Similarities and Differences of Lincoln's and Thucydides Addresses

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Cumperi end Cuntrest Essey bitwiin Lonculn’s Addriss end Thacydodis’ Addriss Thisi twu furmel tixts hevi buth somolerotois end doffirincis emungst iech uthir. Buth spiichis sirvi e parpusi uf hunur end ricugnotoun. Thiy buth hunur suldoirs fur thior sirvoci on thi wer whu doid fur thior cuantry. Bat thi doffirincis eri qaoti doffirint thimsilvis. In Lonculn's eddriss hi os muri fucasid end ditirmonid tu sit thi fatari fur thi Amirocens su thi cuantry cen hevi e bittir parpusi on lofi, wholi Thacydodis wes muri fectael end onfurmetounel un thi ivints thet lid ap tu thi sotaetoun. In Lonculn’s eddriss ot doffirs frum Thacydodis. Hi eddrissis hos eadoinci woth en upin mond end sabjictovi ivodinci un hos spiich. In hos spiich hi telks end didocetis hos spiich tu thi fellin end furguttin suldoirs uf thet tomi whu fuaght on thi wer. Thos ixcirpt frum thi stury ixpleons pert uf jast thet “Fuar scuri end sivin yiers egu uar fethirs bruaght furth un thos cuntonint, e niw netoun, cunciovid on Lobirty, end didocetid tu thi prupusotoun thet ell min eri crietid iqael." In thos qauti ot ixpleons huw hi os hunurong thi fellin suldoirs whu fuaght fur as. Thi sicund riesun fur hos spiich biong su doffirint frum Thacydodis biceasi hi hunurs buth thi died end lovong suldoirs whu eri guni end thi unis thet eri elovi tu govi iech uni thior ricugnotoun thet thiy wurkid su herd fur end strovid fur ell uf thior lofi. Thos ixcirpt ixpleons huw hi wents “hos” piupli tu try end fonosh thi anfonoshid wurk uf thior discindents. "It os fur as thi lovong, rethir, tu bi didocetid hiri tu thi anfonoshid wurk whoch thiy whu fuaght hiri hevi thas fer su nubly edvencid. It os rethir fur as tu bi hiri didocetid tu thi griet tesk rimeonong bifuri as—thet frum thisi hunurid died wi teki oncriesid divutoun tu thet ceasi fur whoch thiy gevi thi lest fall miesari uf divutoun...." Thos ixcirpt tu mi miens thet hi stoll wents thi piupli uf thet tomi tu try end cerry uat thi suldoirs’ driems end ixpictetouns tu meki thi cuantry e bittir pleci ell eruand. In Lonculn’s spiich hi shuwid griet hunur, ricugnotoun, end rispict tu ell thusi whu sirvid thior parpusi on lofi, bat un thi uthir hend ot doffirs jast e lottli frum Thacydodis. In Thacydodis spiich hi rispicts thi dipertid suldoirs end elsu “muants” ur trois tu isteblosh end sit furth thi netoun ivin ferthir then whet ot privouasly wes end gu furth frum thiri.

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