Compare And Contrast My Father And Grandmother Macleod

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My Father compare to Grandmother Macleod In the short story “To Set Our House in Order,” written by Margaret Laurence, the narrator, Vanessa, is an adult looking back at an important event from her childhood. This story represents Vanessa’s grandmother Macleod as a very negative woman who is having so many troubles that her son and his family have moved into her house to help since she can no longer afford a housekeeper when the depression goes bad. In my childhood, my experience with my father was similar to Vanessa’s experience with her grandmother. My father was also a negative person who, I believe, had many troubles in his past life too. In my experience, Grandmother Macleod and my father are very much alike in their controlling, in their In the story, Vanessa’s mother is still in the Hospital, so, no one can help with the housework; since, grandmother Macleod likes to keep her house in order at all time, when she says, “ I have never lived in a messy house” (92), so, she hires one girl to do the housework for her without her son approval. Grandmother Macleod shows her judgement attitude by saying, [i]t seems distinctly odd … that youwhen Her son, Ewen, cannot afford to pay anyone because his wife will be going through caesarean. when Ewen says, “Well, I’ll phone Edna, I guess, and see if she can give us a hand …” (92) and she answers’ “I don’t fancy having Edna Connor in to help” (92), and she also ads, “[s]he speaks in such a slangy way” (92). Vanessa’s grandmother does not like aunt Edna to come over to help because she Vanessa’s aunt Edna will teach Vanessa slang language which will mass up her order since grandmother has been trying to teach her granddaughter, Vanessa her tradition so one day she can become a lady like she is My father started his marriage disapproving any male friend that my mother used to have by finding every little mistakes he thought they may had. Then, he did not like us or our friends; beside my father beating or judging me, I really cannot remember day that my father had told me that I did a good job he was always negative to others. My father and Vanessa’s grandmother both have a great common in their judgmental attitudes. Vanessa, the narrator, experiences her grandmother Macleod judgemental attitudes towed Vanessa’s Aunt Edna her mother’s

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