there are so many worries that parents have for their children…especially owning a home. What can we do to help our children? The so called 401K has been cut in half and has turned into the 201K. Our parents, our grandparents have to come out of retirement to just live.

I won’t complain too much, there have been some great things that happened this year. Obama became our 44th president and he has many promises. We hope and look for a leader that shows promise in our future and it seems as he does. We still have our health, as our state Medical insurance was able to help my children with healthcare. I’m ashamed to say that we had to apply for food stamps. It’s embarrassing because no one in my family has ever applied for this government assistance. I’ve been the working parent for 14 years and when I lost my job, thank goodness, I was accepted to a registered nursing program at a community college. I only have a semester to complete, but my funds are extremely tight.


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...ney if they didn’t need it, but that was a rare incidence.

Overall, not only will this help with the foreclosure problem, it will solve two other problems, namely the auto industry and the well being of our elderly people. It is known that the American people usually send their parents off to “old folks homes”. It is about time to step up to the plate and really take care of the elderly population, after all wasn’t our parents there for us when we were growing up? It is best to return the favor and now take care of them, that is what family is all about.

In the meantime, my family is living on a lean slice of the American dream. We are struggling to keep our home as well as our family together though this extremely tough time in our lives. We will be wiser in the long run to not take for granted what a great country we have.

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