The Importance Of Culture And Society

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There are more than seven billion people living on planet Earth. Of the seven billion people, there exist many cultures that shape every person to act or behave in a specific manner. Society tells the general public how they should be acting and what they should be doing. If a person isn’t doing what society tells them to do, they are going to get some weird looks. Culture and society define each and everyone’s lives so much so that age is big. If a person is old, in some cultures they are praised for living so long, in others, it doesn’t matter. A person’s age can dictate what kinds of activities he or she participates in. Society within culture defines the very person that actively participates in any one culture. With every culture having …show more content…

Every culture has beliefs on subjects that most likely differentiate from culture to culture. Ages in cultures can separate a person from others just because he or she is younger or older. For instance, drinking alcohol before the age of 21 in the United States it’s frowned upon and is even illegal. Overseas in other countries there may be a lower minimum age or none at all. Yet, if a person from another country who is able to legally drink in their home country, travels to the US and is younger than the age of 21, that person would not be able to drink due to the US’s laws and rules. Some cultures believe that it is acceptable at certain ages to partake in specific activities such as drinking alcohol. In many other cultures, the coming of age signifies many things in many other cultures. Some cultures celebrate specific birthdays such as the sixteenth birthday in the US. Being a specific age in some cultures determines what kinds of activities a person shall participate in. The beliefs that cultures believe in, will shape those who reside within it. Although a culture defines where a person comes from, society will shape the person and how he or she

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