Social Norm Essay

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It is evident that we as a society are controlled by socially constructed norms and ideals that dictate our everyday actions, even those that seem simple and innocent. At first, writing a paper about a real life, everyday, example of how I re-enforce normalization seemed impossible. It took me hours to think of a scenario, until finally, I thought, what was one of the first things I did this morning? Get dressed of course! But what could possibly be so unorthodox about that, or how could that even relate to western ideals? After taking a second to critically analyze the way I dress, I have come to the conclusion that everything is wrong about this seemingly insignificant ritual. Almost everyday I go through the same dreadful process of deciding …show more content…

For example, wearing a hijab would be out of the question of what to wear because of the negative connotations it carries within our society. Instead of standing against these unjust norms, I choose to conform, in order to gain maintain acceptance and be more comfortable with my appearance. In addition, another significant aspect of our fashion industries, is their emphasis on classism and its use of clothing in order to widen the gap between the different class structures. By abiding by these standards I am essentially supporting brands such as Prada, that sell their cloths at such a high price, in order to prevent people of a lower class from buying them. The cloths I choose to wear represent my class through the brand, material, style, etc. Therefore, I re-enforce the normalization of classism within my attire, by following societal structures without …show more content…

For example, when my brother wears clothing that doesn 't fit the socially constructed norms of how to dress, (an outfit that doesn 't match) I feel like it’s my duty to comment and force him to wear something that is more “appropriate”. I make him feel like he is embarrassing himself and his family by not conforming to the normalization of white ideals. This is all done so naturally without questioning whether I am robbing him of his own personal autonomy. Ultimately, I participate in our corrupt system and re-enforce its ideals and norms by regulating myself and others to prevent any deviance. When I follow the guidelines engrained within me, I become privileged, as I not only gain acceptance, but a whole new respect that would never exist if I were to walk into a bank with a bikini on. Therefore, although getting dressed may seem like an insignificant and innocent ritual of our daily lives, evidently, it is everything but

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